Universal Summoner Wars (Plaid Hat Games + Playdek)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Vernimator, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. telengard

    telengard New Member

    May 24, 2011
    There's always my pc/mac version which plays over RDP clients. ;)
    I do want to port it to iOS someday, but it could never make it onto the app store due to the license.

  2. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    #382 sapphire_neo, Jul 7, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2012
    I see the TouchArcade Staff is at the forefront of iOS news reporting yet again. All sorts of news from 'Angry Birds Freebies' to 'Tiny Wings 2 Teasers' but no mention of Summoner Wars. Keep it up you mighty vanguards of iOS journalism.

    Just to add to that, no mention of Le Havre either :)
  3. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    Yes, why don't they rush out a review within hours of the app's appearance? I can't understand why they would post news about games that have been downloaded literally MILLIONS of times. /sarcasm

    FWIW, I could really care less about Angry Birds or Tiny Wings, and have both Summoner Wars and Le Harve, but I don't understand the negativity from someone who has over a thousand posts and has been a member for over a year. Perhaps you'd like the "news" and "reviews" over at Slide to Play instead? Personally, I prefer an editor who is more than 16-years-old, but maybe that's just me.
  4. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    All that great editing is how the Love Me Not incident happened, or did that still never happen ;)

    Le Havre has been out for over a week, while Dead Trigger received a review within a matter of days. Your excuses hold no water, sir. In addition I didn't ask for reviews but mentions, like the kind you see for all major apps on they day they come out.

    My posts on the forum have very little to do with the site's content. I'm here for the community and not what reviews and news they post.
  5. sizzlakalonji

    sizzlakalonji Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Apr 16, 2009
    Indiana, USA
    If you're only here for the community, and not what reviews and news they post, then why are you complaining about the news they post?
  6. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2008
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    Orlando, FL
    At the risk of being accused of jumping to the aid of the TA overlords I will say that some devs offer advance copies to sites for reviews. In many cases the review is done and waiting in a queue for the embargo to lift so it can be posted.

    Games like Le Havre and Summoner Wars are really deep and will require time to review even by the freelance writers. There also may not be someone that loves iOS board games as much as we do so there isn't someone to take the lead. An example would be any of the reviews by Blake, he is a wealth of retro gaming knowledge and any retro inspired review he posts immediately grabs my attention.

    And just so I acknowledge both sides of the argument: It wouldn't hurt to post that it was released... On the back of Ascension alone you would think Playdek could get a post. Hell, Tiny Wings 2 got an announcement minutes after it was announced, even though it was only a teaser with no actual gameplay.

    There was also no post on Apple sending out corrupted binaries which would have been really useful and could remind everyone to re-rate apps. That probably had more to do with admins not being online or unclear info while it was happening.

    Just my thoughts
  7. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    I'm complaining about their news because they are clearly held in high stead by most iOS gamers and games. Niche games like Le Havre and Summoner Wars which come from well established developers in their genre and are based on incredible physical counterparts deserve to be shone a light on so a wider audience (one that TA commands) can be informed of them.
  8. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    The review argument wasn't really one I wanted to make because a single mention on the front page alone can do wonders for an app's visibility and that's all I expected. A review can come whenever they feel like posting it, like in the case of Love Me Not they feel like never re-posting it :rolleyes:
  9. peilei

    peilei Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Someone needs to port the Warhammer Invasion LCG... I enjoyed A Game of Thrones LCG, but Warhammer would be a great fit for iOS.
  10. The Son of Anarchy

    The Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Hmmm... at the risk of mentioning something that shouldnt be mentioned, what's this mysterious case of Love Me Not? I'm curious now...
  11. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    Love Me Not is a game by UNCADE which received a 5-star review from TouchArcade but the review was later removed because the editor didn't feel the game deserved 5 stars. His excuse was that the review had gone unedited because of E3 and WWDC workload. The story is reasonable up to that point. But now, the review with the edited changes has never come back nor has TA posted any article saying why the review was removed or what they will be doing to rectify the issue. It's been nearly a month since the incident and their stand has been to act as if nothing ever happened. The game even received a universal update recently and it was a great chance for TA to redeem themselves by posting about the update and the review incident. Their behavior in this case has pretty much set my expectations of them now.
  12. The Son of Anarchy

