Universal Subway Surfers (By Kiloo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, May 23, 2012.

  1. Bravo Two

    Bravo Two Well-Known Member

    #641 Bravo Two, Mar 5, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013
    Did you just say that it is LIMITED?

    We are not supposed to get a limited item with a limited level of commitment, and it is definitely not intended to be obtainable with 5-10 mins of gameplay everyday. You can either be a dedicated player trying your best to earn these items or you can pay for them. That's what the term "LIMITED" is all about.

    If you are a casual player, I would advise you to enjoy the game during that 5-10 mins and forget about those limited items. These are not for the average players, and they are there for the collectors. Have fun with the gameplay itself if that is what you really find enjoyable.
  2. Tukkun

    Tukkun Member

    Feb 8, 2013
    #642 Tukkun, Mar 5, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013

    This isn't much of a problem since they can be safely ignored. They don't add to your score. They don't reduce the difficulty. They don't make you gain more Coins. I personally think there are better investments.

    Even the powerup upgrades can be ignored as well. They barely help. I just got my first 60k upgrade and I can't really notice a significant difference.

    So you don't actually need any coins to enjoy this game. They do help. They are good. But they are not necessary.

    My main concern about this game, however, is with the scoring system. A player has little chance to compete until he/she reaches 30x multiplier (which takes around 5~7 hours of playing actively). I really enjoy competing with my real life friends in real time, but it's very hard to compare scores when I have 30x and my friend has only 16x. If a chance in scoring system is not happening, may I suggest adding a "distance" stat (1 Mega Headstart = 1000 meters?) to the final screen and a distance leaderboard, so that we have something to compare other than Coins before reaching 30x?

    I also think that hoverboards make the game too easy, so I don't really enjoy using those. When I compete with my real life friends, the first rule is always "hoverboards are forbidden". Can there be a "no hoverboard" leaderboard? Or, maybe, make it so that the final screen shows the avatar with a hoverboard if you have used at least one during the run, or no hoverboard if you haven't used any. Adds a bit to bragging rights without changing the gameplay.
  3. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    I don't think you know what limited means. It has nothing to do with dedication, it has to do with a limited period of availability, e.g. the McRib :D. Nor do you understand my point.

    I *began* this whole exchange saying I have decided to ignore them, and since I think this more recent exchange shows they're outside of the reach all but a tiny percentage of the player base without paying in a game with no direct competition, that's questionable game design.

    The issue is not whether I "should" be able to get them only playing 5-10 minutes a day, it's urging the devs to look at why they're doing things the way they are. Currently, they're pumping out these total graphical overhauls along with new character models and board designs every 35 days, and all that seems to be doing is prompting people to not care about their work.

    They're doing some great graphical design with these environments and characters, just seems a bit of callous motivation if their only goal is to push people into paying what is a ridiculous 'sub' fee for their game.
  4. Tukkun

    Tukkun Member

    Feb 8, 2013
    #644 Tukkun, Mar 5, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013
    From my personal experience one 5~10 minute run per day (enough for daily bonus box) in 35 days is (or should be nearly) enough to buy all the limited items in every update, as long as you don't buy anything else. If you want to buy more stuff, just run twice or three times per day, or be more skillful. It's not as hard as you think.

    Also, I love the "graphic overhaul every 35 days" thing. It makes the game feel new and less boring without changing the gameplay, and makes me keep returning for more. I'm not sure exactly why, but it works.
  5. Bravo Two

    Bravo Two Well-Known Member

    I love McRib BTW and I hate that it is available only for a limited period. But you are trying to think of this word in its narrowest sense. The limited items in various games and merchandizes are often available as part of the collector's editions of such titles. Limited items are meant to be precious, and only a few of the most devoted fans would have a chance to get one. That's limited items in the general sense.

    You haven't. And you are still complaining about them.

    I care, and most of the people here care. You care about them as well as you are actively discussing them. They can bring about new areas of discussion, arouse our interest, and keep us excited about the game. They are new goals for the long-time players. I have been playing this game since before day 1 (I am a beta tester), and there are always new targets and new visuals to keep me motivated to play this game. There is nothing wrong with all these periodic changes.

