Phoenix Smasher is probably the weirdest special in the whole game. In PS vs PS situation, only the late one will hit the opponent. You can avoid them with Mortar Punch though. Then, God Hammer Punch is one of the few specials in the game that can hit Kaz while he's doing Mist Step since it hits low. I think I'll use Paul as main again. EDIT: OMG, I think I underestimated Paul. Just avoided a Paul's Cross Cancel by using that Phoenix Smasher trick and by using Sway.
(Hwo/Paul, no bar) Flamingo, PK, Launcher, Mortar Punch, st.MK xx Mortar Punch, st.MK, st.HK, Launcher -> 480 damage (Hwo/Paul, 1 bar) Flamingo, PK, Launcher, Mortar Punch, EX Phoenix Smasher, st.HP xx Mortar Punch, cr.HP xx Phoenix Smasher -> 529 damage (Paul, 1 bar) st.MK, st.HP xx EX Phoenix Smasher, st.HP xx Mortar Punch, st.MK xx Mortar Punch, cr.HP xx Phoenix Smasher -> 448 damage (Paul, 1 bar) st.HP (CH) xx EX Sway, j.MP, Hammer of the Gods, Hammer Punch, Hang Over, Demolition Man xx Phoenix Smasher -> 426 damage (Paul, 3 bars, Hugo only) st.HP (CH) xx lvl 1 Charge Phoenix Smasher, Mortar Punch (will cross up), EX Phoenix Smasher, st.HP, Super -> 618 damage (Hwo, 3 bars) Flamingo, PK xx EX Hunting Hawk, Flamingo, PK, Super -> 632 damage
final year in college with exams coming soon... I hardly play any online games now (just a few solo games when I'm stressed from studies lol) No SFxT or Volts for me... until June
I see. Good luck then! Damn, I wish I could do something to make Capcom update this game, or to just say something about it. The SP/Autoblock OFF bug sucks.
It's just one of the few bugs the game has. Sometimes, both SP and Autoblock turn themself OFF for some matches. Then, some effects don't disappear after using Pandora. Try with Hwo/Paul: Flamingo, PK, Launcher, Mortar Punch, Pandora, Dynamite Heel, Super. Mortar Punch's effects won't disappear.
Graphical effects. IMG_4770.jpg IMG_4771.PNG IMG_4772.jpg IMG_4773.jpg IMG_4774.jpg Take a look at that smoke effect. But well, thanks God that this version doesn't have the wall bounce glitch after Pandora. Oh, and with console's wavedashing I think that Super after Sonic Boom wouldn't even work.
How many characters are there at the latest update? Does it require constant internet connection (which is complete BS for a fighter game) to play? No info whatsoever in the app description, real smart. I mean if I didn't bother asking I would just assume there were about 8 characters in this game (the characters shown on the poster) Pretty much the only reason I'd get this is to play as Rolento or Hugo, the only characters missing from SSFIV:AE on my Xbox. Loved playing as Rolento on the old SF2. Never really got into Tekken.
The last (character) update gave 2 more (Rolento + Heihachi) for a total of 12. You can play the game without internet connection but you don't get any SP (in game currency) and you obviously can't play online. Rolento and Hugo are both in the game
What's SP used for? 12 characters... maybe king of fighters is the better choice with 32 characters and a smaller file size.
The in game currency is used to purchase and upgrade your gems. You also can't unlock the new modes/trials/boxes while offline. KoF has more characters but the online play is deserted AND it is segregated into regions. Some people found the netcode for KoF to be pretty good so they have good online games. I found both SFxT and KoF to have worse netcode to Volt
I don't really care much about online play. When I played Volt online mode I think ragequit rate was about 90%. It's way more frustrating than single player as I don't think AI has the permission to ragequit. Anyways thanks for your info~
Damn, I can't believe that Paul's cr.HP is better than Shredder. Both anti airs need almost perfect timing, but at least you can use cr.HP after the opponent jumps. With Shredder you have to foresee his jump. BTW Kaboom, why do you use Mortar Punch after st.HK and such? It's actually way worse than, for example, Makoto's Chop after normal. Phoenix Smasher is safe on block, same with Sway without followup. Any other attack is unsafe. Most people in ranked already know that trying to hit Paul after his normals=dead, but they are free to punish Paul between st.MK and st.HP/st.HK/Phoenix Smasher with Super, EX command grab, Kaz's Mist Step, Hei's RU, Paul's Sway followups and so on. Remember that his gameplay is more about anticipating attacks than any other character in the game, that's why nobody picks him. I'd say he's similar to Makoto, and I'm not only talking about Hayate/Phoenix Smasher
ok i sent an email to capcom for my question and heres their respond: Hello, We apologize for the delay in response. Unfortunately there are no current plans to optimize for iPhone 5. We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Best Regards, CAPCOM Customer Support WT ...?!!!!! im disappointed even dont know what to say ....