Universal Street Kart for iOS - Beta Testers Wanted (Fat Cigar Productions

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Fat Cigar Productions, Feb 14, 2016.

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Do you currently play multiplayer racers on iOS?

  1. Yes

    64 vote(s)
  2. No

    37 vote(s)
  1. AudiR8cer

    AudiR8cer Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    #161 AudiR8cer, Sep 6, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
    I just received my invite and have requested to be added to the Facebook group. Although I am not a big Facebook user, anyone who is a member of the "myassolutoracing.club" or "myrealracing.club" forums knows who I am. Same for the Assoluto Racing thread, here at Touch Arcade. I only state this not to brag but to assure the devs that I can bring MANY players to this game. I'm hoping that it's as good as I am expecting.
  2. Fat Cigar Productions

    Fat Cigar Productions Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
    Game Developers

    Hey AudiR8cer, just to help we use FB as an easy way to find most people's friends and set them up as rivals. The game is designed around people you know and we have two methods to do that, GC and FB, but while an FB login isn't required, we found that nearly 70% of people who do log in through FB make it to Tier 2. The experience of having people to race, who you know, is just so much better than if you don't know anyone and they have no meaning to you.

    We may, in future expand out to other methods, but for now FB seemed the quickest and easiest for most people.

    You may love SK or you may not, but hopefully you do :) If you have a few friends in the group, great, if not add a few people before you join up - ideally of noobs and you'll have a better chance of being matched up against them in races.

    We don't use FB to spam in anyway, simply as a way to connect people in the game.
  3. JahPE

    JahPE Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    Is it possible I can get the beta today? I'm home all day.
  4. Fat Cigar Productions

    Fat Cigar Productions Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
    Game Developers
    Sadly not, we're keen to test out the new Cadet tier which we've 'improved' (we'll see when you guys play it) based on people's feedback from round 1.

    You'll also want to have added potential rivals on FB first before playing the game - it'll make a big difference to your experience. Promise.
  5. JahPE

    JahPE Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    Oh ok. I will delete my tweet about getting it today. I will wait then!
  6. Fat Cigar Productions

    Fat Cigar Productions Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
    Game Developers
    No worries :)
  7. AudiR8cer

    AudiR8cer Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    I do have a few FB racing friends already but if they aren't Beta testing right now, how would I race them anyway? I can totally see the point once the game has been released to everyone. There MIGHT be quite a few racers that I could recognize (by name) who are not yet in my FB friends list. When I find them in the game, will I be able to easily add them as FB friends from inside the game, or would I have to do this from the FB side?
  8. Fat Cigar Productions

    Fat Cigar Productions Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
    Game Developers
    No, the point is, in Beta we've a lot of people who are happy to add you as a friend on FB and then race you in the game - there's a pretty cool community of people who want to race. You get told when they're online via push notification, where they're racing, and can invite them to race sending them a push notification. There's also challenges set within the game for unlocks, which are based on your rivals performances. It's totally integrated to give a full experience of competition.

    In beta we need to test this to ensure it works. It is of course, totally your option to not do any of the above and simply enjoy the game - you don't even have to log in to FB. The experience will, we hope, be good. But the experience knowing people in the game, is, as we've found from the existing testers, and entirely more fulfilling one.
  9. AudiR8cer

    AudiR8cer Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    I intend to log in to FB and add anyone who is close to my skill level. I like a mix of racers who are a little below my level that I can help, as well as above my level who can challenge me. I am looking forward to testing this out!
  10. Fat Cigar Productions

    Fat Cigar Productions Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
    Game Developers
    Cool. We'll ask people to comment in the group, generally most people are just happy to have more people to race. Hopefully a couple of days and you'll have it...
  11. Fat Cigar Productions

    Fat Cigar Productions Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
    Game Developers
    Typical feedback...

    This is really for other devs out there, who we suspect go through exactly the same issue, but we found it funny so though we'd share.

