Universal Subway Surfers (By Kiloo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, May 23, 2012.

  1. eikichionizuka69

    May 17, 2013
    ah, just notice the setting [​IMG]

    thanks [​IMG]
  2. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    No offense intended, Jeppe, and my love of all things Kiloo is well-docmented, but FWIW, and this is only one guy's opinion, this pretty much turns a fun game into a potential chore for me.

    I'm a bit saddened to learn that I'll essentially be trying to match my skill for someone else's wallet and endless supply of free time.

    I'm pretty psyched to have gotten scores above 2 million without using boards or keys, and I'm seeing players (Not even on my friend's list? Another topic for sure...) in my pool with scores topping 40 million?

    I'm sure others can supply precise figures, but how long would it take someone to reach 40 million? I'm guessing there aren't many doing so in one sitting, so they're essentially nursing one run, at the expense of actually playing the game? No thanks. I guess I'd rather enjoy the game as a game and not an expedition wherein I'm not likely to ultimately compete with people with more time and/or money to expend.

    Yeah, looks like this will be one award I won't hold out much hope of winning. Kind of a bummer.

    Maybe institute a "poor/busy" class? :p;):)

    Sorry for the critique, but it's how I'm feeling about it. I still love you guys. :)

  3. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    #1183 ChiroVette, Jun 21, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2014
    To offer a counter opinion, I like the way it is set up. I don't see how boards and keys are a detriment to the game, considering that I think most people like them, including myself. However, something to keep in mind is that you aren't competing for THE tops spot, per se. To get the award you have to only be within the top spots in the first, second, and third rank. From what I can see, there are literally tons of spots that will get you the award.

    There are what looks like ten spots in Rank1. There are probably a lot more in Rank2 and 3. The point is that if you can get a score of 2 million without boards, great. Go with that score. From everything I see, you will NOT have to get scores of 40 million to get the award. I bet the 2 million you get with no keys and boards would be fine to get you the award. I am looking at my iPad, right now, and my high score for this week is 26 million. So first thing, yes, I nursed that score. But really, to get 26 million, you only need to run your score up to about 17 million, and when the final score is tabulated, taking your collected coins into account, then there is the 26 million.

    To answer your time question, I have figured out that at 30X multiplier and using a Score Booster at the beginning of your run, it takes between 8 and ten minutes per million points (showing in your run, not total final score with coins). So to nurse a 17 million score, yeah it will take about 2.5 hours of actual playing time, plus any pause breaks.

    But right now, just FYI, I am looking at my iPad, and if I am seeing the leaderboard, I am the top score in the USA at the moment. The next highest score is about 9.87 million! This is not insurmountable, nor are we talking insane amount of hours.



    Notice that the scores go way down quickly? 5th ans 6th place IN RANK 1 are in the low 2 millions (right around your ballpark) and the 7th place in Rank 1 is in the 700 thousands! You telling me you can't place high enough to get the awards?

    Just check your stats in comparison to all the people on the Rank list. By the way, here is something to think about: Could you see your way to compromising a little? Meaning, okay, you don't want to nurse a 40 million point score, which would require you get to about 26 million showing in your run (before final tally) and would take about four hours of gameplay plus breaks. I totally respect that.

    So why not just allow yourself x-amount of hoverboards and x-amount of keys? Say you will make a commitment to only use, oh, I don't know, at most 25 boards in your run, and, say three "Save me" restarts (amounting to 7 keys 1 + 2 + 4)?

    My point is that you don't have to sell your soul to the spirit of keys nd hoverboards to get, say a ten million point score. That would require about 6.5 million points showing + collected coins added to final tally. That should easily get you to the award and would require under an hour of play time.

    You know what? My high score forcing myself to use no board and keys is about 8 million (5 million showing plus final calculation). That took me all of about 45 minutes. I am sure you are better at playing this game with no boards and keys than I am. So we are not talking about spending countless hours on your device here. Spend an HOUR (plus breaks) playing a game you love, and use some boards and keys for the sole purpose of getting the award.

    It looks like there may be HUNDREDS of open slots to get the award. lol You think that Kiloo is going to award this one ONLY to maniacs like me willing to nurse a 26 million points score? lol My high is like 78+ million. :)
  4. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    Agreed. We have a different opinion. ;)

    For the record, I am currently the only one of my actual friends even visible in the "Top Run" section, which only serves to strengthen my original position.

