Oh yes, that was fun Hhmm... In my head, thanks to a certain Medic, she's now that crazy sergeant who runs around and shoots her soldiers full of stims all the time I just don't see her suddenly beating someone up to improve morale. That's just...undignified, not becoming of an officer. Drugging them up to their eyeballs on the other hand... I bet she'd use some weird Speed, Crack & Nanotech cocktail and calmly order an underperforming soldier into a suicide charge just to make a point about following her orders. There was this story (I think, could've been TV too) where people overheated from Nanotech in their bodies going all-out hyper and overproductive. It even made sense in terms of Physics: movement generates heat, and lots of tiny robots running wild in your bloodstream generate lots of heat. So maybe something like that? Crazy drug cocktail, and you fight better but take damage every turn. Oh, and an aerosol into their air supply to affect the other soldiers as well: "Now, you'll all hit the green triangle button. YES, Medic, the combat performance enhancer. Like I just said, hit the green triangle and take a deep breath. Private Medic, YOU first." Just my personal headcanon, feel free to ignore it, of course.
And some more feature requests: 1) Can you give the Special Missions you won once some indicator you did so? Say, change the background color to green. I only have 9 available, and I already forget between sessions which ones I played already. 2) The mission description screen (after you hit the mission's numbered button on the selection screen) doesn't have a back button, but should. Now, if you misclicked - or just wanted to see the mission description - you need to begin the mission, then retreat. 3) Or remake the above interface a bit, too. My suggestion to streamline it: You tap the mission number once. Button changes color, say to orange, and the mission description shows in the right window (where it now has the general info on Special Missions). Add a green "Begin/Enter" button either below the text, or on the same row as the "Close" button.
Was the Ravager in Mission 10? If so, thanks to his size I knew I had to burn him down before he got too close lol. What REALLY helped in that mission was the robot NPC. I decided to hunker down next to the portal and give the robot good sight lines through both doors. Its area affect ability that stuns and its ridiculous range kept the majority of baddies at bay while the team picked at them. Really fun fight considering I had to spend the first few moves consolidating the team into the teleported room. The Ravager eventually made it to the door, but had a sliver of health and my squad had all their moves with the Vanguard and Incinerator as doormen lol. Can't put this game down lol. I do second NullZone's suggestion for a way to tell if I've previously beaten a mission (story or special). Thinking about it, when I first started the game, just finished the tutorial, decided to camp, and checked the Missions to find I had 1 thru 4/5 already unlocked and replayable. Not sure if it's intentional but thought I'd bring it up. Maybe I blacked out coz of all the excitement lol
I'm on the fence with this one guys. I'm always a supporter of premium games. Especially premium tactical/strategy games. I bought Demons Rise 1 at launch, and the second one later on on sale. The truth is, I don't really dig fantasy settings and I'm embarrassed to say that I never made it past the character selection screen. This seems right up my alley and I'm inclined to buy it just to support them seeing how awesome the support is, but I have to ask anyway. Should I get this?
Why do we need to bring along so many units? I notice accidentally moving units is quite common and quite annoying. How do u guys go about resolving this
iCloud synch WL, I've noticed several times the iCloud synch isn't up to date especially when in mid game ( not finished with the mission in one IPad) and going to another device, my other iPad Pro, it reverts back to earlier save point from previous version even tho I've already progressed 2 more missions in other device. The iCloud should only synch up the latest progress, and not update if other devices is playing earlier mission. Thanks.
Depending on the mission, I usually split into 2 teams of 3 characters. Usually in each team I try to have short and long range person, and the 3rd is usually medic or commander. Also, most of the time, I have 1 team going down 1 direction and another team another corridor to either flake or cover my flake. I don't usually have 1 big team heading the same direction unless there's only 1 way to go. This is probably a typical SWAT technique so u have coverage and a way to flake your enemy. Hope this helps.