    The Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Mmm, interesting... hence the 'did it really even happen?' comment earlier. Thanks for taking the time to clarify and satisfy my curiosity, much appreciated.
  13. Gabriel.Voyager

    Gabriel.Voyager Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    IT Consultant
    Turin - Italy
    #393 Gabriel.Voyager, Jul 7, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2012
    Please help me, i'm waiting SW for ages and now... I don't like it :(
    There isn't a campaign for the single player, neither with a stupid plot, the campaign would give me a sense of progression.
    The deck building interface is a mess, i don't understand nothing and there isn't a really help.
    The interface in game is confusing, the font is not readable and is so ugly, the color confuse me ( orange text on red!?) there isn't floating label like magic that give me a quick look to attack / health of the card and no big icon for his special attribute ( like eagle eye for example) all so tiny also in the zoom view of the card.
    For a digital porting of a board game you can't porting the card "as is" you have to adapt the card to the digital interface.
    I have never played Magic before the launch of the app and i understand all of the game in no time, in SW all seem so difficult for me to understand and enjoy, i have to say that the interface is not so good for a newbie.

    Maybe this article about the design of the interface of Magic for iPad would help to understand what i mean when i said that you have to adapt a card game to the digital interface with touch screen:

    Please no one have a quick guide to help me enjoy this game? I really want to enjoy, but for now i dislike it because is so uncessable and boring to play.

    P.S i play SW on iPad2 and yes i've played the tutorial and yes i've purchased the bundle pack
  14. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    The complaints that you have listed make it very unlikely that you'll be able to enjoy the game, you're probably better off spending more time with Magic.
  15. Ashenor

    Ashenor Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2010
    Metro Detroit
    Man I suck ha. Almost won twice now and lost with my summoner being somewhere he should not be. Trying elves and cave dwarfs so far.
  16. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    A campaign would give you a sense of progression... But to what end? You aren't gaining new cards and SW isn't working with years and years of mythos. There are single player campaign matches (I played one against Ret-Talus) but since there are only 4 AI in this build it would be a very short campaign.

    As for the attack and health info, it's clearly visible on every card. It's actually the ONLY info that is always clearly visible. Large number on a card is the attack and the little dots are hit points.

    Icons for every ability would be worthless. Almost every unit type in the game has a different ability. There would be so many icons that it would be impossible to keep track of them. The devs seem to have only made icons for abilities that effect other units and that works really well.

    I don't know what to say about the boredom... MtG is faster passed because attacking is simplified. Summoner Wars is like chess in that you are strategically moving pieces and thinking ahead there isn't a way to make that more exciting... You either like those kinds of games or you don't :/
  17. heavensblade23

    heavensblade23 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2010
    Not everything needs a campaign. Its a board/card game, its meant to be played with others.
  18. Gabriel.Voyager

    Gabriel.Voyager Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    IT Consultant
    Turin - Italy
    There is a missunderstood, i don't say that magic is better than SW as a game.
    Are different game and my approach to SW is like it was a fantasy turn based tactical game (like FFT for example)
    What i mean with my rants is that the game interface, the UI of magic for iPad is light years better than the interface of SW, specifically for a newbie like me.

    About the campaign Food Fight have a capaign and for me a campaign in SW maybe can help me to approach the game gradually.
  19. heavensblade23

    heavensblade23 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2010
    Magic 2013 had a multimillion dollar budget, its not surprising its more polished.

    If youre not into the game part then youre just not into it. Magic is pretty much the standard for card games, its hard to make a better game.
  20. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    Neuroshima Hex doesn't have a campaign, but the way Neuroshima Hex Puzzle is set up with its pseudo-story description of the upcoming "fight" shows how one could easily work for that game. Food Fight also has a campaign, and that kept me playing at a single stretch for quite a bit longer than simple stand-alone matches would have.

    If SW did introduce a basic campaign (available to paying customers) and story, consisting of multiple battles against all of the various factions, with each fight having a different opponent deck composition and initial setup, I'd probably be inclined to play more of it in one go (and be brought back more often) than I would just playing skirmishes.

    AI counts as "others", and a solid AI tends to be one of the most requested features in digital card/board games for a reason. You might be surprised at the number of people who just aren't that interested in playing with or against live players (or are simply unable to).

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