Stuck on Command and Conquer

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by candyjet, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. candyjet

    candyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    I'm stuck on the morning sun level of C&C and would be grateful for help.

    I've been advised that Choppers are the way to go. I therefore build an airfield and loads of choppers, but also include tanks and defenses to my base.

    It seems that no matter what I do, when the bombers start to come over at around the halfway stage, my base just gets flattened.

    I suspect that there must be a critical step that I am missing, so any help would be most welcome,


    CJ xxx
  2. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I havent got this on iOS but i'm thinking back to my years in the 90's addicted to playing Red Alert

    In the game can you add anti-aircraft guns ? So any planes flying over these will take them out. Also soldiers, any guys with rockets ? Not standard infantrymen ? If you have a lot of guys with rockets and put them on the outskirts of your base they'll hopefully shoot down any planes.

    But normally in C&C you can add machine gun turrets to a base but the second option was anti-aircraft guns to shoot down any soldiers with parachutes or airplanes.

    But thats the way i would protect your base, add these anti aircraft guns to the outskirts and middle of your base and also lots of soldiers with rockets
  3. foxmulderino

    foxmulderino Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    These words reminds me a song of the New Order group of the 80's...sorry for the OP
  4. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    The Morning Son is also a great tune from Beady Eye (Liam Gallaghers new group, very good they are too !)
  5. Luke Kellett

    Luke Kellett Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Indie iPhone Game Developer
    Melbourne, Australia
    psj3809 has some good points.

    I'd also suggest try and spread out your base a bit too, so that when they do send their waves of attacks they can't focus it just in one area and thus have a weaker attack.
  6. candyjet

    candyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    C&C Morning Sun Walkthrough

    Thanks for the help (and the music tips). I have now solved this level.

    It seems that in C&C on the iPad there is always a weak point in the enemy. Unless you find that point, you will not win.


    In the morning sun level, the weak point is their refinery. It is not well defended from helicopters from the north.

    Spoiler Alert

    If that is not enough, here is how to do it.

    You are aiming to get at least 6 Choppers in total, preferably 8.

    Build, in this order,
    While this is building, move all tanks to the gap in the right of your base.
    Dojo, then make at least 5 tankbusters and position them to protect your choppers.
    Nano thingy leading to
    Airbase. Leave space for this near your refinery.

    Now order 8 Choppers and direct them to the north of your base.

    Any little attacking jets should be taken out with tank busters, you need to protect your choppers.

    Once you have at least 4 choppers, send them together to the top right of the playing area. Follow them as they go. Do not attack ground buildings, but attack all jets that attack them before continuing on your way.

    Once at the top right, move south, again only attacking jets.

    You should then attack the refinery, followed by a generator. This pretty much disables enemy construction.

    You will now have at least 4 more choppers in your base. Send them via the same route and attacking tactics as the previous 4.

    You can then pretty much trash the enemy base. I did it in 9mins flat.

    CJ :):):)

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