iPad Street Fighter X Tekken by Capcom

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by banger1103, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    You can freely decide with free characters too, just sayin'.
  2. tognesimo

    tognesimo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2011
    Yes, it would be better!!
  3. Houmous

    Houmous Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Come on tognesimo, you ragequit all the time anyway. You did with street fightervolt and you trolled everybody with it saying or was your right to do so. What ever game you'll have in your hand, if you lose you'll rage quit anyway.
  4. tognesimo

    tognesimo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2011
    Now I'm at about 3000 bp in SFXT! I don't ragequit anymore, only if lag is too much!! With Volt was an other story!
  5. Houmous

    Houmous Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    I can't beleive i'm in the only one who remember tekken with big head.
    have a look at this:
    or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWYlKhBo9Co
    or here it's explained: http://www.gamecheats.com/playstation/tekken-2/Big-heads-and-hands

    i don't know if they added this feature in the console version but it's a definitly a "weird" bug.

    it's like on street fighter, the first version on super nintendo, i remember i have a sort of cartridge that you would add on before the game cartridge itself and it would allow you to add weird feature to the game like having ryu vomiting to any hit (remember that in street fighter 2 you could vomit from getting hit too hard?) or you could play with ryu without a shirt, it was like the ancester of the costume stuff. i remember that you could also make your caracter invicible like in the glitch jibba was talking, etc etc. please someone tell they remember that too so i don't look like an idiot.
    I don't know if you had this patircular cartridge thing i'm talking about because i'm in europe and, as far as i remember, it was an imported cartridge from japan. i remember it allowed me also to play japanese game on my european console. the codes for each mode were very long to put in and you had to do it everytime and only could to one mode at the time. it worked for dragon z ball too and another couple of game i don't remember. i remember buying the game magazine to get the codes and spending hours just to get one glitch to work.

    please somebody over 28 years old tell they did it too, i can't be the only one.
  6. Houmous

    Houmous Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    by the way, for those you complained of my attitude when the game came out, i change my rate to 5 stars since the last update, just saying...

    and another thing as i have been asked, my nick name is houmous, cause i like houmous, a fine dish, doesn't mean i'm muslim (i'm not) doesn't mean either i'm anti muslim but it seems to bother a couple of people. I won't change it, we're playing a game, we're not doing polotics, so please be fair play.
    thanks in advance.
    mi GCID is houmous, if you have any problem hit my up, and we'll fix it this way.
    for the grant majority, sorry for this message.
  7. Houmous

    Houmous Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    one last question, more about the game. who do you think sucks in this game, i was supprise to see a dalsim in the top 5 today, we all know about kazuya and king, but what about the rest?

  8. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Is Dhalsim (either in SFxT, or SF in general) generally considered that weak? I have nowhere near the skill levels required to appropriately judge his qualities and shortcomings, but I don't think there is a single character that I find as useful in overcoming the AI on higher difficulties as Mr. Yogayogayogayoga :) (Boy, how I miss that win quote in SFxT.)

    I've read that Hwoarang is generally seen as rather meek and feeble, atleast in the iOS version, but him being my favourite fighter of all fighting game franchises (even though I don't care much for Tekken in general), I cannot see this myself, of course ;) What say the rest of ye?
  9. CaptYadierPR

    CaptYadierPR Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    Network Marketing
    Puerto Rico
    I would dare and say Hwoarang could be the worst but im not a hwo specialist so i may be wrong.
  10. BTNLegend

    BTNLegend Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    No doubt about it. I agree. Hwoarang was perceived as the weakest, but after practicing with him countless times, he has become my favourite fighter in this game. His combos can be pulled off with so much ease and transition it's amazing. For me, it's him as primary and Ryu as secondary.
  11. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    I use Hwo as main and Paul as secondary, and the only problem I have is the goddamn lag.
    Hwo isn't very powerful, but it's easy to break the opponent's defense with him, that's why I use Paul as secondary. If you know how to use his specials to counter enemy's specials, you shouldn't have any problems. For example, with Ryu players that only use the Shoryuken and low kicks, you can use Air Raid + left/right (joystick). Doing this, the enemy will do the Shoryuken because he'll think that you're trying to hit him, but in fact you only did a short Air Raid, so you'll fall faster than Ryu, you'll avoid his attack and you'll have the opportunity to KO him.
  12. Apprunner

    Apprunner Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    Hwo is the weakest. I main him and see his deficiencies. Ryu is my 2nd and he is buff. i'm gonna have to go with Hugo to round out top 3 (Kaz, Ryu, Hugo, then king for me)
  13. Pooter

    Pooter Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    #673 Pooter, Oct 18, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2012
    Disclaimer: Lv20 :D

    Hwo has some good moves for his low damage output.

    I think Guile, Nina, and Chun are at the bottom.

    Guile seems to need more charge than usual, and not much in the combo department.
    Chun gets nerfed with Auto Block and Zoning isn't strong in this game.
    Nina is fast but her move sets/damage output sucks.

    This game needs more chars!

    Apprunner: I was excited to get paired with you! Looked like the connection was great! .....but of course, my App crashed. Sorry for that.
  14. seekheart09

    seekheart09 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Love how people ignored my question about pandora gems (which is best) but I agree with the above posts, Kaz,Ryu,Hugo,King seem to be good mains and paul is beastly as a secondary.
  15. Apprunner

    Apprunner Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    Immense power by far.
  16. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    Same here.
  17. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    In America we had the Game Genie. Not sure if that's what you're talking about but it did what you describe:


  18. fffan7777

    fffan7777 Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    Guys, don't look forward to reaching level 44 when friend match gets unlocked. You will only be able to play someone else that's level 44 or higher that has that mode unlocked. I was wondering if that was one of the reasons why we were not able to get the matches started when we tried it out.

    It turns out that this mode is just as much of a fraud like player match; it still consists of 1-round matches with no option to change the # of rounds whatsoever.
  19. Houmous

    Houmous Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Yes!!!! It must be this or something very similair. I feel nostalgic suddenly.
  20. yoshimitsu

    yoshimitsu Active Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    Manji clan leader
    I think the update might be this Friday...I have the strangest feeling :T

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