Anyone else having the problem whereby if you hit the kick button, the characters swap out? It usually happens when both guys are low on health. I get that there's a button for swapping, but when they're low, it seems both K AND the other button do the same function. it's strange because i've tried a few times now just hitting the kick button and it happens all the time when they're low. It's got nothing to do with me hitting the wrong area. So far, this is KILLING the experience for me. I would pay up to 100.00 TODAY if somebody would put out a working bluetooth controller for the iPad. There are so MANY games that would benefit from an actual controller. I liked VOLT well enough, but I would've liked portable SF more (and Bastion) with a controller.
If you're jail broken you can use blutrol and map a classic wii controller to the game. Not sure if I can talk about this here or not.
First, the second char has no health, second he has a recovery time to be able to swap maybe the second char recovery time was low.
I heard the us version is having problems with the friendlies, supposedly asian version has friendly matches
It won't let me kick with either character. At all. It just swaps when i hit that button. I can only use SP or P. Both of the other buttons swap.
Idk why but I can't complete Ryu's last trial during the Shinku Hadouken. I do it all correctly but when the super hits it doesn't say I did it. WUT
Because the major improvement of this game over SF Volt is the use of full 3D models instead of 2D sprites. It's not surprising the system requirements have gone up. Reading the game description, it actually has incompatibilities with iOS 6 with graphical glitches. It makes sense for them to get it out the door right before iOS 6 is publicly released, since releasing a game with poor iOS 6 support after iOS 6 ships might be harder to get approval and would be bad form.
Oh capcom, "it's bugged? Get it out before it gets denied!" but I do hope they continue support like they did with the original sf4.
So guys, I'm on the fence about this one. I love SFVolt. Is this comparable or is SFV way better? If that is the case, I'm not sure if I really want to spend the money on this, especially after hearing about iAP's
I was trying for half an hour to complete kazuya's trial and I was about to give up in front of the difficulty of the combo, but then I spaced the buttons and finished the challenge in no time. The game seems more responsive if you space the button more. What about you guys?
Question: what does "n" means in command list? for example kazuya "wind god fist" it says: foward, "n", down, down, foward + P Do you think it means "nothing" or "neutral" ? gosh tekken player combo's are sooooooo difficult!
N means neutral. I really hate people who post saying 'xxx should be in the game' especially when that character doesn't even exist in any version of sfxt. I personally am not having any problems with k switching or have come across any bugs myself @houmous: Hugo's trials were pretty hard. All the other sf chars were easy
Wish Volt used the 3D characters like this does. It just looks SO much better, not to mention the FPS is much better as well. I'm not digging having to press super gauges to do super arts, and even after turning easy controls off, I'm still not able to do super arts normally.
OK "n" means neutral they explain it in this video for those interested.
Ok thanks for the info i'll do hugo last then. Did you by any chance managed to unlock a character by doing them all?