    While I'm truly happy you enjoy the game in the way you choose, the way it's currently set up, your particular opinion is the only one ostensibly supported, which is precisely why I bothered writing.

    IAH, I've got literally hundreds of games spread over three different iOS devices with new ones coming out every week, so I surely won't die without SS. As I said previously, it's just kind of a bummer to have what could be construed as a "pay-to-win" set-up (more boards + more keys = higher scores) directly connected to goals or objectives.

    Not the end of the world, but not comfortable either.

  5. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    #1185 ChiroVette, Jun 22, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2014
    I hear you, but I don't necessarily see it as a "Pay To Win" situation. You don't have to use micro-transactions to pay real cash for coins and keys. You get tons of boards, keys, coins, and Score Booster powerups by just playing the game regularly.

    I think it was you in this forum who once said that we should all play SS how we want to play, and I agreed with you then as I do now. However, when Kiloo created things like hoverboards and keys, they were done to augment the game, not to take away from it. As you said, you shouldn't feel obligated to play the way I do. But in your previous post, I believe you grossly overestimated the time and effort needed to get the Award. That was my real point.

    By the way, from am old school gamer point of view I can understand your objection to keys, even though I think they are awesome. However, why be against hoverboard? Arguably, the only purpose of keys in the game is to give you a new life, right? There is no associated gameplay elements, other than a fresh restart. But hoverboards give you cool jumping and spinning animations and add an element of strategy. Meaning, that during the cool down period actually forces you to pay attention to when the hoverboard runs out, and in some ways having a board activated makes it harder. I can't tell you how many times I didn't realize a board ran out and I was in a cool down and crashed, where I may not have if I hadn't used a board.

    Again, different strokes, I guess. But don't think that the manic SS players like me, using the crap out of boards and keys will stop you from getting the award for the Rank positions. They won't.
  6. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Just an update, particularly for Drummerboycroy:

    I ended up with the top score in Rank1, at least on my list, with the score I posted 26+ Million. However, and this is important: There are many slots in Rank1 all the way through Rank5, which is all you need to get on in order to get the Award.

    Not only that, but looking at my final Rank screen, only like the first TWO people had ridiculous scores, mine and one guy at over 10 million. The 3rd and fourth place of Rank1 were in the 4 and 5 millions, and after that, the next two were scores around your high, Drummerboycroy! All the scores after that in Ranks 1 through 5 were UNDER a million! Seriously, this should not be a burden for you to get your award and compete. Further, there were a huge amount of EMPTY slots.
  7. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    Hey there Jeppe,

    Just a heads up, my score of 1.5 million still hasn't shown up, almost 2 days later (I waited until the new week's counter started to run).

    I should be number 5 in the Gold group, but I'm not even on the board?

    Not sure it matters, but none of the 15+ scores currently in my Top Run list are on my friends list...

  8. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Its because of your refusal to use hoverboards, keys. You have been disqualified from the Rankings. :p

    lol Seriously, you may have started or ended your run when you weren't connected to the Internet and so the score wasn't counted?
  9. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    That is an excellent question! You currently cannot see the time left on the tournament but it is a good idea that it is somewhere. We will see if a timer can be added to the "Pause" screen. There isn't much space but we will look into it.

    You do need to finish the run for either the High Score or Top Run. In some cases when the game crashes the score is registered (but not the coins, as that is the next step), but that should not be the way someone is submitting scores, anyway :p

    Ranks 1, 2 and 3 are all, respectively, Gold, Silver and Bronze, which translates to the top 10% players on the entire country, the top 20% and the top 30%.

    Since it is an ongoing competition, it can of course change until the end of the tournament, but if you have a decent foothold in, for example, rank 1, you can be pretty sure you are on the top 10% of the country for that tournament.

    You can always check the leaderboard to see if anything has changed between runs.

    We have purposefully made the award accessible, by making the requirements rank 1-5, to avoid making it impossible for "free users" and forcing people to pay for completion.

    You raise valid points regarding paying to win. Ultimately, the concept of boards and keys is to allow players to play further and try to beat their score or their friends'.

    There are systems in place to prevent "nursing" a score too much, though. The exponentially increasing cost of the "Save Me" feature, and the cooldown between boards being the main ones.

