Universal Strike Team Hydra (by Wave Light Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Nullzone, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks for the feedback. You can actually increase the sound of SoundFx with the options slider.

    Resizing UI is complicated. With the new option to remove the camera controls, you get a lot more screen real estate for the actual battle.

    Transparency is actually very easy. That I can probably add a slider or something in the options menu. I' not sure how useful it would really be. Would you really want the UI to be half transparent?

    The 1.1 patch adds the option to disable the camera controls and zoom slider. Inventory is probably not necessary since you can't actually change equipment during battle. I may remove that button to free up space. However, then I have broken symmetry in the UI so I have to think about it. The avatar / profile pics are also a button to bring up the stat sheet so I don't want to remove that.

    That could be done ... just will take up space in the UI. Will have to see if I can make it work somehow without taking up too much space. You know you can click the portrait to bring up the character's details, right?

    Yes, I'm working on that now, actually. I'd like to do the tiles that can still allow you to shoot once or more be green and the ones that prevent shooting be orange or yellow or something.

    Those are interesting ideas. I was thinking of adding a medal icon or something to levels that have been completed.

    For an option to go back to the camp rather than play the mission ... yes, I suppose that could be done. I can't imagine why I would want to do that too often, but technically it wouldn't be hard to implement. I'll try it out and see.
  2. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    I think I have the different colour tile indicators working to show positions that will leave you with attacks or not.

    Here's a screenshot of it working:

    [​IMG]updated hex colours by Rajpreet Dhillon, on Flickr

    The yellow tiles are where the infiltrator can move without being able to attack and the green ones are ones she can move to and still attack. Let me know what you think.
  3. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Patch 1.1 is in review with Apple. Will probably be available today sometime.

    I made another minor tweak in 1.2 ... now if you press end turn while a character has enough unused action points to attack, not only will it prompt you, but it will zoom the camera to that character and select them for you if you cancel the end-turn action.
  4. MxCarnage

    MxCarnage Member

    Aug 11, 2017
    Yes, the movement tiles look excellent, great work!

    After playing and greatly enjoying the game, I also got some more questions:
    1. Is it possible to have a "hunker down all" button? Basically allowing us to force all teammembers (with available AP) into overwacht mode at the end of a turn, instead of doing this for each unit individually.
    2. With regards to the "Log" and " Terrain" button, how should I use those? I can imagine I'd want to review some activities on occassion and examine the terrain modifiers but doesn't seem like something I'd use on a regular basis (turn by turn or even each mission). I'd like to have my unit abilities shown there since I use those frequently.
    3. Power-ups / pick-ups currently don't have a description or (at least for me with my limited play time) easily recognizable icon. Is this something that could be shown when selecting the power-up, where you currently have the unit avatars?
    4. On a couple of occassions I ran into an issue with the use of grenades. I had line of sight (as shown by the red thing below the enemy unit) but when throwing the grenade it bounced of some boxes or other set pieces. Is this by design (i.e. should I just look better to see if nothing is blocking its path) or should the red marker mean that I have a clear line to throw the grenade?

    I realize that some of the above are probably contradicting my previous request for cleaning up the UI, but there is a reason (actually several) I don't develop games :)
  5. vladswe

    vladswe Active Member

    Jun 13, 2010
    I don't think that's necessary. I often check the shop once in a while to see if there are any upgrades for my current gear (so let's say my rifle is worth 6000 credits, and I have 4000 on hand, the 10000 credit rifle would be grey).

    On another note, the shop loading screen says that you buy stuff with credits, but the items display a gold price. Leftover from DR2?
  6. damowilk

    damowilk Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Hi, thanks for the, as always, quick reply.

    The mission numbers are on the sliding selection bar, the first block are numbered 1-8, then the second block start at 6 again.
    I was wondering if it was possible to put the mission number somewhere on the mission description, and possibly also have a way in-mission that you could call up this description again, or have another way of reminding yourself which mission number you're on.

    It's not a big issue, but I do tend to redo missions in blocks, and lose track where I'm up to.

    I agree that various new pickups of class specific weapons can change your view of, and how you use a character. I got such a good flame thrower, that I even went and swapped in the Incinerator to use it.
    It's too easy to load up a favourite character with all the best gear, and let some others languish for a while.
    I might return to the Rifter at a later stage, but it would take a decent buff to make me revisit the Spidr Bot I'm afraid.
  7. Rendous

    Rendous Active Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    Love the new look for movement! It conveys good info and looks good doing it.

    Just wanted to update a bit after finishing Mission 13 that it was a breath of fresh air lol. I'm a hunker-down-and-overwatch kind of tactician so Mission 11 and 12 really took me out of my comfort zone with the search and destroy hives lol.

    I must say, at first I was a bit apprehensive about the new AP system, but after playing multiple missions with it and gaining a few levels (5-6 currently) it truly does open up as the squad progresses and gears up. Pretty amazing system you set up WaveLight! Feels really different than my memory of when DR first came out and +Attack on gear was king. Really can't wait for the rewards balance patch to really break the bank lol
  8. subgenius

    subgenius Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2014
    I'm also enjoying this one immensely. After getting a couple levels and buying some big +AP gear, the units really start to show what they can do.

    One thing that totally blew me away though, was the enemy use of mind control. The max hp of all of my units are well below 100, so it feels like a cheap kill when one gets taken over even when hiding in cover. I know the answer should be to kill the psykers first, but with the winding corridors it isn't always possible. Might need to look into that one.
  9. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    If you need to hit enemies through walls, Wavelight mentioned several times that the Rifter's Gravity Wave does that ;)

    And the enemy Mindcontrol thing sounds nasty.
  10. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #230 Nullzone, Aug 12, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
    Some feedback on my game till now:
    On Special Mission 9, I completely missed the capturable Turret. Going for it should make for some interestingly different tactics.