    Our beta test has thrown up some interesting feedback. For example:

    1. We say before the beta goes out, there's no touch controls yet. People complain there's no touch controls. Without touch controls, I'm not interested. Oh we lost you at 'hello'.
    2. We say before the beta goes out, Race Soundscape isn't finished. People complain there's no full immersive sliding sound.
    3. Game is too difficult... thanks for the feedback.
    4. Game is way too easy.... thanks for the feedback.
    3 & 4 are evenly split.... WTF?
    5. Physics are awesome, totally amazing and spot on.... wow thanks :)
    6. Physics are ok, but i wish it had touch controls... See 1.
    7. I crashed on every lap, it's way too hard. Go play RR3.
    8. I didn't have any rivals.... Did you login with Facebook like we suggested?... No... so log in with FB, or play the game with 70% missing... Do I have to?... No of course not.... but I won't have many rivals? No... oh, I'll log in with FB... good idea, add us as friends and we'll see you racing! :) ... really? Yes.
    9. Your emails went to SPAM... add us to your safelist... Test flight's emails didn't arrive.... ???? Did you actually put your name down for the beta?... No, but why has everyone else got it?... they put their name down for the beta.
    10. The game doesn't work.... no, the servers are down, we're fixing them... when will it be ready?... once we've had some tea, biscuits and some cake, and the hamster has recovered from running in the wheel to power the server.... You're joking right?... yes. We have no idea, we're actually working 18 hour days at the moment trying to bug fix and improve the game for you. When servers go down it's usually unplanned, and we have to investigate what caused it, find a fix, implement it, and see why our contingency that we planned for in case a server went down, actually isn't working... But when will it be back up?... At some point, after we've had tea, biscuits and maybe some cake and the hamster...
    11. Street Kart is hard to be good at... Yes that's the point... Why is it so hard and detailed?... well because if it was easy it wouldn't mean anything... oh. Not one for me, I'm afraid.
    12. I've waited for this game for so long, it's awesome.... What did you like? Everything! I gave it an 9/10
    13. I've waited for this game for so long, it's terrible... Sorry to hear that, help us, what did you hate? Everything, apart from the graphics, the racing, the physics were ok too, oh, and the concept is great, there are real players that's good too. But I need Mfi or Touch Control. I gave it a 5.
    14. I've just reviewed your game based on the beta I think you need to do some more work... yes, that's why we're asking for your feedback - what do you think we need to do?... Touch Controls. See 1.
    15. Races are too long.
    16. Races are too short.
    17. There's no practice mode. No. How many people want it? 70%. We'll do that one :)
    18. Need a shorter race loop please. How many people want it? 50% We'll do that one too.

    From our beta 1 survey the percentage of people that actually felt that no touch controls were a real reason not to play the game, 12.5%. It's interesting for us to find that they were also the most vocal. It isn't clear yet, if we do touch controls, how many of the 12.5% will actually enjoy the game too. Development. What can you do???!

    Guys, it's a beta, and fortunately not the finished game, and we really love your feedback. It makes for the strangest conversations. We've also made a huge number of new friends from the beta. We race everyone all the time in friendly competition with lots of banter, and the community spirit to improve the game is unbelievable. So much feedback and so much help.

    Being in beta is a huge amount of hard work from a dev perspective, but rewarding when we find the points like 17 that really matter to you guys and we can prioritise them and make a major difference to the game.

    SK beta round 3 will be coming shortly. We'd love to have more weird conversations.
  12. JahPE

    JahPE Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    Wow! Best dev ever, I never heard of a dev with such a popular game with there own community and treating them as a friend!
  13. Fat Cigar Productions

    Fat Cigar Productions Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
    Game Developers
    Everyone is great in the group and offer up some actually really useful suggestions, quite a few have been implemented already to go in the next build. Should be out today.
  14. AudiR8cer

    AudiR8cer Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    This is too funny to read! Being a graphic designer and constantly privy to production challenges and extremely picky customers who THINK they know what looks good, I completely understand what you have to deal with!
  15. Dimaya

    Dimaya Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2012
    So if there is no touch controls, I need a controller for this? Because if so, I won't be able to play the beta.
  16. JahPE

    JahPE Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    Nah, there just tilt controls, I personally don't like tilt controls though I like is game so much I will use the tilt controls anyway.
  17. AudiR8cer

    AudiR8cer Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    I started playing the round 2 Beta release today. I am having fun so far. My only complaint is that it's Monday and I have too much work to do, instead of being able to play!
  18. JahPE

    JahPE Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2016
    Loving it too!
  19. Fat Cigar Productions

    Fat Cigar Productions Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2015
    Game Developers
    Beta Round 3 applications now open

    We've just opened up access to Beta 3.

    Please go to www.streetkart.me for details.

    As always, priority will be given to people with friends in the game already, although we're starting to remove non-active beta participants.

    Here's a quick preview of multiplayer Cadets recorded using ReplayKit.

  20. AudiR8cer

    AudiR8cer Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    SK is Incredible!

    Seriously everyone... if you are looking for a CHALLENGING racing sim that isn't just about mindlessly grinding for hours, SK is the game for you. Driving skill alone will not guarantee success. Sign up now!

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