They seem like simplified torii silhouettes, rotated to simulate text. And I thought keys were obtainable along the way? I remember seeing a screenshot mentioning that when they first came out. I've never actually run into one mind you. Guess the chances are higher this time around?
They were obtainable in Mystery Boxes and Super Mystery Boxes. If they were actually collectible, then the chances are a bit too high this time. I haven't run into any one of these for the last whole month, but I have just collected 4 keys in the past hour.
Congrats with the Jackpot The 300.000 Jackpot is quite rare. I got it a couple of times during testing - that helped my highscore
Thanks Jeppe. I'm curious: have you guys ever considered adding coins to the tops of tunnels and buildings? I find it fun to try and jump on the roofs every time I grab the sneakers, just for the challenge despite never finding goodies there. Maybe Mystery Boxes can be hidden there for extra incentive.
Yeah, that would be cool! We've actually talked about something along those lines way back when we initially launched, and how it would bring more variation to the gameplay. It's definitely a possibility, and I will take it further to our designers
Thanks for considering it Jeppe! And I just noticed ALL my Gamecenter achievements have been unlocked, finally! Thanks so much for that as well.
Jeppe, I was wondering if its possible for the placement of the dolls to be tweaked. A placement that adjusts itself to what the player has equipped (lower level if nothing, lower and middle level if sneakers and top level if jetpack). Reason being a good portion of the dolls are impossible to get in some runs due to being completely out of reach (on roofs or trains with no sneakers having been picked up beforehand). Those are plenty of missed opportunities, and since so many need to be collected as the weeks advance, every single one counts.
I definitely considered that. I suppose that's the fastest and most logical answer. I'm a LONG way from enough coin for that though.
Yeah, There seems to be some irregularities with the dolls - we're currently reviewing the different spawns of the dolls and the spawn rate. That's another way of dealing with the placement of the dolls - Haha
Thanks Jeppe. Perhaps adjusting the spawn rate might be the answer. I reached the first week's quota, but barely. And that's after playing several runs per day everyday (and a good amount of the dolls being hard to reach at times).
The new update is a minor one. We made a new design and name for the "Fortune" board, corrected the look of some areas in the enviroment, and finally fixed the bug where the sound kept getting enabled.