I'm going throw invites your way when I get back into SW full-time, but right now I'm investing more time in KoDP, Le Havre, Nightfall (Martial Law) and FTL. Also, all my hype at this point is reserved for Through the Ages. That game is going to be so good
That was his tournament and it never even started. He wanted everyone to use five factions and you could pick any five. That was pretty broad as far as I'm concerned. "Five-for-fighting.". Remember? Meanwhile, our own little private tournament has restrictions and everyone seems content (note to all: six of us set up our own private tourney on challonge - five games round robin, each game a different faction plus other restrictions).
I would define "spirit of the game" as placing the responsibility for fairness on all players. If players all elect to play only the strongest factions because winning is everything, well....you can have that environment. I'm not interested. My most played faction is FK and that's almost at the bottom of the heap. I feel (rightly or wrongly, according to your perceptions) that I have a responsibility to mix it up. Not only for weaker opponents but to provide variety. Btw, there has been no reference to a tournament where only two factions would be used. However, if no restrictions are in place, *some* players will undoubtedly play only the strongest factions.
If you choose whatever faction you like, and I choose whatever faction I like, that's fair. Everyone had the same choice.
Just for kicks, I'll post a brief report when the private round robin ends and explain the restrictions (which no one had a problem with). Onewithchaos wants our next tournament to be each player can only use one faction, his choice. No one seems to have a problem with that either (yet). I'll be happy to let you know how that one goes too. Chaos has already reserved Vanguard. I've chosen JE and FK and if someone else wants one of those, I'll take the other.
Omg. I know Duke is watching. Lol. You'll drag it out to death, right David? Not worth my time. I said my piece and it is really not a big deal, since I'll play anything (but Cloaks). Have fun with it. Time to sleep.
Theres nothing unfair about someone playing the better factions more. happens all the time in literally every single fighting game that's ever existed-- from melee to street fighter. and people still play those games and are some of the best games ever made and tournaments still are played without any sort of silly rule restrctions. there has never been a serious melee tournament that players can't use fox/falco/sheik. some factions will be better than others. thats just how the game goes. even brawl which by and large everyone agrees MK is absurdly strong is still played without this nonsense.
There has been no mention of any competitive tournament with a straight restriction on usage of GD/TO/PE. People are free to create single deck tourneys. The tourney I had started placed absolutely no restriction on deck selection other than that you had to pick five decks and you would not be able to select the order in which you want to use them. Deck restriction among friends is perfectly fine and shouldn't annoy anyone. Also, a final word on the supremacy of at least GD, if not PE and TO, even veterans of the game at the PHG forums agree that GD is a top tier faction that almost always takes top place at tournaments and is so straightforward that it's boring on most builds. PE still has a paper thin summoner open to assassinations if you are not careful, so they are not nearly as boring, but still very bean counter-ish. And TO is just plain annoying with the Thwarters, beastly summoner and Krung.
Doesn't particularly annoy me but to restrict teams for the "spirit of the game" or "fairness" is what is wrong.
I'm not playing with those people. I originally posted saying that we should just have a normal tournament with no excess rules because it'd be a lot more easier to play and potentially attract more people to play-- and just make more sense. and amn explained why he thinks its better to have a tournament with additional rules, and I explained why I think its better not to play with additional rules.
It might make sense to have a couple different kinds of tournaments. Because different people have different ideas of what the "spirit of the game" is. But the community isn't so big that fighting with each other about what the "spirit of the game" is, helps.
Create your tournament and advertise it here so people can start playing. Talking is only going to take you so far. In addition, the only tourney Alan talked about is a private tourney and its rules should really be of no concern to you.
I don't have enough time to organize my own tournament. I'd like to play in one but not create it. I really don't see the problem in talking. His rules don't concern me in the sense that I'm trying to change his private tournament. I'm trying to get someone to start a normal tournament and get more people to participate in it.
Well, organizing a tournament isn't really time consuming. You'll need maybe 10 minutes to create the tourney at challonge and then just advertise the signup page here. When you have enough people, start the tourney and people can go about their business playing their games and reporting the scores.
Just got into this game and send some invites.Add me if anyone want to play against me(id in signature). Some information for the pros A tournament is about to start on phg so all those who want can sign up for it http://www.plaidhatgames.com/sum_forums/showthread.php?2103-OFFICIAL-Summoner-Wars-iOS-October-Tournament-Thread On a side note,just played some online games and strange no ranking system has been introduced in online play. I thought it won't be too difficult as the server keeps track of the win/loss ratios.