Electric is the nickname for Rising Uppercut (f+sp during Mist Step) Wind God Fist is the nickname for Dragon Uppercut (p during Mist Step) There are other tekken nicknames like King's uf + sp is commonly referred to as 'Shining Wizard.' It's called 'Running Jaguar Bomb' in the command list. Uf+k is colloquially referred to as 'hopkick'
"Don't worry about your Win/lose record in Player match" Really? Where the Fawk is that then!! ;( Silly Capcom. Also, how about you don't show loses
They actually dont show looses. Thats why they say not to worry about it. Also winning all the time doesnt help you level. I had 300 wins and was only level 16 until i decided to loose on purpose. Now aroud 34 matches later i am level 20 half way to 21. If i had won the 34 matches i would still be level 16. (This was done while no double exp) Why is leveling important? Well for unlocking all the modes and the padora boxes. Friendlies even though is broken at the moment is avaible at level 44, BT party is level 29, level 27 is level 3 power pandora, etc etc
I know, but we don't have player match. Has anyone actually unlocked this yet? I find it hilarious that it's in the quick tips before a match. Its like being spit in the eye
Dragon uppercut is also known as thunder godfist. [f, n, d, df, n+p] Rising uppercut is also known as wind god fist. [f, n, d, df+p] Electric wind god fist is known as electric or ewgf. [f, n, d, (just frame) df+p] Running jaguar bomb is just running jaguar bomb... [uf+sp] Tomahawk is known as shining wizard. [d+sp] Everyone has player match already. Just go to arcade mode and turn on accept request. Maybe this method is a bug b/c it wouldn't make sense to unlock a mode that does the same thing. Plus, doing it this way, you can actually find people.
You can calculate it: Total wins x winrate factor = ans Than Total wins - ans = number of matches lost For example 166 Total wins 56 Win Rate 166 x 0,56 = 93 166-93 =73 Therefore you lost 73 matches. I love my math capability
GGs. I always do ranked with 1/3 coins left. So sorry for no rematch. If we had gotten matched up 5 minutes later, I would have a coin laying around for the rematch. It's just that whenever I have more than 1, I sandbag a match against someone so they get baited into the 2nd match and I go all out for the revenge exp.
Ah makes sense! I should do that! I'm still a really low level. I'm banking on that lv 1 onslaught. I have a lot of respect for King now. The reach of his normals are not to be disrespected!
Well I always play without Internet being on so that sending data thing doesn't really matter because I think it doesn't do anything so yeah
Well I got this game and I don't always play online but I do turn off my Internet when I play and after a match it says sending data of somthing I don't no way that's for or were it's sending it to so yeah not a big deal for me.
You can play the basic arcade and training mode offline. You won't unlock trials unless you are connected online.
You cant unlock trials or achievements if not connected to the internet and if you dont play ranked you cant unlock gauntlet mode, BT party mode, player match mode, friends match, and all the pandora boxes. I also think you dont win sp points to upgrade the pandora boxes. You can also unlock expert and battle master mode playing in ranked.
Boo for 5 coin weekend. I want that max exp one instead! The daily reward page got an overhaul though. Stupid game, hand me that 10% discount already