    Assume 2 users, who both have 8 keys after watching the daily video four days in a row, and the same amount of hoverboards (which are easily obtained). One buys 25 keys to make a good Top Run score, and the other does not want to pay for a free game. The paying user gets 5 saves, the free user gets 3.

    While the system is more favorable to users who have paid, it does not give them a huge advantage over others.

    If your friends' scores are not showing up on the leader board, there might be a connectivity issue. Could you please send me a PM with more details?
  10. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    #1190 ChiroVette, Jun 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
    That would be awesome! Look, Jeppe, I mentioned something a while back and you had said you would look into it and see if any of this would be feasible, but I have some ideas on both how to make the game better AND how to increase the "community" aspect of Subway Surfers.

    What I had mentioned previously was about the problem with the pause screen. It is very easy, with just a slip of a finger on a phone or tablet to end your run prematurely. Quite frankly, at the very least, you guys should seriously consider putting an easy safeguard in there. If you press "Home" by accident instead of "Resume" the game should give you a prompt of some sort" "Are you sure you want to exit this game? All coins collected will be gone if you do." And the default position should be "No" making sure the gamer has to force the game to close a current run if he or she wants to.

    What I believe would be even better than that, however, but would likely take a lot more work, would be if you actually allowed gamers access to the "Shop" while doing run. Look, I have to give some criticism here: In the midst of a very long run, I cannot tell you how many times I have found myself in the position of completing a set of challenges very early in the run (say at about a million points showing) and when the next set of challenges comes up, one of the three is something like, "Poke a Friend," or "Get Caught In the First Five Seconds." or "Get exactly 200 Coins." So that means that if I want to keep doing challenges, I have to ditch the run. At a million it isn't so bad, but having a brand new set of challenges, where one or more cannot be achieved while in the middle of a run, means that you could spend the vast majority of a run deprived of the added fun of completing challenges.

    What would be awesome is if the game allowed you access to the Shop or even the entire pause menu without having to end your run before you want to. This way, missions can be skipped and you can continue doing challenges on a long run.

    The next thing is something I just thought of recently and never mentioned before, but this could be a seriously WINNING idea so here goes:

    Allow trading in the community! Okay, using me as an example: I have had my iPad for over a year and have about 16 million coins, all the available characters and boards, thousands of Score Boosters, keys, and Mega Head Starts and tes of thousands of hoverboards. I use score boosters, keys, and boards, but have almost ZERO use for Mega Head Starts. Just not my thing. So if you allowed "trading" in the community, I cold trade head Starts for stuff I actually do use. I could pay coins for other people's inventory items, etc.

    Now, at first glance, you guys at Kiloo might reject this idea because it has the potential to diminish micro-transactions, right? And as a gamer who supports developers like you, I think this is a legitimate concern. However, you could turn this into a moneymaker. Again, using me as an example, I have ONLY ever used micro-transactions in Subway Surfers to give something back (well other than double coins which I had to buy!). Meaning, I paid for 25 keys even when I had 1,000 in my inventory, just to support your company.

    So here is what I suggest along these lines: Charge a small fee to people in the SS community who want to trade items. You could charge each person in the trade, say fifty cents or a dollar and make a couple of bucks off each trade. Where that would be particularly useful is with people who play the game so much that micro-transactions are terribly overpriced for them. Using me again as an example, if I have 16 Million coins that I got from playing the game, seriously, how attractive is it to me to PAY $49.99 for a million, or hell, even $4.99 for about 60 thousand. I have about 2,700 keys I got from just playing the game. So other than to support your company, why on Earth
    would I pay $4.99 for 25 keys? It is a horrible bargain for me.

    But I absolutely would pay you guys a micro-transaction fee to unload 95% of my Mega Head Starts (I have about 8 thousand of them!) and just save a few for completing the Mega Head Start Challenges. All I am saying is that you will now not only be furthering a viable community, BUT you will have the added benefit of getting people like me, who already have a ton of stuff in our inventory, to pay for micro-transactions, albeit for trading purposes NOT buying infinitesimal amounts of items we already have in abundance.

    Well obviously if my game crashes, I am not trying to submit the score that way so much as I am ready to smash my iPad into a million pieces because I lost all the coins I collected on that run, the total points I would have received, AND adding insult to injury, all the boards, keys, and the Score Booster I used that now ended up being for nothing. :p

    I had a feeling this was the case, thanks for answering.

