iPhone Suburbia for iPad (City-Building Board Game)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by jmaher, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    I'm hoping that these kinks get worked out, because the game itself is just so much fun! I almost feel like I got my five dollars worth just from being able to play it against AI, but I really want to play against friends :(
  2. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Guys, i am still very confused. The mechanism should be pretty easy and the rules book is clear. But I still do not understand why every time I grab a tile I get strange reductions of population and reputation, even when the tile effect would be to just pay some money and increase population. It is quite weird.
  3. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    Every time your population crosses a red line your reputation and income are reduced by one.
  4. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Where is the red line?
  5. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Between the population count number on top of the screen. The first red line is between 15 and 16.
  6. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    It is visible on the population track at the top of the screen.

    Even with the broken nature of the current build I am enjoying this game immensely. I just finished a random mp game, with the market bug, but still thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Well worth $5.
  7. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    I encounter the freeze bug too. Shame. One of the MP game with Wake cannot continue...
  8. pbb76

    pbb76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2009
    It is such a shame as the mechanics of the game are good and I was so excited to try it out as I'd wanted the physical board game for ages.

    First couple of games I was hit with the ai freeze bug, so I left it till the update.

    This morning I had a train journey so fired up the newly updated Suburbia and was having a really good ai game and was realising what a great game (and adaptation) this is.

    I neared the end of my journey and saved the game.

    Just tried to carry that game on and loading a saved game is just a mess. The scores were all wrong, all players had lost their income marker placing, the tiles from the market place were gone.

    I tried to carry on and picked a basic tile, passed to the next player but it just wouldn't then respond :(

    Shame as without the bugs this could be awesome but not sure I can trust it to complete a game. Certainly won't be starting any games I can't complete now as saving just doesn't seem an option!

    Lookin forward to the next fix update please.
  9. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    The MP games still freeze when tile is drawn. A fix is needed. Plan?
  10. Turk

    Turk Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2009
    Any new report on this game? I have some credit to spend and anything awarded Mensa Select is something worth considering, but I dont want to get frozen out of games due to bugs
  11. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Okay, I get the new iPad Mini (2 or RD if you prefer). I restore the app from backup of the old iPad3 and I run it again tonight -- viola! The previous games which cause freezing are back to normal again! I am now waiting for the return of the turns. Strange.
  12. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    Still no patch for this I see... taking their jolly time!
  13. Mack the Knife

    Mack the Knife Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    everyone always says they don't mind waiting if they get it right the first time and perhaps that's what's going on. BUT, that's also the problem!! despite taking forever to get this right, the developers have said nary a word about progress here nor at BGG. i don't really mind the wait as long as i'm informed from time to time of the progress, SOMETHING!! i have low regard for devs (and their games) who work in this fashion so i'm about to delete Suburbia and not support any future endeavors. there's no excuse for not providing periodic updates especially when your paying customers are so easy to reach (here and at BGG)...phooey!
  14. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    Indeed. I didn't buy it yet as it looks like significant time investment to learn (so don't want to unless it all works including online if I find I love the game), but reading about it at BGG I thought I would wait a while... But yeah it's ONLY a bug, shouldn't take THAT long to hotfix! It doesn't bode well for future changes if there is ANOTHER bug introduced in any updates (quite likely in complex board games) so as much as it intrigues me I'd rather not get involved if the devs aren't even involved in their own product :S
  15. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    If people actually bothered to demonstrate some initiative and look in the most obvious place for information (i.e. the developer/app's own page) instead of being supremely lazy and casting entirely baseless and unfair aspersions, it would take less than a minute to find that the developer posted about the status of the Suburbia update just last week:

  16. Mack the Knife

    Mack the Knife Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    if you go to BGG and look up Ted Alspach, it lists his website as beziergames.com. you go there and nothing is posted about iOS Suburbia. i'm not going to hunt and peck around the internet looking for an update. the developer should reach out to players at the popular forums like here and BGG. so, to the developers i say thanks for at least something of an update, however obscure, and to appletiny i say bite me.
  17. Meridian99

    Meridian99 Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    I'd rather they spent their time fixing bugs rather than hunting down users in websites to inform them of the latest news.
  18. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    #78 Baracus, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
    Here's the "official" site as linked from the AppStore. http://www.suburbiagame.com

    No information there, just 1 pre-release screenshot, so no need to be so snarky :p

    @ Appletini: What site do you mean, or is that a secret for board game elitists?
  19. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    It took maybe five seconds to get from typing "Suburbia iOS" into Google to reaching the game's official website via the first page of search results. You have no excuse.

    There are hundreds of third-party gaming-related websites out there, of which TA and BGG are but two. No developer is under any obligation to waste time posting a running commentary to any or all of them, and far fewer than 1% of all app developers maintain any kind of regular presence at TA. The developers of Suburbia posted the update information openly on the game's linked Facebook page (exactly as many major iOS developers do these days, including Beamdog, FarSight and Playdek), and that's all they had to do to meet reasonable expectations in terms of communication.

    Not a secret, no. Check the linked Facebook page from that main site, where the developers post their updates for ease of viewing and feedback (just like most app developers who use FB).
  20. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    So we need to ignore the website that is on the splash screen when you start the game. There are no other links in the game so then you need to google for suburbia ios, scroll down half the results, go to a website that contains nothing but an advert for suburbia, then click their like us on facebook link to finally get the information we are after. If that's not an unnecessarily convoluted process then I don't know what is.

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