Quick request for feedback: 1 - What do you guys think of having the end turn button check if any unit has more than 25% of their AP remaining and if so, ask the player if they really want to end their turn or not? That would stop accidental end turn presses. 2 - What about adding a "Confirm move" button when you click on a tile to move to prevent accidental movements? This could be something that could be turned on or off in the options menu since it would break up the flow a bit and may be inconvenient for some.
Like I wrote earlier: 1 - End turn: The AP check idea is good, worth giving it a try. But it does break flow a bit. I'd still go with the PQ approach of long-pressing Endturn for like 2 seconds to trigger it. 2 - Confirm move: tap once to select spot to move to, tap a second time to confirm. In all honesty, currently it flows so well, I can't even recall if you need one or two taps. I'm all in favor of having an "undo move" button instead. Less interrupting, as you only hit it when you need to - as opposed to every time you move a unit.
Undo move is a great idea but possibly a nightmare to program. It's probably beyond my capabilities in all honesty but I'll give it a shot.
I think 1 is a good idea. As for 2, I would agree with undo button instead but could be tricky because if one moved and shot, can we redo? Or only redo if moved only? Seems like latter makes sense.
I would definitely go with move only. I guess I could track the character's current position and after a move, I could have an undo button appear on the screen somewhere. Then if that's clicked, then the character moves back to the starting position and gets his AP back. Heavy duty change, though ... will have to think through it.
I agree that 1 would be a good quality of life addition. I think I only ever use the Next Unit button after I'm sure I moved everyone to see if anyone has leftover AP. Regarding 2, I don't mind either way, though I just wonder if the addition of a confirmation pop up might break up the flow of battle much. I can adjust regardless, I'm sure.
I've put in place a quick check on the End Turn button that sees if any of the player's unit still have enough action points to make an attack. If so, a pop up message confirms and lets the player know and asks if they really want to end the turn or not. They can then either confirm or cancel and continue their turn.
Any chance of adding an indication on the bonus boosts which appear, what they will do before you actually land on them? I always seem to pick the healthiest team member to land on the Health Boost thingy. Still a great game.
Valid point. I'll need to either switch the models out for something more obvious or add some kind of icon to them. I'll do one or the other.
Submitted the first patch to Apple just now. Here's the change log: - Improved stability on 1 GB RAM devices by disabling extra graphics options. - Added a confirmation dialog on end turn if any characters have enough un-used action points to attack. - Added option to hide the on-screen camera controls in the Options menu. - Increased size of "Next Unit" button. - Reduced cost of items in the shop by 40%. - Improved pathfinding to prevent characters from taking unnecessarily long paths to target on some levels. - Minor bug fixes. - Removed failure chance of AI Hack ability. Going to work on shop and UI enhancements. Going to try and add a single quick ability button to each character above the End Turn button. With the new End Turn / Unused Action Point validation, hitting the end turn button accidentally is no longer a problem. Therefore, I can probably make better use of the space around the end turn button.
so awesome to see the games further development in dialogue with the gamers. This is what makes a dev stand out! Cant wait to see the new additions.
Liking it so far Thanks for being such a responsive game dev. Enjoying the game so far. I'm only up to mission 9 so far ( though I note it's actually named the second mission 6 at this stage, an error?), but hoping they get a bit longer and more involved. There's not been much talk of tactics/team composition so far so I'll share my thoughts so far for what they're worth. My team is now: vanguard, commander, psi, infiltrator, spectre, and incinerator. The infiltrator and incinerator were swap outs for the spidr bot and Rifter, both of whom I was under-impressed by; the Bot had low fire rate and poor accuracy, and no knock out abilities to make up for this, the Rifter had some interesting skills, but meh fire power and limited range, and a bit of a glass jaw. I'm pretty happy with all my current team. The commander got an early good weapon that extends range by 3, and with high fire rate and reasonable damage, is my main reliable damage dealer, I rarely use her skills. Infiltrator and vanguard decent long range damage dealers. Spectre is fast and good at taking out single tough opponents with his big damage strike. Psi gets a lot of shots, good for mopping up. The flame thrower is helped a lot by a good range of extending weapon and high accuracy. One big difference, that I quite like, is having to balance movement, firing and ability use as they all come from the same pool of APs. One side effect is I'm slower at getting a handle on abilities, but gradually finding my favourites. Could I ask for an indication of which mission you're in or about to do, I lose track sometimes? A minor point is that it always defaults to the second set of missions, rather than where you're up to.
Is it possible to rename the characters? Love this stuff!!! Or would it maybe possible for a future update?
