I'm sure people still play, but this game is dying out pretty quickly.... I'm just waiting for Rolento and Heihachi so I can make a combo vid and most likely be done with the game unless Capcom does something right.
I cannot connect today with nobody! The game is dying, the lack of characters, the infinite lag, the missing support to iPhone 5, Capcom fail this time, SfVolt is better, but graphic sucks compared to SfxT#
Keep in mind that almost a million people or more on the east coast don't have power I just got on yesterday after a 4 day break. About 5-6k in my county alone are powerless, myself included. Sux
I was playing gauntlet and all of a sudden, hwo has a huge head!! Is there a big head mode? Is there a glitch in the game?
All good and safe, just no power. Actually just came back on yesterday. Now finding gas, that's another story Still I'm safe, lots of people have horrible damage so I can't complain much. Thx though
Maybe next week, I'll waiting for net-play improvents not additional characters! It's impossibile to play with lag vs Kazuya or Dhalsim! I hate the Ryu-Dhalsim team!
Lag is never going to be fixed they should have had 2d backgrounds it uses to much power. Maybe I'm wrong I don't know but capcom needs to fix it, I deleted this a month ago because I grown tired of the lag and stupid tokens to play online
I hope so... About Ryu-Dhalsim, try to use Hwo's Air Raid. It can be countered with Ryu's Shoryuken, but since you can control this attack you shouldn't have any problems. I fought a guy a few days ago who used Ryu-Dhalsim and he didn't know how to counter Air Raid. The only character that gives me headaches is Hugo. I hate him!!
If I don't jump he will use the damn combo Ultra Throw + Giant Palm Breaker + Shootdown Backbreaker or only Meat Squasher, and I can't do anything due to the fu***** lag. GRRRRR!!!
So I started playing again a bit and I'm starting to wonder if there's a version of this game that only has Ryu and Kazuya in it because those two seem to be the only characters anyone picks. Boring....
Yes, you're right! I use Ryu and Chun and the most part of the players I meet, use Kazzuya and Ryu! Sometimes I meet the team Hugo-King! 2 negative things: the lack of characters but for the most the lag during matches!
Met you Jibba, good game. I was using Paul and Hugo. Pity of the lag and I mishit twice in the last round... That was not meant to be a sub at that place! At least I did OK On round 2...
GG Alan. Not the first time we've played IIRC. Or maybe I just remember your name from here. But yeah, it always sucks when lag interferes. I had some issues on my end too, but that hard tag was an obvious tough break on your end. Have you unlocked friendlies yet? And GGs if you still come around here Vaceotyn. It was fun messing around with different (sort of) teams and gems. I was on my way out for dinner so I had to run.