[Upcoming] Streets of Rogue (by Matt Dabrowski / tinyBuild) Fight, sneak, and hack your way through randomly generated cities. It's like Nuclear Throne meets Deus Ex, mixed with the anarchy of GTA. Rogue-lite meets immersive sim, and goes completely insane. * ABOUT THIS GAME Streets of Rogue is a rogue-lite about player choice, freedom, and anarchic fun. The game takes inspiration from fast-paced top-down rogue-lites like Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, and adds free-form, experimentation-driven, emergent gameplay elements of RPGs like Deus Ex. Rather than taking place in a dungeon, the game is set in a functioning, procedurally generated city, where complex AI informs denizens from all walks of life, who are just trying to get by in their daily activities. In order to progress, the player will need to accomplish specific mission goals in any way they see fit through use of their special character traits, items, and the environment. Will you play as a soldier who shoots first and asks questions later? A stealthy scientist who uses chloroform and tranquilizer darts to silently take down the opposition? A genial bartender who can talk his way past the most intimidating of guards? Or how about a hyper-intelligent gorilla, rescuing other caged gorillas to form a small mobilized gorilla army? The Mighty Feature-List Play the game YOUR way! Don’t want to kill anybody? That’s cool! Want to hack computers? Got ya covered! Random world generation and TOTALLY EXTREME gameplay variety means you can play for 600 hours and not get bored! Seriously though, go outside!!! Super-advanced artificial intelligence that won’t put up with your crap! Outsmart these virtual humans and feel superior to your computer! Play as over 20 (and growing!) wildly different types of characters! Bartender, scientist, hacker, gorilla — hey, your job is probably in there too! Stupidly huge variety of items! Shrink rays, hypnotizing devices, boomboxes, bear traps, food processors.. Oh, and guns too. 4-Player online and local cooperative modes lets you brutalize goons AND loneliness! Lead a gang, free slaves, drink beer, gib ghosts, become a vampire, shrink people and stomp on them. The most insanely varied game ever made. * Platforms: Current: PC, Mac, Linux -> Steam (Early Access) : https://store.steampowered.com/app/512900/Streets_of_Rogue/ Future: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch
Streets of Rogue (by Matt Dabrowski / tinyBuild) Description Streets of Rogue is a rogue-lite about player choice, freedom, and anarchic fun. The game takes inspiration from fast-paced top-down rogue-lites like Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, and adds free-form, experimentation-driven, emergent gameplay elements of RPGs like Deus Ex. Rather than taking place in a dungeon, the game is set in a functioning, procedurally generated city, where complex AI informs denizens from all walks of life, who are just trying to get by in their daily activities. In order to progress, the player will need to accomplish specific mission goals in any way they see fit through use of their special character traits, items, and the environment. Will you play as a soldier who shoots first and asks questions later? A stealthy scientist who uses chloroform and tranquilizer darts to silently take down the opposition? A genial bartender who can talk his way past the most intimidating of guards? Or how about a hyper-intelligent gorilla, rescuing other caged gorillas to form a small mobilized gorilla army? History I've been a fan of roguelikes and rogue-lites for ages, and I think there's a vast amount of room for growth within the "procedural generation + permadeath" confines of the genre. When I had the idea for the game in late 2013, I absolutely couldn't NOT make it, for a couple of different reasons. First of all, couldn't think of any other rogue-lites that had tried to accomplish the same sort of free-form, player agency-heavy gameplay Streets of Rogue is doing. Years into development, I still haven't seen anyone attempt it. This is unexplored territory for the genre. Secondly, the open-ended nature of the game allowed me to adopt a "kitchen sink" mentality, and throw in whatever crazy, funny things I could dream up. As a teenager developing games in the late '90s and early '00s, I feel like myself and a a lot of my contemporaries took this approach to our work. This often resulted in some truly memorable, idiosyncratic experiences where the creators' personalities were on full display. Streets of Rogue allows me the opportunity to share