Exactly. And I don't understand how people can say the controls are perfect if they aren't even customizable (and preferably resizable). This is a solved problem, just look at how other platformers implement this. Max and the Magic Marker and Mos Speedrun are both great examples. On the iPad this should not be optional. This is an issue in every single thread about iPad platformers (I know, this is not a platformer, but it controls as one and here perfect controls are even more important than in a typical platformer because it is so incredibly frantic and fast paced). Peoples hands are different and that matters much more on the iPad than the iPhone.
my experience almost perfectly matches the slide to play review. I too find the controls difficult for some reason and I have experienced poor response from the buttons. I've had several occasions where I tried changing direction ans couldn't get the button to respond. I've actually had a couple times where I sat there and looked directly at the button and tapped it several times with no response (massivley frustrating in a game like this too). And then theres the hit detection... But as I said before, alot of people don't seem to be having trouble with the controls so maybe its just me and slide to play...
SCB has much more responsive controls than muffin knight, I don't get why the controls are getting hate here cause they were fine even before the update
I wanted to start playing Super Crate Box today but when I read this issue I didn't do so. Will the devs fix this bug?
Slide 2 Play awarded Super Crate Box... a 2 of 4... With cons being difficulty... all i can say is... FAIL
QFT. But seriously, I sucked hard at this game too until yesterday, I hated it q: I had no idea you NEEDED to kill the monsters, but when I found out, this game got so much better. It's one of my favorites now.
Not being able to select the ninja really is a non-issue, and certainly shouldn't put anyone off playing the game. Gameplay isn't impacted at all but i'm sure devs will fix in an update. Get playing!
I was just looking through the LoE2 thread and imagining how awesome it would be to play as the main character in SCB... hope the devs tie up and decide to bring a couple of new, unique characters to the game. How about a mini-Frogatto as well?
Just got a new highscore of 140! Finally a game im good at, play a lot of games but suck at them. Just hit 30 million crates! Q: is it a bug that the first and fourth weapon in the the unlock page stay silhouttes?
While I like MK, this review was way over the top. With as much as they compared it to MK, I wonder if they've even played it recently. It's gone from a good game to virtually unplayable. Anyway, difficulty is not a reason to give an app a bad grade.
Gods forbid someone disagree with the fanboys in this thread and find the much tweaked and remixed "clone" superior. SCB has garnered only a few hundred ratings (let alone reviews) on the app store in total. It's only has about 20K players in GC. It's a *niche* game with *niche* appeal and lazy, monotonous design only made difficult by ramping the game speed past the point needed to have it be fun, squishing the size of the levels past cramped, and then adding in over sized hitboxes, so, yes, taking points off for the difficulty is completely valid. After a week of trying to enjoy this game I deleted it and then went and played MK for 40 minutes. Lag pauses or not, it's a much more enjoyable game than SCB could ever be for me. SCB's sense of challenge depends upon pushing your twitch reflexes past the point of your comfort zone to accomplish otherwise relatively ordinary platforming tasks. To me that does not make for good design in a single player game. You can always make a computerized environment or player as fast as you want, so tuning it past the point where your design is challenging and fun for most gamers is a kludge to give the illusion that the game is really hardcore, when faster is all it really is, and many gamers, STP's reviewer and myself included, don't see pushing our twitch reflexes that far as *fun*. I gave it 3 stars on the app store and wouldn't consider it any higher. The endless Vlambeer fluffing may now resume