    The Dominator Special Mission was pretty easy: Crits rule ;)
    Not only in that one, but in general. Especially my Missile does so many crits (100% chance, no surprise), that the added effects like bleeding, stunning, crippled pile up really fast.
    Also, not sure on that yet, but it seems that when you crit, enemy morale loss is higher and chances are better a unit near your target goes Panic.

    After winning the Ravager stage, I upped the difficulty from Normal to High, normal just was too easy.

    Also giving it a shot to win that mission on Extreme my level-5 party. I think it's doable. First try was quite promising: bunkering up on the right lane, left lane attacked for a turn or two, then started retreating when the Ravager came into range. For an unknown reason my Cyborg dropped dead on my turn, without getting counterattacked or anything. When I (should have) reached him again cycling through the soldiers, I only saw his corpse; still on my same turn, which was rather odd. Maybe I missed something, but I really have no idea what. Fingers crossed it was a one-time bug and doesn't happen again.

    About the Story Missions leading up to the Ravager, I have nothing special to report. Did the usual "buff, shoot, fuel AP, repeat" thing ;)

    Slowly improving my equipment. Almost everyone has some +AP gear now.
    Best pieces in terms of usefulness so far:
    - My Missile got a nice +17 ranged max. damage / +8% ranged critchance Tankbuster Rounds, and a +2 Range/+4AP/+4DR Shoulderpad
    - Nova got a +8AP/+14 max. ranged dam./+22% ranged critchance Splinter Gun, and some other +AP stuff.

    The Medic still has nothing; but she doesn't need equipment yet, as I tend to keep her behind the frontline.

    Overall, I'm really happy with my squad so far:
    2 Commanders, Nova, Missile, Cyborg (swapped in for the Infiltrator), Medic.

    @Wavelight, a question: Does the difficulty level also apply to the Special Missions, or only to the Story ones?
  11. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    Mind control is powerful. However, most early alien psychics are very frail and the ability is short range. Also, the alien mind control is only for one turn. You get control back automatically after that.
  12. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 21, 2014
    IT / Finance Manager
    Toronto, Canada
  13. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
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    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    I think I'm more or less done with the new UI design. I wanted to go with a more minimal design that incorporates more functionality.

    [​IMG]minimal UI by Rajpreet Dhillon, on Flickr

    The "NEXT UNIT" button is now a quick ability button that activates one of the main / most used abilities for each class. So for the commander it's the command ability, for example.

    The Log button has been moved to the pause menu since you don't usually need to look at that during gameplay. It's been replaced by the Next Unit button.

    I have removed both the Game Speed buttons and the Inventory buttons to clean up the upper sections of the UI and provide more screen real estate for the actual battlefield view. The reason for removing inventory button is that you can't switch inventory during battle so no real point looking at it. For the game speed button, you can still speed up gameplay during enemy turns. The need to speed up game speed during the player turn seems kinda pointless since you only move / activate 6 characters and normal game speed is fairly well-paced.

    Let me know your thoughts. Should be in the next 1.2 update.
  14. subgenius

    subgenius Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2014
    Nice revision of the UI, that looks like a good improvement.
  15. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 21, 2014
    IT / Finance Manager
    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks! Glad you're liking it.

    I also found some uncompressed texture files that were eating up RAM unnecessarily so those have now been compressed. The download size should now be around 100MB smaller and around 24 MB of RAM should now be free during a battle.
  16. MxCarnage

    MxCarnage Member

    Aug 11, 2017
    UI revision looks really nice.

    I have yet to exprience the benefit of the "Terrain" button. So I wouldn't miss it if you decide to remove it and use that space for several of the most common quick abilities buttons (e.g. " grenade", "ammo", "armor" etc.) and a class defining ability (like you have in the screenshot, "Command").
    Having just one quick ability (e.g. "Command") accessible from the UI doesn't seem very useful to me. For instance, I find myself currently spamming grenades and using the various "ammo" abilities of my units, so I still need to access the abilities tab anyway. I think I'd rather have no quick ability button at all, then having just one and still make frequent use of the Abbilities button.

    I'm currently playing the second set of missions and have experienced on several occassions that the enemy (and my team) is shooting through walls. Didn't notice this with the first set of mission, migth this be something that is a bug specific to the level?
    These mission include some lovely hallways in which the enemy is happily lining up to get shot (or catch grenades) I was hoping to roast them with the flametthrower but it seems I can only hit one unit, even if the flame passes through several others. Would it unblance the game if everything in the line of fire (no pun intended) is damaged (including friendlies, to keep it fair)? Being able to set fire to the ground (e.g. expected enemy entrypoints) would also be fun.

    Have a great weekend!
  17. vladswe

    vladswe Active Member

    Jun 13, 2010
    Please let us be able to speed up the game on player turns as well - maybe put it into the setting screen if nowhere else? That way you can decide if you want to play with a certain speed all the time and not have to toggle it for every mission.
  18. subgenius

    subgenius Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2014
    I'm seeing some strange behavior when loading saves within mission. When I come back, very often one or several people suddenly register damage and die, and sometimes I see messages that counterattacks are happening.
  19. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Toronto, Canada
    I think I can add a global speed option in the main game options. That way, if you like things moving at a faster pace, you can set it once in the options and leave it. That's a great idea. Thanks,
  20. WaveLightGames

    WaveLightGames Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 21, 2014
    IT / Finance Manager
    Toronto, Canada
    There is something a little with loading a save from mid-battle where a character will randomly die. I'm not sure if it's because they have some kind of damage applying buff that does too much damage when loading or if it's something else. Need to test and debug it.

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