Sunbirds pre-order (Appsolute and Symphony Games)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by DanielKM, Feb 14, 2018.

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  1. Hi all,

    I'm shortly before releasing my first app and want to share some pre-release excitement with you. The game is called Sunbirds and it's a two touch mashup of casual game mechanics.

    One thumb controlls your bird swinging through the clouds (where I put special emphasis on smooth wheightless glide feeling). The other thumb triggers your fellow birds, that you can use as bullets to clear away the sqheres blocking your way.

    Though it's not just and endless flyer, but is divided into distinct trials that can be mastered with different levels of grace, which turns it into an addicting multiplayer experience.

    I'm teaming up with Appsolute Games for the release, which will be estimated on February 22. Until then it is available for pre-order in the App Store.

    Here are some visuals:

  2. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Very pretty; I’m in.
  3. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    Hmmmmm. Interesting!
    I’m in!! #
  4. Maslan266

    Maslan266 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2017
    Pretty graphics! Very much reminds me of Gathering Sky. I think I will play it when I get it.

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