I am dying for someone to fork over 10 bucks for the premium edition of Mad Circus Escape: The Horse Race to Escape the Freak Show
Have you bought "the quest"too? Anyway,there is also Bioshock which is totally worth getting if you're into fps' and if your device is iphone 5+/ipad 4+
If you are into "Zelda" like puzzles, I'm working on an upcoming game called "Oraia Rift", it's mixture of spells and Zelda like puzzles! Check my signature
Remove oac from your list,I've played it for over 2 years and spent like 70-80 $ on it and the result is pay2win,greed and free2play,such a waste...though I must say that I've met some really good people there and I'm still chatting with them via iMessage and oovoo,but the game has been devoured by gameloft's greed so don't bother playing it. These words are coming from the true veteran of the game.
Cubix Challenge If you like puzzle games there's Cubix Challenge.... https://itunes.apple.com/app/id994394600 I just released it on Friday (first app), well received so far! It's a slow-paced, methodical puzzler. Here's the TA thread on it.... http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=264485
You should play Need for Madness Multiplayer. it's a fun game where you can race or destroy other players from around the world! Join the madness now: http://multiplayer.needformadness.com/
Check out games which have been nominated for game of the week. People nominate the games so that's often a way of checking out potentially the vet games of the week
Bought and tried all games mentioned so far . Almost all are worth trying... Sage is really good . Suggestions are always wanted