Well I could have swore they lowered the difficulty as before updating I was getting around 30-40 on the first level and adter updating I'm now getting close to 150? Maybe I'm better or just found some patience to now have a strategy who knows? But the game is still fun anyway. Thats what matters
I've pretty much given up on this game. I've played it a fair bit now and I'm just getting nowhere. I think I've gotten 10 crates maybe two or three times. I can't get on with the controls - find them strangely twitchy yet occasionally completely unresponsive. I also can't get used to the collision detection. I continually make jumps that I think are safe only to die anyway. Yet I know there are many folks who love it and are getting scores I can't even fathom so obviously its something about me thats cuasing my issues. Oh well...on to the next one I guess.
Woot, just reached 141 crates in Moon Temple Normal and 34 crates in SFMT. This game is soooo addicting, I can't stop playing
Some people said the total crates number has been hacked to 40 million, but still sais 25 million at me
Wow toucharcade gave the game 5 stars, deserved. Well done Vlambeer Goed gedaan Vlambeer jij weet wel wat dit betekent
Ik ook But man, only because of the review on TA I found out that if you don't kill the little monsters they spawn back at the top again o_o
For those wondering: the game did not get easier. That would be completely in against our own design. We're glad you all are enjoying the update - we'll be taking a 48 hour nap now the update is done & Ridiculous Fishing got nominated for the IGF (!), but we'll be back planning and starting on new Super Crate Box updates as soon as we wake up
Wow, I can't believe I just found out a dude who gets to the bottom comes back as red... I thought a ton of red guys just randomly start showing up the longer you play. That's why I lose so bad when I just try to avoid guys without killing them, silly me
I haven't noticed any difficulty change at all. I'm getting slightly higher scores than before, but that's because of the control tweaks. For all of you saying it's WAY EASIER now... perhaps you're... improving?
I love this game. writing a review now, I'll post it when I'm done. unless you guys don't want to see it of course.
Glad I'm not imagining that it isn't any easier. Saw a slight improvement due to the controls and scrolling, but definately didn't think it was easier.
Nice! I would be kinda mad if they changed the difficulty. The difficulty level of the game is one thing I admire about the game. If the game was easier, it wouldn't be as fun when I achieved a high score.
Took a fair few deaths (~70) but I finally unlocked the croc Fantastic Game. Loved the pc version also.
Hmm I'm surprised the game didn't get easier, haha. Really felt easier for me, since I had such a dramatic improvement on all my scores for all the levels. Anyways, will the timer in statistics be fixed next update?
Has anybody unlocked EVERYTHING.. I wrote before about Spoiler unlocking the ninja but not being able to see him on the character select screen and thought I had everything but I just unlocked a new character for scoring over 10 on ambush on the moon palace and now have 36/35 unlocks and 102% completion?! It was a pretty cool surprise but now im wondering if theres more..