Universal Stuffo the Puzzle Bot (by Hapatus Ltd)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Mar 2, 2023.

  1. Roxton

    Roxton Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 30, 2015
    That’s new. Figured out how to get the atom on Enclosure, but can’t figure out how I’m supposed to reach the gate when two of the three blocks are committed - one to opening the gate, the other to creating a platform left of the exit.
  2. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I guess I’m a bit late to the party as I just discovered this thread but I’m wondering: was the game on launch sale? Cause it says $2,99 in the title but when I’m redirected to the App Store it’s actually 5,99€ for me. Thanks in advance for clarifying.
  3. BlackRedWhite

    BlackRedWhite Member

    Jun 28, 2020
    Good pixel-art style and colors taste. Great gameplay.
  4. antti_tiihonen

    Mar 6, 2023
    Yeah, it was on a lower price tier for 1 week after launch and now it's on the 4.99 USD price. Exact price varies by currency.
  5. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Sorry, the appinfo stuff isn't always great about picking up price changes. I jiggled the wires and it's showing the correct price now.
  6. antti_tiihonen

    Mar 6, 2023
    I'm very glad to hear you like it! Your post reminded me that I had forgotten to mention here that I uploaded the soundtrack to Youtube if anyone wants to listen to the tunes outside the game too: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSLzRxlOfNoT7EcGbehQN3COaiqtcJoYF

    Also if anyone wants to support the game and my work I'd appreciate if people leave a rating/review on App Store. The ratings are important for people considering a purchase as well as for getting the game featured in the store. So far I've barely covered the costs of software and developer licenses used to create the game heh :D
    oivoi likes this.
  7. x amount

    x amount Member

    Oct 31, 2009
    Antti, I love your game; my wife loves your game! I'm a huge fan a game like this where I can be completely STUCK, sleep on it, return to the same level and have an "aha!" moment. I've yelled out loud when I pass one that I've been working on for a while. Two things:

    1) What was your inspiration for the gameplay mechanic? Have you played Pyramid Magic before? Are there other games like this out there that I haven't heard about? Pyramid Magic is pretty obscure, so if you came up with this game idea independently, that's even crazier!
    2) I've rated/reviewed the game and shared it with friends, but I'd love to be able support you more! I hope that you consider either charging for more content down the line OR adding a tip feature in the game. If you already have a mechanism for tipping that I'm not aware of, please share a link!

    Thanks again.
    samvarma likes this.
  8. Brightsiderus

    Brightsiderus Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2017
    I’ll put my 2 cents here, if you don’t mind. I dunno if you turned down only my offer in PM, but you should send review copies to press and let them review the game, so other people could know about the game more)
  9. antti_tiihonen

    Mar 6, 2023
    I’m very glad to hear you enjoyed the game! It means a lot to me. It’s especially nice to hear that overall the game has seemed to hit a mostly good balance of difficulty and how the progression works. With puzzle games it’s often a bit tricky since you as the developer already know most of the tricks by heart. I do still surprise myself from time to time though when I figure out a new interaction that I hadn’t thought of before or planned for but that’s always a fertile ground for designing a new fresh puzzle around it! There’s going to be 3 new puzzles in the next update btw and I’m planning on adding some new blocks and a set of puzzles for a bigger content update some time later.

    I hadn’t heard of Pyramid Magic before I released the game. A few people have mentioned it now and there are a handful of similarities there and also a lot differences too. I like how carrying a block makes the player crouch down and how it affects movement and where you can place the blocks. Seems like a fun game.

    Initially the game started off as an experiment on water effects. The reflecting surface was the very first feature implemented in the game. Many of the details of the puzzle mechanics were largely inspired by things I didn’t like in many puzzle games that I wanted to try to ”fix”. I mean there was nothing wrong with those per se but to me they had started to feel a bit stale and, at times, cumbersome. The block placement thing was largely due to sokoban-style block pushing games. I liked the part where I think through where I want the blocks to end up in order to proceed but I often didn’t really enjoy the block pushing and its constraints so I experimented with a way to streamline that portion. The first prototypes were a little too free and forgiving so I ended up adding the panels on the background to restrict and control the solutions. Once I added the first non-basic block (the jet/beam) I quickly discovered that the orientation of the blocks is also a fun constraint so I leaned onto that more and made it so that the orientation is not freely selectable, as it initially was, but dependent on the where the player faces when placing a block.

    The movement and climbing rules were largely dictated by my desire to make a platforming game that wouldn’t rely on the traditional platforming challenges like jumping over spike traps or avoiding or defeating enemies that even a lot of the puzzle-heavy games do. I wanted the game to be chill and stress-free and simple. The simplicity was also an important constraint since this is my first solo developed game so I wanted to keep things fairly streamlined so that I can wrap up the project quickly. I initially did think the game would take like 3-6 months to finish and now it’s, uh, 5 years since I started the project lol. Most of the time was spent on other projects and distractions though so I’d estimate the actual active development time as a bit over a year or something.

    Thanks for the ratings and reviews! I’m glad to report that Apple seems to have noticed the game and I’ve started to get some traction in getting the game featured on App Store. I hope I can keep the momentum up at least for a while! I don’t expect I can start charging more for the game even if I expand it considerably although that should help in driving new sales and delay the need for agressive sales so I’m pursuing that anyway.

    Telling your friends and online communities you’re part of about the game is a huge help! If you absolutely want to give me more money you can purchase the game on other platforms if applicable (Steam/iOS/Android). On Steam you can pay a bit more to get the soundtrack of the game and I’m looking into making the soundtrack available for purchase (and streaming) elsewhere too. Another option is to buy gift copies of the game.

    Thank you. I consider all the offers I get. I don’t intend to offend anyone by not taking an offer but I’m fairly strict with my approach to review codes.
  10. Duke12

    Duke12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    #30 Duke12, Mar 20, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
    Great game, already stuck on confinement.

    Edit: and of course right after writing this I tried again and solved it
  11. Pantsjo

    Pantsjo Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2011
    Brilliant puzzle game! Level design is really good.
    It looks great, nevertheless I love that you can remove the decorations in settings. This helps me focus on solving the puzzle. And you do need focus!
    Completed all original levels except "Response" which still eludes me. Just got the update with three more levels. Yippie!
  12. antti_tiihonen

    Mar 6, 2023
    Working on some new things for a bigger content update.

    It's a block that adds a panel that other blocks can be placed on to. If it is removed, the other block is pulled away.
  13. samvarma

    samvarma New Member

    Apr 27, 2017
    Man, killer game. Some levels incredibly tough some easier than I thought, but excellent throughout. Definitely a great head-scratcher.

    Have now solved them all except Elevating Experience and Hoist, which seem impossible lol. Anyone got hints?
    antti_tiihonen likes this.
  14. samvarma

    samvarma New Member

    Apr 27, 2017
    OMFG never mind — just got elevating experience

  15. samvarma

    samvarma New Member

    Apr 27, 2017
    And just got Hoist. Finished them all! Didn't realize that the gate block could be moved... and for "elevating experience" I forgot to consider that two blocks next to each other will not move if they are being lasered ;)


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