CaptYadier by choosing juri, you respect your logic. First of all, you like women. Like in volt viper and now in sfxt you chosed Nina and chun li. Now you want juri. I understand you're a top player, but why only women? Are you a feminist somehow? Lol.
Erm no not a feminist lol but........ I played C.Viper, Makoto, Chun-li, Sakura and Cammy in Volt (Chun-li and Makoto specially as secondaries) In AE i play all the women too, Juri, Rose and Chun-li are actually my best 3 and im training alot C.Viper since she is so hard to use in AE. I find that in the Street Fighter Universe I feel more comfortable with playing the girls, the reason is that exploring their moves are more fun than exploring male characters which gets boring in the training room. (There is an exception with Yun, but yun could be considered a woman LOL)
i just lost to a guy called to fat to run from this forum, sorry i was hammered, i felt like fighting four guys at the same time, good game to who ever it was, the sig was touch arcade so i guess you'll read this. next time i crush you.
i used to be not bad drunk on volt but i discovered, thanks to "to fat to run" that it dosen't work the same way on sfxt. i really want my revence to who ever you are, please reach level 44 and i give a nice lesson. oh boy...
sfxt drunk is pretty pathetic i have to say, maybe it's just me. you all tell me if i'm the only in that situation. god i complained about that game, but seriously i loved that game, nothing compared to volt, hundred times better.
When I first started playing Guilty Gear I picked I-no in part because her weapon is an electric guitar but also because she was fun to look at. xD
No worries, I understand. What's your take on Hugo? I'm starting to get the feeling he's cheap. I'm dropping Kaz when Rolento/??? is released.
Haha, Juri is fun to use. I love her combos. I do wanna see her in one of the mobile Street Fighter games. I remember being so disappointed when she didn't make the cut on Volt. Ibuki's my favourite though. I wanna snap necks on mobile.
Does Hugo mention Poison in other SF games or in SFxT on consoles? Just wondering if his mention of Poison after a win is a hint that she'll be added in the future. I don't know anything about her character but a quick google search told me that she was his wrestling manager at some point in the series so it's probably not a hint.