Universal Summoner Wars (Plaid Hat Games + Playdek)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Vernimator, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. nosoup4crr

    nosoup4crr Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
    Just a few quick questions which weren't completely answered without buying cards. Are event cards and initial setup locked based on the main guy you choose? Meaning, can I change what event cards are in my deck or change my initial setup?

    Are there plans for more cards?
  2. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    No you can't change events. The game is too finely tuned to allow that. Otherwise we'd all use the Tundra Orcs, freeze every enemy, then club their summoner to death in under 4 turns.

    Starting positions are locked as well to insure fair starts for all factions. The units on the card are locked as well so they can't be removed from your deck.

    Each faction has a reinforcement deck with new champions and commons that will let you change strategies.

    There are at least 8 more factions that are coming later (so 16 total) and they all play differently.
  3. lookmanohands

    lookmanohands Active Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Great game, but I have one major issue with Summoner Wars:


    Fix this Playdek!
  4. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    Just to add to that, the physical game is eventually getting one new summoner for each faction and the events are tied to the summoners. But this is something you probably won't see in the app for at least another year.
  5. soldat7

    soldat7 Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    #365 soldat7, Jul 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2012
    -I really don't like clicking on the dice all the time
    -The upside down cards still throw me off
    -The font could stand to be a little more readable on the iPad 3
    -Scrolling through the factions should not be a circular list. It should really have a scroll bar and terminate at the bottom. This will become a nightmare once more factions are added.
    -Could use sharper more Retina-ized graphics

    The game is soooooo good. I'll be playing this one for years.
  6. Strangiato

    Strangiato Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    I've never played Dreamblade, but I did play WoW Minis with a bunch of guys who were competitive Dreamblade players before that game went under. They had a lot of good things to say about it, except that one unit apparently ruined the game. Dreamblade was from WotC, right?

    You might be interested to know that the core engine used to develop Summoner Wars (and Ascension, Nightfall, etc.) was previously used to implement the WoW Miniatures game. I had almost every unit in the first 2 sets working correctly. It was an ugly PC interface, but network play was supported. This is how I was originally in contact with Justin Gary and John Fiorillo (who designed Ascension) because they had designed WoW Minis for Upper Deck. It was only ever used to play the game within my circle of friends - being based on a Blizzard property several limited any possibility of distribution.
  7. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    #367 rekirtS, Jul 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2012
    The most important advice I can give is to BUILD MAGIC. If you're not using your commons that turn build them as magic. Cycles your deck to get to your champs and imba events (magic drain, reinforcements both really good).

    Also only summon commons if they're attacking that turn or otherwise are going to be useful... do not give your opponent free magic. Instead cycle them as said above for the champions.

    Uhhh don't hold onto events for too long don't be afraid to cycle them too, though some better ones such as Magic Drain you can hold onto. But if it looks like you're gonna have the creature advantage for a long time dump it.

    Otherwise an easy strat to win is to summon a couple of champs and support them with a couple of commons. Atleast for the AI.

    If you have the PE reinforcement pack I use the Maelsomething champ, the fire dragon summoner, and the fire drake. Keep your summoner safe hes the most brittle at four life, though if a lone creature comes by without anyone else take him out with his ability. Keep your commons out of attacking range... You should be alright then. Goodluck!

    Edit: couple of musings...
    Only go after the enemy champion if you have something to gain from it. Random potshots from your commons is sometimes not worth giving up attacking his commons and gaining magic. Attack enemy champions if you can CONTINUE your attack. Doesn't matter if hes at 1 lifepoint if he cannot be followed up by anything, you've instead given up alot of magic not attacking him.

    This is especially true for the TO's summoner, damn guy is beefy, hard to assassinate.

    Good starting decks again are Tundra Orcs and Pheonix elves. Stay away from cloaks and vanguard.
  8. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    Speaking of setup, the initial setup and and event/phase reference cards found in the deck builder are incredibly low resolution, far more so than any other card in the game. We're not talking simple "non-retina" low-res here, but more in the realm of "photo of the physical card was taken with a circa-1998 webcam" low-res.
  9. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    A Protip about building magic (which I probably shouldn't give out since a lot of you are getting better faster than I would like ;))

    If you have a common that looks like it will killed soon by a unit with lots of hit points... Retreat and kill it with your own units. You still lose the unit but now you get a magic point instead of your opponent.

    Also, if you are new to the game DO NOT use the Tundra Orcs. They are known as "the gambler's deck" for a reason. If you don't know how to use them you will be playing with pure luck. Players with limited experience like me will crush your units and leave your shamans for last since they misfire often. Use the Guild Dwarves, it's a solid deck that is slow and heavy on defense but the summoner's wall hugging ability means you can survive sneak attacks or strategic errors
  10. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    Eh... They have alot of dice rolls and stuff but the average damage on all of their champs are great. Their commons a little more hit and miss. Fury frenzies are fun!
  11. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    True, but with shamans doing 2 damage or nothing and smashers having sluggish and can easily be neutralized in a single turn if you have a unit able to do 2 damage, you're forced to depend on fighters and fury fling them at your enemy.