something unique with the world. I didn't want to play it safe in my design. This is my experimental "go nuts" game, and I've always wanted it to challenge the norm. This has also made the game particularly challenging to develop, as I have no direct template to follow, beyond the loose tropes of the roguelike genre. Placing complicated AI characters into a world of emergent game mechanics in which the player has tons of options beyond "kill", is a complicated task. Add in random world generation, and it becomes a staggering one! But with great risks come great rewards. I think players will find a multitude of ways to engage with my systems that I never could have anticipated, allowing for tons of unique stories to emerge! Features Play the game YOUR way! Don't want to kill anybody? That's cool! Want to hack computers? Got ya covered! Random world generation and TOTALLY EXTREME gameplay variety means you can play for 600 hours and not get bored! Seriously though, go outside!!! Super-advanced artificial intelligence that won't put up with your crap! Outsmart these virtual humans and feel superior to your computer! Play as over 20 (and growing!) wildly different types of characters! Bartender, scientist, hacker, gorilla — hey, your job is probably in there too! Stupidly huge variety of items! Shrink rays, hypnotizing devices, boomboxes, bear traps, food processors.. Oh, and guns too. 4-Player online and local cooperative modes lets you brutalize goons AND loneliness! Lead a gang, free slaves, drink beer, gib ghosts, become a vampire, shrink people and stomp on them. The most insanely varied game ever made. Images * Additional Links Gamepedia Streets of Rogue Wiki streetsofrogue.gamepedia.com. Rock Paper Shotgun Premature Evaluation: Streets of Rogue rockpapershotgun.com. Kotaku Streets Of Rogue Is A Roguelike You Can Talk, Bribe, Or Smash Your Way Through steamed.kotaku.com. PC Gamer Streets of Rogue is a fun procedural city-based free-for-all roguelike pcgamer.com. Destructoid Streets of Rogue is currently free and lets you smash buildings as a giant gorilla destructoid.com. Game Informer The Very Best Indie Games of GDC gameinformer.com. Made With Unity Streets of Rogue: A Fascinating Mess - Article by Matt madewith.unity.com. New Retro Games Very entertaining writeup newretrogames.wordpress.com. Handsome, Trustworthy PC Gaming Blog "Best roguelite ever." handsometrustworthy.com.
Alpha 60 - You Can Finish the Game At long last, Streets of Rogue can be completed beginning to end! The Final Level and Ending For those who don’t mind a bit of a spoiler, here’s how it works: You have to take down the Mayor, who can be found doing one of a number of activities in Mayor Village. As per the city’s remarkably ill-thought-out rules, whoever has the Mayor’s Hat and makes a speech at the podium gets to be the mayor. You can achieve this goal through tactics that you’ve used previously (fighting, theft, etc.), which can end up being tricky because the Mayor is very heavily guarded. Or, you can beat him/her in a legitimate election -- there’s a sign in the Mayor’s office that explains how this works. Some tactics will prove to be much easier than others (in fact, there are a few very easy ways to cheese the whole thing), but for you completionists, there are achievements and differing ending text based on the method you use. I’ll definitely be making tweaks in the coming weeks/months, so let me know about your experiences. So what’s next? Just because you can finish the game doesn’t mean the game is done, not by any stretch! As you may or may not know, Streets of Rogue is planned to leave Early Access and launch on Steam and consoles in the near-ish future. Previously, my tentative release date was “before the end of 2018”, now it’s “Winter”. Can’t say for sure, but definitely before Spring. Here’s what’s on my agenda before the game launches out of Early Access: Home base stuff - I’m still not entirely sure what form this will take, but I’ve blocked out some time for it. New playable character - I’ll be adding one new character before the game launches to make it an even 24. More will be added post-launch. Optimization and porting-related tasks - The bulk of Streets of Rogue’s console porting duties are being handled by an external team, but I’ll still need to help out with certain things. It’s really important to me that the game feels solid on all platforms. Balance - There’s still quite a bit of work to be done in this area, and I may end up making some significant changes over the next couple of months. I’ve already added a number of new traits internally which aren’t available yet. Building layout variety - I’ve been neglecting this for a bit too long… Mutators - More coming - Possibly when the game launches! Achievements - Ditto! Bug Fixes - Well duh. Everything else I have planned will need to wait until post-launch. Oh yeah, and there's a new Fortnight Discussion on Character Progression. YOU should participate! