Game Impressions I just finished the single player mode (on easy of course, as I'm not familiar with SF x T) and it unlocks new mode: TRIAL, where you can practice your combo. That's a nice touch to give more game modes as you progress instead of giving everything straight away. That encourages people to actually finish the game with different main characters to unlock their respective trial modes. For iPhone 4 owners: It runs smoothly. It's not butter smooth like Soul Calibur, but it's very responsive and not laggy - which is what matters in this game. So the animation isn't 60fps but the controls feel as responsive as SF4 and SF4 Volt, not like MvC 2 (which I deleted after several minutes).
Game Impressions I see three match modes: Ranked match, Player match, Friend match. I'm not sure if we can play online friendly match since none of my gamecenter friends has this game yet and I can only invite them, but I'm quite sure we can do friendly match via wifi too.
On iPhone/iPod yes. On the third gen iPad, no. It's upscaled, so it's not fully jagged, but it's not Retina and nowhere near as sharp as it is on iPhone. See, someone asks a question and if I can help, I answer it. Unlike the rest in here who ignored the very question from me, three times.
Where's the adaptation? I love SF, but having played earlier iOS versions, I don't know why anyone would play a touchscreen version over a controller version. Already, adapting to playing with a gamepad for me was hard enough, but reducing the controls and putting it on a touch screen is useless and exploitative. If you're not gonna innovate -- adapt your brand, your game to *truly* function on a touchscreen -- then get off the platform. Perhaps this view is too rigid, so my question is, besides the fact we love SF, does anyone have a good reason for playing this on iphone? Cheers
I no longer own any of the major two consoles having got bored of them and sold them, and I refuse to pay £40 for a video game anymore.
The problem is that Capcom appears to be merely cashing in with this one. Volt didn't have a pay-to-play-online IAP or an IAP to upgrade your character in ranked mode (this kills the competitiveness of the game). I expect DLC packs with new characters.
@RebornProphet, That's a good reason! And, having said that, would you like to see more innovation on the part of the dev or, is "porting" the game we love in a "good enough" way...good enough?
Has anyone see other arenas than the dino, the club, the junkyard and the roof? With low res textures, only 10 chars and if this are the only arenas i m trying to figure out why they need 1,2 gb... I haven't try this on my iPhone but it doesn't seem so impressive on my iPad3.
What's your question? Sorry I just follow the thread after buying the game and posted my impressions at once. (Those were my first 2 posts in a couple of months!)
It's a shame that capcoms iOS fighters are all capped at 20 fps or something, maybe it's 30 but it doesn't feel too smooth or fluid I should say. Bought the game anyways, price will only go up for now. I am thankful they use 3d models though but they seem to be recreated for the iOS rather than straight port from consoles but still a huge step up from the sprite mess of volt.
The question I answered, having finally decided "To hell with it" and bought the game, was the one I asked a few times earlier in the thread. Had someone replied and told me it wasn't Retina enabled on the new iPad, I wouldn't have bought it, but it's only £2 I suppose.
Dammit! I used up my iTunes money on something else yesterday and today I check out this site and this is released. I've been waiting for this all summer long and now it's finally here at just $2.99. I have to get it today ASAP. I hope they add Ibuki and Juri Han to this game. Those are characters they have yet to add to the mobile Street Fighter games and I'm a big fan of them. -crosses fingers-
Oh well I don't have an iPad so even if I had read your question earlier I would've 'ignored' it too. Anyway, paid the same price for Marvel vs Combat 2 as well and I feel this one is worth so much more than that terrible, terrible release, lol. Even with a fraction of character and sets, it's still a better game than MvC2 (and many others I bought at full price on day 1).
I'm quite sure they have friendly via Wifi (but who reads through the comments right?). You just have to add them first via gamecenter.
Obviously people who don't have an iPad would have ignored it. Anyway, I answered the other guys question, which hopefully helped him out ... that's all that matters.