I feel like it's never as simple as other characters' abc combos. It feels like she can just keep her block strings going long after her k, k, k. I may have to play around with her a bit so I can get a better understanding of her moves.
She is unsafe in between her first and second kick on her abc combo Watch my combo vid to learn. After the chun-li section its all about nina Mobile http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O9dxndydrpw Pc http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=O9dxndydrpw
Yeah, I thought about the fact that I won 2, how could I be salty? Lol but it happens. Kaz pisses me off! The thing wit Hugo is some of his gambles lead to huge punishes by kaz and whoever he's with. Hurts bad :/ Fun anyways, hope to see ya again gonna check and see if I have that replay. It was a good end, might have saved it.
Unsafe to what? Every time I try to jump in with a reversal I get a kick to the face. Great video though. Always enjoy watching your combo vids.
I've played 3 matches tonight. I won one and in the other two, the connection dropped and I lost a coin. One was after I had won and received the win. It hung on the black screen before exp and SP are added before finally dropping. The other was a fast drop with no hanging while i was winning the dirst round. I appreciate Capcom trying to fix the RQ problem but this is ridiculous, especially with the stupid coin system. Just felt like venting.
What's the situation about future updates? The game is a failure so capcom will stop supporting it? We won't see Rolento?
We'll see the update but Capcom ignores its customers and does what it wants when it wants. I think we'll see the update before the holidays so Capcom can keep the $2.99 price tag and call it a holiday sale.
It's strange because with Volt, capcom released two updates with characters in 2 months! It's a strange behavior IMHO! Maybe the game is not selling so capcom has decided to not support it in the future!
Why would it sell anyway? They did a half-ass job with it. They should have spent more time adjusting the online features and working on adding at least 14 characters on initial release. The price could have been $4.99 and I would have gotten it. If I wasn't a longtime Street Fighter fan or a Capcom fan, I probably never would have bought this even for a dollar. It was fun for a while, but now I've returned to playing Street Fighter II on my iPod Touch.
I really don't doubt that we will get a couple of updates on this game, but I worry that it may be too little, too late, especially if they leave the stupid coin system in place as is.
I actually like this game. I think the gameplay is pretty good and the graphics are top notch. The only thing lacking is better net code and more characters. I agree that Volt is probably the best iOS game of all time I just can't go back to it after playing it so long...
I love Volt. It's actually my favourite mobile Street Fighter release. But, I've played it so much that I'm taking a break from it.
I agree . Plus Im better at SFxT than Volt...which doesn't amount to much as I'm really not good at SFxT either
oh hay. just wanted to say that when the app is ripped of foreign language files, it weights around 684mb. so capcom, just deleted anything that isn't english, this is a fighting game not a RPG, and add some goddamn characters ! this game needs a decent roaster, not some localisation that doubles the file size !!!