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alpha 60 New Features and Content Game can now be completed. This isn’t going to be the most “complete” patch notes, because a ton of new related changes have been made that I forgot to write down. Levels Added final level, “Mayor Village” Music Four new tracks added, all of which are now included in the soundtrack DLC: Final Floor: The Mayor's Lament Final Floor: Speech! Speech! HUH. Get Funky. In the Streets of Rogue. Yeah. Jam On. (Credits) Let's Get This Video Game Started (Titles) Achievements Six new achievements: You Rule Hostile Takeover Peaceful Takeover Legal Takeover The Bad Ending Quest Conqueror UI / Controls Added “Electability” ratings to the stats screen. You can find out how this works by reading a sign in the Mayor’s office. I’ll probably end up adjusting the specifics in future builds. Added opening logo animation Added fade animations to menus Fix for word bubbles not stretching properly for when there are 3 or more lines of text Playfield Objects Fix for certain objects inappropriately saying “(Empty)” on multiplayer client Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities Recharge countdowns do not continue if the player is teleporting, or in other similar circumstances where control is taken from them No longer possible to purchase Upper-Crusty status, this is now the goal of the Slum Dweller’s Big Quest Alien can no longer be Possessed or Cannibalized Missions Fix for missions completing in multiplayer mode after the game had ended Big Quests All Big Quests are now properly completeable and have rewards, which are activated through he Super Special Abilities mutator Mutators Added Super Special Abilities mutator Level Generation Changed the overall structure of the game a bit to make some of the levels smaller and contain fewer quests in an effort to improve the game’s pace. I’m still toying with this stuff, so I may alter these values in the future Artificial Intelligence Office Drones can be bribed to like you again (this can be used for electability purposes) Text Changed the names of a couple of real-world songs referenced in the game Changed the Earwarp Whistle description Multiplayer Fix for certain instances where client interacting with people would produce an internal error and the interaction would not take place Engine Unity engine updated to 2018.2.8f1 Other Updated NAT Traversal plugin to version 1.63 from 1.61 Updated Rewired plugin to version from Internal Added support for a bunch of other new achievements that will probably be added on 1.0 launch Added support for a bunch of new traits that will be coming soon-ish Alpha 60b Fix for Big Quests not always completing properly at the very end Fix for saved games from the previous version having issues progressing to the next level. Electability stuff probably won’t work properly, however -- you’ll need to start a new game for that. Fix for credits list remaining onscreen in home base if the player pressed Skip Ending while they were visible Fix for Doctor not having infinite Tranquilizer darts for their Super Special Ability Fix for bullet-related errors Alpha 60c (September 21) Fix for 3- and 4-player modes not working Game can be completed in Sandbox mode, rather than looping like Endless mode does Fix for player being able to take out loans in Uptown and Mayor Village (this should not have been possible) Alpha 60d (September 22) Anti-hack measures taken to prevent people from hacking into password-protected multiplayer games. Remember, you can still use /ban and /kick in the chat box to remove people from games Fix for shadows not always appearing under NPCs Fix for “slash” sound effect sometimes playing during punches for NPCs that aren’t Zombies or Werewolves Fix for certain items not being removed from the player’s inventory at the end of levels as intended Speech bubbles do not appear in multiplayer mode when people talk to each other during the ending cinematic Fix for armor slot at top of screen sometimes having a number but no image
This game has eaten SO much of my time on Steam! I'll gladly pay for it again on Switch, especially since the genre lends itself so well to handheld systems.