    Let me rephrase my question: Is there a place that I can check the actual Leaderboard for that week NOT just the random one showing on my Rank List? Meaning, okay, I posted my final score above, right? So I know I was number 1 on my own Rank1 list. But was I the top score nationwide? How many people were ahead of me? And so on, and so forth. There should be ot only the personal leaderboard that shows on each of our devices, BUT one that applies universally for each country. That would make the competition a little more fierce I think if I could log onto a page on Kiloo's site where I could find the actual leaderboard for my country and not just the small fraction showing on my device.

    I also found a way around this...kind of, sort of. I have SS installed on a phone I never use anymore, and old Evo LTE. It no longer has data service, but connects to my router. So if I want to see the timer winding down last Saturday, I can simply boot up the game on that phone while I was still in my run on my iPad.

    I know you were answering another member, but let me chime in here for a sec:

    I think the whole "Pay To Win" is kind of a Straw Man argument, to be honest, misrepresenting the position of Kiloo, not to mention your intent with the micro-transactions. It also grossly exaggerates the benefit to gamers, which I will explain why below. The Pay To Win argument is a gross distortion of what you guys are actually doing, and it is somewhat false. Here's why:

    First, keys, boards, and all are NOT rare! You can get them from Super Mystery Boxes, regular Mystery Boxes, and by watching the daily video every night. Hell the daily video alone could give you 365 X 2 = 730 keys a year.

    Second, I honestly believe that the only people paying for coins, keys, and hoverboards are people completely new to the game, therefore not very good at it. You know what? Most people who play the game are not good enough for keys to even matter much to their final scores anyway! You get a guy who averages, say 200K points and hand the man 127 keys (enough for exactly 7 Save Me's) and what will that do for him? Make his score 1.2 million instead of 200K? Big freaking deal. Same thing with hoverboards. Most people using boards have no clue and you know what? When I was new at the game, the hoverboards actually made m crash more because the cool down period means you have to really focus and often after a crash you lost your rhythm.

    My point? The ONLY people who truly benefit from keys and boards in terms of high scores, leaderboards, and such are people who are already good at the game. Furthermore, anyone that good at the game is likely NOT "Paying To Win." In fact, what they are doing is "Playing To win." Anyone who can score a million points in a run easily without board or keys will be collecting enough coins, keys, boards, and score boosters to NOT ever need to pay.

    Yet another reason to consider my "pay to trade" idea above! :)
  11. FalconWing

    FalconWing New Member

    Jun 26, 2014
    Looks cool, definitely going to give it a try!
  12. eikichionizuka69

    May 17, 2013
    #1192 eikichionizuka69, Jun 28, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
    wow, long suggestion from chirovette [​IMG]

    so can I make another suggestion too [​IMG]

    for character, rather than just different from the looking, and costume, how if it difference by stats (or bonus stats) at start?
    super sneakers...:OOO---
    coin magnet.......:OOO---
    2x multiplier........:OOO---
    super sneakers....:OOOO--
    coin magnet........:OOO---
    2x multiplier.........:OO----
    super sneakers.....:O-----
    coin magnet.........:OOO---
    2x multiplier.........:OO----
    prince k
    super sneakers...:OOOOOO
    coin magnet.......:OOOOOO
    2x multiplier........:OOOOOO

    so after got full upgrades, their stats will be like this:
    super sneakers...:OOO---+OOOOOO=9
    coin magnet.......:OOO---+OOOOOO=9
    2x multiplier........:OOO---+OOOOOO=9
    super sneakers....:OOOO--+OOOOOO=10
    coin magnet........:OOO---+OOOOOO=9
    2x multiplier.........:OO----+OOOOOO=8
    super sneakers.....:O-----+OOOOOO=7
    coin magnet.........:OOO---+OOOOOO=9
    2x multiplier.........:OO----+OOOOOO=8
    prince k
    super sneakers...:OOOOOO+OOOOOO=12
    coin magnet.......:OOOOOO+OOOOOO=12
    2x multiplier........:OOOOOO+OOOOOO=12

    so, jake is the standard character, that his stats is same all
    ninja is lively :p, so he got longer time on super sneaker, but a shorter on multiplier
    and the king, because he is a fatty (and got wing on every costume), he got shortest stats on super sneaker, but he got longest time on jetpack
    and prince k, since he is the most expensive char, so he got full stats at start [​IMG]