    If you are an experienced player, you will understand that there are tons of games out there that would require IAP to proceed. Those games are labeled FREE but after a certain point in time, there is no way for you to go any further unless you pay for it. Subway Surfers is NOT one of them. It does not require IAP, and none of the Kiloo's games do. You can play for as long as you like. and none of the premium contents are required elements of the game. There are always people who agree and disagree with the freemium strategy. There is no absolute right or wrong in how the developers monetize their games. And the fact is, Kiloo is one of the few who allow reasonable grinding. Many others don't.
  6. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Or as easy as you think. 83% of the player base is worse than me, who has an average of 2 minute runs. What percentage of the players are able to run even 5 minutes without the use of coin draining hoverboards?

    You're suffering from a personal selection bias here.

    You're a runner fan on a niche 'nerd' board. We are not normal people. We're like a room full of billionaires arguing about which type of companies to acquire ;) I only am as "bad" as I am because runners just aren't my thing.

    The idea that just anyone can get good enough to run one 5-10 minute run is laughable. I've been playing the game nearly daily for more than 3 months, don't insult me that it's "not that hard" to get skilled enough that a single 5-10 minute run a day is enough to clear 150,000 coins in a month. If it were "not that hard", I'd be right there along side you making 35K/hour and I wouldn't be doing as good as I manage on the leader boards in spite of having skills that are less than 10% of what you scored.


    At any rate, I'm dropping this. Way too much ePeen stroking, not enough game design discussion which is the only reason I raised all this in this first place. Hopefully somebody understood my points.
  7. Tukkun

    Tukkun Member

    Feb 8, 2013
    #647 Tukkun, Mar 5, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013
    Incorrect. Since most people quit soon after they start playing, they didn't get to high multipliers yet, and score in this game is heavily based on multiplier. From what I see, my real life friends usually average around 4 minutes per run (and they are not particularly people who are fond of runners either, just casual gamers). But it's okay, some people play worse than others. If you can't do one 10 minute run, do five 2 minute runs. Yes, you will get less coins, but... ah well, I guess I'm dropping this as well.

    If anything, I'm a game developer and I'm really interested in "game design"-related things. The problem with your inability to collect limited edition items is just that runners just aren't your thing - as you say. Besides, they are supposed to be rare, and for dedicated players only. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. For casual players like you, there's that daily bonus - which takes only two minutes to finish. Or there's always the solution of giving the developers $10 every month for the limited items, it's also a way to show support and "dedication".

    I do, however, agree that some items in the game are overpriced, especially since they serve no purpose. It's not that it's hard to get the limited items within 35 days - in fact, it only takes 3~7 hours depending on skill - but the problem is that there are other things worth buying, and I don't feel like dumping 145k per month on decorative things (for reference, I gain around 500k per month). But that's just my way of playing, others might disagree.
  8. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
    IT Guy/Graphic Designer/Gamer
    New York
    I'm on my phone so for that and other exhausting, convoluted reasons I won't pursue this topic any further. But my view is quite similar to Bravo Two's and Tukkun's.

    Cheers guys.
  9. TRB4

    TRB4 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2013
    I was just about to post something similar. The Game Center rankings for Subway Surfer's are very misleading for the following reasons:

    1.) The game is FREE, therefore it has a very very very large install base, and subsequently more players on the leader board.

    2.) Many people stop playing freemium games after a few days if they don't care for them. These "quitters" pollute the leader board with very very low scores.

    3.) The leader boards only retain your HIGHEST score. For most people, myself included, their highest score is from that one game where they were in the zone and also extremely lucky and got an insane score. Sure my high score is close to 2M points, but that doesn't mean that I consistently get scores like that, in fact I think I have only broken 1M points about 3 times total.

    So as you can see, your Game Center "Ranking" might place you above 83% of the other "players", but that is in no way indicative of actual skill.
  10. DannyTheElite

    DannyTheElite Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    Forum poster
    Area 51
    Got the limited character and board :)
  11. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
    IT Guy/Graphic Designer/Gamer
    New York
    Nice! Now onto the bird board? :)

    I just need to collect 30 more eggs to get mine. :D
  12. TRB4

    TRB4 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2013
    I only need like 12 :p
  13. Tukkun

    Tukkun Member

    Feb 8, 2013
    #653 Tukkun, Mar 5, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013
    The highest score is often obtained with the help of a lot of hoverboards. Without hoverboards I average around 400k ~ 1M, but with hoverboards I'm nearly invincible and I think I can break the 50M score cap in Game Center leaderboards. It's just that I always get bored so I always intentionally get hit by a train after I beat my friends' scores, and because my friends borrow my phone to play it all the time so I cannot save it to continue playing the next day.