Wave Light good job first off really enjoying the game. But my favourite game you made has to be DR2. I like this game but I'm not drawn into it the way DR2 did. I guess I like the dark medival sorcery fantasy. I been reading the posts and have been getting used to the way AP works and your right as you level it cool to have 9 abilities etc. Look forward to future updates and well done. Fav characters so far is the rocket launcher tank and the medic and ninja guy.
Pretty much the same here: Either I split into two groups of 3 each. Or I have one "main" who does all the heavy lifting (Missile ), and the rest is either support for him (Commander) or decoration (Medic). Different topic: Special Mission 6 was the first one where I needed the Medic. Due to the nature of the mission I had to rush forward and over-expose my soldiers. Resorted to leapfrogging, that worked pretty well. @Rhinoa: I thought preventing/undoing accidental moves came up already, but can't find the post right away. @etienu: Get it It's Scifi-themed, and a well-improved progression from DR. For more reasons, read the thread again
If you like tactical RPG's absolutely yes. If I'll have to rank this vs. other IOS tactical sci-fi RPG, I'll have this below xcom and templar battleforce. I feel the battle system/mechanics (action/movement points) and UI are a little bit too complex in a not fun way. But graphics is awesome. Thankfully the Dev is quite responsive to suggestions and feedback.
If you like squad tactical games and you think you can handle the frankly horrible UI, then this is a no-brainer.
Would you mind expanding on that, i.e. what you think is horrible about the UI? Sure, there's some stuff that needs improvement, but I wouldn't call it horrible. And Wavelight is incredibly responsive, at least checking every good idea we come up with.
[FEATURE REQUEST] Remove vendor trash from loot Screenshot says it all, that was a new low @Wavelight: Can you consider removing all the vendor trash from the loot tables?
Had to jump in and purchase, the Devs commitment is just awesome and deserves credit and profit!! Looking forward to getting into it, may wait for an update or 2 as there looks like lots of good ideas that may make that first play a little easier!!
Quick update on play progress: In Special Mission 6, I needed the Medic for the first time. Poor gal had to jump into a combat zone, with bullets flying and all, to heal up my Missile and Sniper. Due to the nature of the mission, I had to rush forward and overexpose my units, taking some return fire. Special Mission 7 was a walk in the park: When the AI Reprogramming finally worked on 3rd try, I buffed the Turret and teleported it forward. Enemy Sniper dead next round Some observations: - The Sniper is falling behind rapidly on the damage curve: Where a boosted Missile and Nova can easily one-shot enemies, the poor Sniper most often needs all of her attacks - and the enemy is still standing. If it weren't for her AI Reprogram skill, I would ditch her for another heavy-hitter (note to self: check if someone else has that skill too). - Maybe I just got unlucky, but I found 3 tries for the Reprogram to work a bit much. 2 would have been ok. What's the expected success chance here? - Special Mission 6: It's not immediately obvious that the Teleporter can spawn two units. I suggest to add a popup/dialog explaining it at mission start. - Medic's Eye Surgery synergises really well with the Missile Marine and his own boosts. Fully pumped, he has these stats on level 3: Range 13, Damage 44-59, Attack Skill 200. Didn't note down his Critchance, but it's so high with the buffs he crits on almost every shot.
[FEATURE REQUEST] Show insufficient AP skills as greyed out Got another feature request: Can you not make skills where you don't have enough AP to use them disappear from the list? Grey them out, or give them a red/orange background, to show that they can't be used. The reason is that I very often need to know how much AP a skill needs, so I can plan if it's worth fueling them with the Commander or not. And it's just too much to remember the numbers, and I'm too lazy to make out-of-game notes for all those skills Example: Two Soldiers each have 30AP left. Commander has 1 use of the +AP Skill left. Now, did Important Skill A on Soldier 1 cost 40 or 50 AP? Can I fuel him up to meet the AP requirement? Or do I better leave him be, and fuel Soldier B into another skill use or attack instead?
Yes, that should be easy. Great idea, actually ... I hadn't thought about it. I think an easy tweak but will check when I get into the code.