Faction vs faction stats are available. Tap on the faction name in either personal or globals stats and you'll see them. Note that there is a bug with personal stats that they are only updated the first time you connect to the online server after you completely relaunch the app.
I'm still not used to anticipating those Lioneers, I've only had 3 JE matches. And never played as them.
Now that was a fair deserving loss, very poor plays from me, mostly from having played PE so little. All this is making me just more pissed off at you for that forfeit yesterday
FK vs GD has always been a very swing match for me, sometimes I've crushed GD with FK other times I'm left scrambling for cover. Oh boy, VG vs FK, not a matchup I enjoy lol. Well, I don't like playing against but I love plaing as them. They're so fun!
Vote for Summoner Wars for GOTW now! Guys, Summoner Wars has a slim lead in the GOTW voting, but Outwitters is gaining on it! SW really needs the extra exposure as there is hardly any coverage of it on the iOS gaming scene (including TA) whereas Outwitters is plastered everywhere. Go and add your vote now before the deadline tomorrow!
Seems true. Im always struggling when i play your TO. LOL I hate CG and PE rushes though, they almost always kill my summoner right away. I mean while playing as FK.
Well, it depends, rushing can quickly be countered with a forced summon and they have catchup events, combine those with LotD and rushing FK can very easily backfire.
relsircspotcat, sorry but that was just not acceptable anymore. I rolled Heaven's Rain twice, and that's a simple 3+ ability, nothing special like WoiS, and I rolled a 1 and a 2. Your next 15 rolls were hits... yeah, that's enough to put me off the game for a while.
yeah, I was also expecting heaven's rain to hit. I guess that's just bad luck and probabilities. let's play again some other time.
Why would that put you off the game? For a 3+ ability there's a 3/6 chance you get a hit. So two critical misses isn't a surprise. Normal rolls hit on 4/6 die faces so they are more likely to hit. 15 in a row is really bad luck but not outside the realm of possibility since the odds favor it to happen anyways. I'm getting steamrolled in 2 games right now cause I can't get a hit to save my life (literally) but I just focus more on strategy and I'm still holding my own
3+ is 3 or more than 3. Like a normal hit, 4/6. And the two misses were on two separate rolls, in two rounds. It's easy to say you're still holding your own if you can decent rolls and your opponent isn't rolling 5s and 6s. When the dice turn on you it can get very ugly very quickly. I still absolutely love the game, but the dice can be annoying at times.
Ohi, did you know Hero Academy and Outwitters have no rolls? Those are like the best rolls ever! Also, because good rolls have a higher probability of occurring. Furthermore, it's just as nuts when the opponent scratches on big rolls or critical rolls. I just played someone from the PHG forums and he rolled some really bad dice with PE, which is doubly infuriating because most of time you don't need to roll dice with PE. But when he needed those dice they failed him, miserably. I scratched on a big 3 dice roll too, snake eyes. Well, if snakes have 3 eyes