Kyorishin, just want to assure you it wasn't a quit on my side... Though I would lose the round it was very good game. Very bad miss after I got back the momentum.
Oh, I see the mistake. With pp I meant the combo, since the first time you press p with flamingo stance, Hwo does two hits. He does the third one if you press p once again. BTW, just curious, did you have any problems with doing the low punch after the ex dynamite heel? I had lots of timing problems with that. I really hope Capcom will change that.
It's not too bad. The combo is entirely practical, but I have no idea if any Hwo's actually use flamingo
No, forget that useless combo! I just found another combo that's way better: 600 damage with only two bars and without crappy timing! Woohoo!: (corner only) flamingo, pp, hunting hawk (the first hit won't reach the enemy), low punch, low heavy punch, dynamite heel, super The best thing of flamingo pp is that it doesn't drop damage % too much, that's why I do my "researches" mostly with that move. I'm sure that Hwo has more powerful combos though. 600 damage with only 2 bars is already a lot.
Don't worry much about it man, it's probably my crappy connection. It's always exciting to play against good players, hope we bump again! #
I saw you typed a Chinese status message, are you from anywhere in Asia? If so it should not be so slow between us...
Level 99! Awesome!!! But is there any point in playing after you reach this level? Surely all pandora boxes will be unlocked right?
Hey guys, just wanna ask how can i find the expert mode difficullty? I just stumbled upon achievments and theres one for beating the arcade mode in expert mode..
Check out this spreadsheet that fffan7777 put together. It shows when everything is unlocked. I believe expert difficulty is around level 22.
Well there are all the new pandora boxes added with the update, although as far as I know, nobody has figured out how to unlock them yet.
Where does it say that? The message that says something along the lines of "try out the Ex pandora boxes in BT Party" has always been there (even before these new pandora boxes).
Wait, didn't you mean those hadouken, huge heads, etc boxes? Those are only for BT Party as far as I know. I tried that mode and it's really cool. You play with other guy using BT, and both players get random boxes (those special boxes) and random characters. It plays like Gauntlet mode: both players have really low health, and after defeating one of their characters, the next character appears, like extra lifes.
Oh, interesting. I don't have any friends with the game so I'll never get a chance to try out BT party. It's weird that it shows the boxes as still being locked when I go to the store so it gives the appearance that you can unlock them, just like all the other boxes are unlocked. That's pretty disappointing. With no more unlockables, no half-decent ranking system, no BN, no replays, fewer characters, etc., I'm finding it hard to stick with this game like I did with Volt.
Even with those problems, I still like SFxTK more than Volt. I love defeating players with level 4/5 inmense power using level 1 defense What about some matches?
For pure gameplay, I'm still up in the air on which I prefer. Right now it's definitely SFxT but I don't know if it will have the lasting power that Volt did. Plus, it doesn't have all the extras to help build a community, which I thought was really well done with Volt.