    or different suggestion
    jake, tricy, fresh..: standard char, dont have any specialities
    spike..................: +1 stats super sneakers
    yutani.................: +1 all stats
    ninja...................: free headstart
    zoe (human)........: cannot caught by police for first die (turn into zombie at first caught) or simply free 1 key every run
    prince k..............: +3 all stats

    edit (start here):
    and for all character, it use an "unlock" system, but not by collecting item like for fresh, tricky, spike, yutani, but like got a score 10.000.000 for unlock prince k, then he is available to buy with coins [​IMG]
    so for collecting char, we need complete such task to unlock it and then buy it

    just a suggestion [​IMG]
  13. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Hey does anyone know if there is something wrong with the Ranks and the Top Run System? It seems o have been out since right about the time when last week's rankings expired last night. I can sign into Facebook and Game Center on my iPad, and my Friends list comes up in Subway Surfers, which allows poking and to check the regular Subway Surfer's leaderboard, but not the current Top Run ranking.
  14. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    For the record, I wasn't talking about the ability to use keys and boards, I was talking about the desire to do so.

    I wasn't going to comment further, but a passive "straw man" comment set my teeth on edge, so yeah.

    It would be great to have the option of not using crutches during play in order to "do well," which is kind of oxymoronic considering you're not actually seeing the result of your best effort, but moreso the result of how many cheats you were willing to invest during a run.

    That being said, first I complain, then I apologize, right Jeppe? Here goes:

    Much as I wish for a "clean" board, Kiloo seems to have yet again pleasantly surprised me.

    While I'll likely never score 40 million + (my leaderboard leader) due to my disinterest in cheats, my score of 1.5 million still landed me safely in the thick of things. Not that it would have mattered.

    Kiloo's decision to include the top 5 tiers of scores virtually guarantees that any player with decent skills has a shot at fulfilling the goal...

    Yes, this is me admitting I jumped too quickly... AGAIN. :eek:

    Mea culpa? :D

    As for the list, yup, no friends at the end of week 2 either. PM me what you need?


  15. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    #1195 ChiroVette, Jun 30, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
    Oh, the irony! lol

    Okay, you didn't name me specifically, but since I was the only one talking to you other than Jeppe, and you obviously weren't talking about him, I can only conclude you were referring to me. Since you failed to mention the comment, respond to it, or even cite it, and instead only made an amorphous statement of your annoyance by it (making sure everyone knows without you having to say it outright...wink, wink) that, by definition is "passive aggressive" or at least passive. Now let's see about straw men, so we can go for the complete irony package, shall we?


    And here:

    You accused me (presumably) of a straw man argument, so let's look at the definition of "building a straw man."

    A Straw Man argument is when you deliberately misrepresent your opponent's position in a debate in order to surreptitiously manipulate the discussion, perhaps even scoring a cheap win if said opponent is too stupid to realize that you are distorting their position.

    The more innocuous straw man is you saying that a gamer hasn't put their bet effort in. Yet who are you to determine what a gamer's 'best effort" even is? To further prove that this best effort nonsense is a straw man, I will cite the more flagrant straw man argument, which is the second of the two quotes above these paragraph, your assertion that boards and keys are cheats.

    Since you seem more than intelligent enough to know what a cheat is, I can only presume you were misrepresenting the position both of gamers who use boards and keys AND Killoo for supporting their use. So, what is a cheat?

    A cheat is a VIOLATION of the rules of a game, a manipulation to make the game do something the developers did not intend for it to do, and that gamers often use to get ill-gotten digital gains. The guys who hack the game to get infinite keys and boards, for instance, are cheats. Even the use of cheat codes are cheats, because developers put said codes in the game NOT for gamers, but to allow them to run tests on various parts of the game, and inputting a code while trying to find and correct a problem is often more expedient than having to "get there" on your own, and as a developer, you are often under a deadline, so cheat codes allow you to access parts of the game not available during normal play.

    Those, my friend, are cheats.

    When a developer adds items to your inventory, and yes, this includes boards and keys, then no amount of protestations from you will make them cheats. In short, they aren't cheats, they are tools.