    Block fighters with walls and tanks, swarm smashers, leave the shamans alone, and retreat wounded units as martyrs for your magic pile. Unless a new player is a great strategist you'll need a lot of luck to get the magic necessary for a champion unless you catch someone unaware.

    They're a lot of fun to use but new players generally get frustrated quickly and want to change races in my experience
  12. pjft

    pjft Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
    That's a pro-tip if I ever heard one! Thank you very much sir. :)

    Who do I need to give my GC to be added to these shenanigans? I'm pjft, feel free to add me. I'll try to play a bit, though since I'm only on my iPad don't count on me playing a game during my work day, sorry.

  13. heringer

    heringer Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2011
    That's a great tip. Thanks!
  14. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    This game is amazing though. I've been playing alot the past few days.

    Guild Dwarves are really tough to beat with the Vanguards. The hero who takes 0 damage unless all dice hit is a nightmare! let alone they have probably the best events in the game... magic drain AND reinforcments AND a hero has risen. Very strong.
  15. Strangiato

    Strangiato Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    I can't remember the last time I've actually played A Hero Is Born. It almost always goes straight to the magic pile. Vanguards are probably the best case for use since a lot of they strength relies on getting a big champion on the board with Sera behind to heal.

    Baldur is easier to take down with 1 AV attacks, which is easier for the Vanguards to do since most of their commons fit that description.

    The Guild Dwarf heroes are each particularly strong in a matchup against one of the other starter set factions - Gror vs. Goblins, Baldur vs Orcs, and Thorkur vs Elves.
  16. GSJ1977

    GSJ1977 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2012
    This sounds like the sort of game I would love if I had more time... and a younger, less damaged brain.
  17. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    Ya depends on the faction I guess. Hero is born is good for pulling the best counterpick champ. But if I get it too late it goes to magic pile.

    I don't really summon alot of commons as VG. Only priests and guardian knights have 1 power (and angels I guess but not my style), and priests I try to keep alive. But yeah its the best option.
  18. Snooper

    Snooper Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Any pointers with Jungle Elves. Can't really get them to work for me.
  19. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    #379 rekirtS, Jul 7, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2012
    Either common heavy or champ heavy.

    champ heavy
    you should be looking to get miti on the board. Cycle through your commons alot, only play them if you're getting any magic from them. Miti/two of your favorite bow users prob fine. I like the Far shot one and the stay still double power one, but the other is fine if you cast CoG on it. Once miti hits the board you can wreck, back it up with a few creatures /chant of haste/life.

    Common heavy
    The JE deck I like uses a couple of the cheap Merc Champs (the plauge one and the shadow summon bird) and the far shot archer. Cheap champions so you can play alot of elephants/gorillas/lioneers. Summon more powerful commons than theirs but don't completely overwhelm the board otherwise you'll get hit by magic drains/reinforcements. try to have an advantage before they get all their champions out or you're gonna be in a for a bad time. remember you can't use your chants on non-elf units.

    General tips:
    -Careful for the lionesses getting your way. can be pretty annoying. But as a whole 2 power for 1 magic is a good deal. but they're awfully brittle so don't put a ton in the deck.
    -Not a big fan of archers I'd remove them all from the deck but the two you start with, and keep those alive if possible. But if you see them dieing soon kill them yourself.
    -gorrila's: awesome unit, but don't expect them to proc too often but when they do they're good for good damage. Good to kill off heroes!
    -lioneer: Funnest part about the JE's. If their summoner is weak find an open lane (via chant of deception if you need to), and take a shot at their summoner (boost up with your own summoner too). 4 die is awesome. often times only takes 2 lioneers to win the game. opponent will always have to close the lanes.
    -elephants good unit love these guys against aggro. elephants against commons gorrila's vs champions.
    -Miti amazing synergy with just about every chant. a total tank. Deception into the face of their summoner. haste to kill commons trying to surround him. growth to outduel summoners/champs. and life to keep him on the table.
    use deception on power shot archer so she doesnt have to move and gets four dice.
    Growth on the double shot archer gives her 4 power for 1 turn.
    - BUILD MAGIC ALOT. your commons and champions are expensive in either deck. Throw away any commons you're not using that turn (unless to hold onto maybe a lioneer or elephant if you see yourself needed one soon (lioneer-assassinate, elephant-commons)). Don't hold onto events too long.

    And don't be afraid to use your summoner on turn 1. He starts in a good position to pick off any commons left on your opponents frontline. Most the time I try not to trade my lioneer for one of their commons though, only use it to attack turn 1 if you can get away.
  20. Snooper

    Snooper Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2011
    Appreciate that. I'll get to work :)

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