    Again, I think the following should be done to Subway Surfer's leaderboards:
    1. Add a "distance" leaderboard - which is not affected by score multiplier and IAPs and actually reflects skills. Yes, powerup upgrades can help, but not too much. Add it to the results screen too, so I can compete with my IRL friends.
    2. Add a "no hoverboards" leaderboard. Restricted usage of hoverboards should make the game much, much more challenging and make the leaderboard reflect skill instead of "player with most hoverboards wins".
    3. Raise the score cap. A lot of legitimate scores are above 50M. Besides, no matter the score cap is at, hackers will flood it with that score and break the leaderboards anyway.
  14. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
    IT Guy/Graphic Designer/Gamer
    New York
    You can reach 50 million? Damn. My best has been 4 million. And that's after using like 20 hover boards.
    What's your current high score?

    I like the no hoverboard leaderboard idea. I suggested a coin doubler on/toggle (with respective leaderboard) a while back ago. To play against my girlfriend who refuses to buy the coin doubler. :)

    Just a bare bones run option.
  15. Bravo Two

    Bravo Two Well-Known Member

    I have the limited character and board, and I have finished the egg hunt already. :)

    Sure, hoverboards may help with getting high scores but they don't make you invincible. I often crash into something in between the hoverboard cool down period. Double tapping to activate the hoverboards can sometimes distract me from paying attention to the surroundings. I have started using no hoverboards and I just got 5.7M.

    That defeats the entire purpose of score multiplier. Yes I know - "skills", but the multiplier is there as the basic leveling system. If you are into the scores, spend 7 hours in the game and get a x30 multiplier. The legitimate high scores all come from users with x30 multiplier (so comparison is not an issue). I doubt how many players without that multiplier can travel a long way in this game.

    "Skills" again. This defeats the whole purpose of hoverboards, which give you a second chance to move on in that endless run. Using hoverboards is not as easy as you think. I sometimes find using no hoverboards easier to get a high score.

    I was the among the first victims of leaderboard hack in Subway Surfers. My #1 place was lost to those hackers back in the early days of the game. You are right, a score cap doesn't solve the problem. I think a better way to deal with this issue is to submit the score to both Game Center and Kiloo's servers. Then there is a copy of the score that can be used to verify the Game Center score. Those who simply hack the Game Center would have no record in Kiloo's database.
  16. TRB4

    TRB4 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2013
    Actually the it's a x35 multiplier now, thanks to the new power-up.
  17. Bravo Two

    Bravo Two Well-Known Member

    I mean the base multiplier. You can use the new power-up to get an additional x5 boost and you can upgrade of the 2x multiplier to increase the duration of the temporary x60 - x70 multiplier.
  18. qwasqwas

    qwasqwas New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    The Super Mystery Box's timer won't restart in my game after this last update, is that normal or is that a bug?
  19. Kiloo_Jeppe

    Kiloo_Jeppe Well-Known Member

    We actually had some issues with the timer, but it should be fixed now.
    Have you tried turning the internet connection off and on?
    You could also try turning your device off and on.
  20. Tukkun

    Tukkun Member

    Feb 8, 2013
    #660 Tukkun, Mar 6, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2013
    I "can", but I don't feel motivated enough to do so. I might accidentally break 50M and become disqualified from the leaderboards (and I don't want that to happen). It's all about having a lot of hoverboards. If you have, like, 1000 hoverboards, enough time and some luck (I think you have enough skill), you can easily break 50M. Score Booster and full upgrades can help, but they aren't mandatory. Lots of hoverboards is the key.

    I would suggest 9,999,999,999 for new score cap, if it happens. Should allow all legitimate scores to get in (11+ digit scores aren't obtainable in a reasonable timeframe), without any of those infamous 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 flooding the leaderboards. Hackers will hack regardless of score cap anyway, so why put such a low limit?

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