    Let me repeat: Anything made readily available to all gamers, whether through microtransactions or during the course of REGULAR gameplay within the rules, ie. NOT in violation of the physics of said game, is not a cheat. And no amount of whinging from you will make it a cheat. So labeling them as cheats is, by definition, a straw man argument because it misrepresents the position of the people who use these in game tools AND of Killoo who obviously wants us to use them, thus negating your cheat argument.

    You seem to invent rules as you go along, which is fine. Play the game any way you want. But whenever you get up on your soap box and preach about the immorality of cheating when gamers use keys and boards, no offense, but you have no credibility.

    Think about it.
  16. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    There is some work being done around security pop ups, mainly for the shop, but we could consider adding one to the pause screen. Thanks for the suggestion, I will bring it up to the team.

    We want to keep the pause menu as simple as possible, with a clear indicator of the daily challenge, and the missions. But I will bring it up to the team and see what they think.

    Implementing trading in the community would require far too radical changes on how the game works, and it would be easy to exploit (I will not go into details of how :D). Moreover, we might need to devote more time and resources on economy and inflation, and we would rather focus on other aspects.

    We want all aspects of the game readily available in the client, without having the user go elsewhere. Also remember that Top Run is available in around 150 countries each with their own leaderboard, and each would need to be curated to remove names that could be considered offensive (racist, sexual,...) and cheaters (because no one wants to see a top 10 full of 999999999 scores).

    That said, we are working on some changes to make competition in Top Run fiercer, which I cannot reveal, of course ;)

    Unfortunately we experienced some server downtime during the weekend, and it was fixed as soon as possible.

    It is a great idea, but it would not work for Subway Surfers. All characters are created equal because we want users to play with whichever character they like without having to choose stats over looks or viceversa. That is why stats are on the shop and apply to all characters, and none have an advantage over others. To exemplify, if I had Prince K, why would I ever use any other character? It would also make owning Prince K a must to be on the same playing field in Top Run.

    We are glad to hear the system is fair to all users, whether they use consumables or not, as long as they are skilled enough.
  17. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Yeah that would be great. I can't tell you how many times my finger slipped and I ended a long run without meaning to. lol

    Great, thanks! The reason this would be great, most importantly, would be to keep those long runs more interesting. One thing that is a little bit of a downer is when you are going to do a long run and so you finish all your challenges showing. Then, BAM!! At a few hundred thousand points ro a million points, you get your next set of challenges, and one is "Poke A Friend," or "Get Caught In the First 5 Seconds," or even "Get exactly 200 Coins," etc., none of which can be done in the middle of a very long run.

    It would be awesome to access the Shop without ditching your run and paying 4400 coins to skip whatever challenges cannot be done during the course of gameplay on a long run.

    Absolutely, I don't want to know, and you certainly don't want to help the cheats and hackers out! That said, yeah, I had a feeling something like this would not be feasible, but it was worth the suggestion just in case. Too bad, too, because trading would be a great way to build the community aspect of the game, which clearly you guys are trying to do with things like Top Run and such.

    Cool. Can't wait to see what you maniacs have up your sleeves!

    Yeah its working fine now. Thanks.
  18. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Hey, decided for kicks and giggles, to do a run with no keys and no hoverboards and see how high I could go. Nowhere near my high score with boards and keys, but I actually turned it into a Subway Surfers Tutorial for anyone who may need tips and tricks for getting high scores in the game, even though this run was only about 5.6 Million, again, though, without boards and keys. :)

    What inspired this video was to put to bed the idea that using boards and keys are somehow "cheats" and that only unskilled players use them. Clearly, MANY GAMERS like me can get very high scores with or without hoverboards and keys, and don't rely on them as crutches, only tools. By the way, when I finally did crash, I did it on purpose, because I got a little board. I actually think hoverboards add a "cool factor" to the game via aninmations and such.

  19. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
    IT Guy/Graphic Designer/Gamer
    New York
    Damn. Nice going. I strictly use keys only for costumes, not for running. But no hover boards is definitely a challenge.
  20. ChiroVette

    ChiroVette Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Thanks! Yeah you have to pay attention definitely because you get no margin for error. I think keys are valuable, in game, in two ways: First, if you really want to nurse a high score and second, sometimes if I get an annoying, longer challenge or set of challenges and would rather cough up a couple of keys than start all over again in another run.

    I never abuse keys, though, which is why I have so many of them. I collect far more than I use.

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