Thank you WaveLight for being so active and responsive in the thread. I have all your games but most looked forward to this one. I appreciate your positive attitude towards all the criticism (including mine). I also look forward to future updates. Thanks for all the hard work, I personally know how time intensive and difficult this kind of creative work can be.
Yes, there's a plot with cut scenes and dialogue between missions. There are also objectives for various missions like "kill as specific enemy", "escort a civilian to safety", protect a reactor core, etc. That being said, the plot won't ever be the basis of an Oscar winning screenplay, but it's a plot.
Seconding what gaymerX says, you're like my number 2 favorite dev, right after Protopop Now, with that out of the way, another small nitpick: Why do the Nova and Assault Marine switch back to their toothpicks in melee? They should be able to fire their weapons directly into the face of any alien monstrosity. You know, like their description says ... like this and this Not sure how that would work technically in your Engine, maybe remove their melee ability completely?
Yeah, I could do but not sure it would be fair to allow them to shoot into combat. There's no reason anyone shouldn't be able to shoot their gun at point blank range, it's just that the mechanics of the game are such that you should be penalized if your primary shooting guys are up close to a 9 foot, armoured killing machine with blades for hands.
Just a general question, is the level of blood and gore too much? I went quite a bit heavier than in Demon's Rise because of the nature of the weapons being used. Not sure if it puts people off if's good as is.
In the shop, if you tap on an item, then another one, pretty often the first item ends up on top of the second one. As there is never any necessity for this to happen, it shouldn't.
That's odd ... when you click an item, it gets "attached" to your finger so when you then click another spot, it will dropped in that slot. If there is an item in that slot, it drops the item attached to you there and put that existing item to your finger. That's there so players don't have to drag and drop everything ... they can if they like, of course.
Managed to add the option to hide the on-screen camera controls. It certainly does give more room to see the action. It seems to work fine without any errors so I'll drop that in today's update. UI update by Rajpreet Dhillon, on Flickr
F***...orget fairness, that's pure rule of cool. We're talking Vasquez and Drake here, not Private Nooby McNoobyson
You know, what I could do is give them an ability that was a short range shot gun blast to the face. Similar to the Vanguard's Power Fist ability. it would be range 1 so only useful for something up close and it would do a tonne of damage. Let me take put that down on my to do list.
I'm cool with the blood & gore, but I won't show this game to my kid anytime soon (he loved your DR games, so I bet he'll like Hydra too ). And as mentioned on Discord, there's an issue with font rendering in the unit description during team selection. See screenshots, that font on the right is quite blurry. Sounds good! "Hicks Blast" for the Shotgun, "Vasquez Bullet Hell" or "Let's Rock!" for the Machinegun?
Yeah, the font thing happens on 1GB devices. I have code that dynamically switches to a higher res font under this circumstance, but for some reason, it doesn't work on all fonts in the team selection window. Not sure why that is. I'll try to fix it. Should not be an issue on anything with more than 1GB of ram since that code doesn't kick in.
Now that I think about, there is an ability like that for the Nova Marine at higher levels. She does this cone-shaped shotgun blast that does loads of damage. It would kill whatever's directly in front of her already. I think it's called "buckshot" or something. The Assault Marine already has suppressive fire, which again could be used for an enemy up close. So might be okay ... just go level up your dudes a bit.
Quick update on the 2 Commanders squad setup from here Works like a charm, quoting myself and Wavelight from Discord, and can't resist to also repeat praise for our good sir: Nullzone - Today at 5:27 PM And having a 2nd Commander rocks early on. Just played two missions with her: Mr.Missile first boosting himself, then firing 2-4 times per turn. MUCH more useful than having a 2nd Missile soldier. wavelightgames - Today at 5:30 PM that's really cool ... I honestly hadn't considered it as a strategy. I like how you tend to come up with ideas I never even considered. Nullzone - Today at 5:33 PM @wavelightgames Heh, that's one of the things I REALLY like about your games: You can come up with all kinds of crazy strategies, and a lot of them work Want to play on for now, but at some point I want to try an all slice&dice infiltration squad, with at least 4 of the swordguys, and maybe a Sniper or two: "We have stealth and swords, don't need no Medics and shit" :laughing: What I did for the last two missions I played: If needed (first turn or two, typically; his boost skill costs 40AP and drains him almost completely), BOTH Commanders AP-fueled Mr.Missile. Once that was done, I split my squad in two: Missile, Sniper, 1 Commander on one side, longrange-blasting the hell out of the aliens. Nova, Medic, 1 Commander on the other side, for some short-range mayhem. Nova just wades in and shoots stuff up. While the Commander and Medic keep her topped up on AP and HP.
For anyone experiencing crashes on 1gb ram devices like the iPhone 6+, iPhone 6, iPad Air, etc. please disable the Dynamic Shadows option in the graphics. I would also disable High polygon characters and post processing. You'll get better frame rates ... I would use those options only an iPhone 6S and later. The next patch will disable those options entirely on 1gb ram devices.
Thanks for the loot reply! Sorry for the late reply - prayers sent up for whatever situation you're in dev.
Finished about 7 levels today. Only now have I found the 'Abilities' button. It's like a whole new game. Brilliant!
Ah ... that's fantastic and kinda funny. I actually was worried that the abilities button was too obscure or not obvious enough. That's impressive that you got through the first 7 levels without throwing a single grenade. Grenades are the lifeline of low level characters. Well done!