Hello to a fellow German You can rename them during squad selection. I didn't check yet if you can also do it later during the game. Swapping a soldier also allows you to rename again, so you can always change one for another of the same class if you don't like the name.
Yes, when you first select a team member, the member goes into the slot of 6 selected characters at the top. Just choose one of those members and a button to change the name appears. If you want to change it now, you can just go to the Team Select button the main camp and change the team member you want to rename. However, just choose the same class and change the name in the same way. Your character will not have changed but his name will now be different.
There might be some errors like that because I added 3 missions just before launch and that caused some misalignment. Where exactly does it say that it's the second mission 6? Cool team. The Rifter is an unusual one because her main ability (Gravity Wave) has a long range but goes in a direct line and is the only ability that can pass through walls. So if you know where an enemy is, you can stand safely behind a wall and just have the gravity wave hit them. Her wave gets a lot more powerful as she levels up. Her shield ability is also very powerful, though (like all shields) it comes with the downside of having to keep your soldiers bunched up close under it. Bunching is bad for suppression and makes them vulnerable to area effect damage like grenades. Have you used the Incinerators incendiary grenades yet? I find his ability to set the ground on fire very useful. Yeah, that's pretty cool. I like how depending on equipment, you might end up switching a character's role drastically. Find a great weapon for a support character and suddenly your team's core strategy changes because it makes sense to use that support character more aggressively. That dynamic morphing of strategy is one of the things I was aiming for. That's why the item drops have some heavy randomization and why changing your team is free. I'm hoping you find that the types of enemy threats you face will force a few tactical changes as well during your campaign. Yes, that's a huge difference and one that I personally love. It makes it so much more dynamic and flexible than having a fixed number of attacks and movement each turn like in the Demon's Rise series. It's why I resisted early calls from some members to change this. It's one of the best elements of the game but it'll come as a big change for people use to the Demon's Rise series and big changes always face some resistance at first. Yes, the slider being in the wrong position relative to your actual progress is due to the extra 3 missions I added just before release. The 1.1 patch I just submitted fixes this bug. When you say indication of which mission, can you explain a bit more? I don't really understand where exactly you would want that indicator. In the actual battle or somewhere else?
@damowilk: I like that you use the Commander so different than I do. Great job by Wavelight to make several different approaches possible. How do you like the Infiltrator, by the way? I swapped the Infiltrator for the Cyborg, and I find the latter so much better: more damage, more mobility thanks to Teleport, more useful skills. With him and the NPC Engineer I even started to make use of the deployable Shields/Bubbles, mostly to further boost my Missile guy. Got some more mission summaries, will try to write them up in the evening.
Nullzone 1 - Ravager 0 So, compared to Rendous here http://forums.toucharcade.com/showpost.php?p=4040077&postcount=163 , I had a really easy time against the Ravager. Won on turn 5, without taking any damage Did pretty much the usual: buffed and fueled Missile, Cyborg, Nova moved forward and blasted everything in range. Ravager moved forward on the turn after he appeared, right into a Commander's stun shot. He didn't even make it out of his starting area. Focused everyone's fire on him, needed 3 turns to take him and his cronies out. Didn't even send anyone to capture the 2nd Bot: too dangerous cause it was in the middle of all the enemies, and I had stuff to shoot up Same with the Bubbles: too many targets to kill, never had any AP left to deploy them. Even the big robot was rather useless, compared to my squad.
Hey guys, I added code to grey out items that are too expensive in the shop. That way, players can just focus on the stuff they can afford. Here's a preview: updated shop by Rajpreet Dhillon, on Flickr
Thanks for actively engaging with and listening to the community! I only just started playing the game, really enjoying the gameplay and love artwork. Soundfx seem to lack some punch (though this could be due to my low level gear and powers). Please find below some suggestions for your consideration: * add option to resize the UI in order to improve battlefield visibility * add option to increase UI transparancy * add option to disable UI elements (e.g. Camera controls, zoom, inventory, avatar/profile pics etc) * add option to show classname (e.g. Infiltrator) when selecting a unit (now the avatar pic is shown but would be more helpful for me to see unit class) * the unit movement range is visualized (green) but doestn immediately show if I can still do another action (or at least shoot). I believe Xcom had a nice solution to this by changing the color (blue if you could move and perform action, yellow if only movement was possible). * in "camp" during mission selection I'd like to have visual feedback on missions that I completed (e.g. a green indicator). * when I have selected a mission and go into the missionbriefing I'd like to see a " back" button that returns me to the mission selection area. Currently I need to restart the app or play the mission, before I can actually change to another mission. Thanks for the great game!