Hozanto = light punch version. Other than that the rest should all be the heavy version. Run does not have a version difference, it is the input after run that matters. If you must pick 1 ultra then go for ultra1 coz you can combo into it for any match up. Although U2 is useful against certain match ups like punishing moves which were thought to be safe, like Balrog's dash straight
if you must then use db + K as his crouching light kick, d + K = crMK and df + K as his slide. Ninja Sickle is not that useful, I find it hard to even land it once in a real match because of the extremely slow start up. Although you can do quite some damaging follow ups afterwards like HK Bushin Senpukyaku then super, it almost only happens in training room... While crLK is a 3f move which has large priority over many Normals
Ok so I am a newb at this but here is a shot for Juri: Normals: S.k= slk S.p= smp S+fk= overhead(blocked standing) D.k= cr.mk D.p= cr.mp D+fp= cr.hp Air: Neutral jump kick J.K= jmk J+DK= jhk J.P= jmp (combo with air kick) Specials will be on next post. Plz change or add things when needed.
Hmm, guy has a command slide kick, that's slightly slower, so if you're looking for input spaces, you could remove his normal slide, as he has another anyways.
Juri specials: SP Fireball charge kick SP+P medium fireball SP+K light/low fireball SP+SP fierce/high fireball (I think all three are essential for mixups plays but if only one, then medium fireball would be best) also, I debated if the arrows should be used or anther button to activate the different fireball heights SP (air) Dive Kick (auto) +SP SP SP (to continue) first hit cancellable B+SP counter D+SP or DF+SP Pinwheel light or fierce (I had a thought about these two. Light fierce is safer and can be combo after and fierce pinwheel when hit will travel far into the corner where Juri is most effective... So I dunno if light pinwheel or heavy pinwheel should be two seperate moves or only one of them) If two of them... Then it would be... F+SP = Fierce Pinwheel D+SP = light pinwheel EX: forward quarter circle= EX fireball charge kick and either the arrows/p,k,or SP to direct it. Manual would be forward quarter circle K Front diagonal Z= bc of conflicting motions, EX pinwheel as well as manual pinwheel should be Front Z motion. Backward Quarter Circle= EX counter (can use arrows to direct where Juri wants to be) dash forward, back, or jump. EX has faster startup than normal Backward Quarter Circle (Air)= EX dive kicks... Very straightforward move Super- double backward quarter circle- just the simple super ULTRA- this one is a harder choice... But it would be double backward quarter Circle SP but I Dunno if it should be Ultra One or Two Ultra 1 very useful to make combos (similar to Yun's super... But because of limited moveset it may be come to less of use plus with the fact of harder use Ultra 2 is the easier one to use which can break armor and easily combo. So my bet would be ultra 2 Again, change/add anything that is needed. I am new to this so correct things if I am wrong.
I was thinking of how to implement Juri. With her fireballs, I think there should be 3 inputs for each strength, and when you do one, it charges. Do the motion again and it releases. The problem with this would be you couldn't have 3 manual inputs (not easily at elast). The problem I see is her 3 strengths for EX fireball. I don't know what to do with that...
Nice list, but how would you be able to store a fireball? Juri's game is not only about spamming FBs, but also about delaying them to bait the enemy. I can't think of a way to add it without making it too difficult though. And IMO buttons after SP is better than joystick inputs. Less likely to have problems with movement. Otherwise if you want to move after the Fuhajin you could get a FB instead. A quick button press should be enough. And about the counter, it needs at least two versions. It isn't a counter like Gouken's special counter or Fei's 2nd Ultra. It makes Juri teleport, and the strange of the button determines in which direction she'll move. If she'll always teleport to the same place, it will be a very useless and predictable move. Two versions should be enough to make it a more viable move. Maybe the one that moves her forward and the one that moves her backwards, so it can be used to choose to play offensive or defensive while with the EX version you can also access the up teleports that can get very annoying with nj.HK and Dive Kick.
Ok. So the buttons are much better than the arrows... And yeah, her style isn't entirely out of the fireballs. But it is essential to have them to be mixups. With the teleport thing would be much harder... Because the control pad can be used to control where she goes but I agree with you to what extend or what distance can she go to... So that is the only thing I am unsure off. Like up to jump to connect with dive kick or n.k or back just to run away or forward to dash attack. I am not an expert on Juri, so I hope someone can take over this if it doesn't look compromising.
Juri (Forget my first post about Juri long ago) Normals: -Stand Close Medium Punch (f+p) (special cancel) (very little pushback) -Stand Close Low Punch (p and b+p) (special cancel) (fast normal) (rapid fire) -Crouch Medium Punch (d+p and db+p) (special cancel) (Anti air) (poke) -Crouch Hard Punch (df+p) (special cancel) (Anti Air) -Stand Far Medium Kick (k and b+k) (good poke) (hits twice up close) -Overhead (f+k) -Sweep (df+k) -Crouch Medium Kick (d+k) (special cancel) (poke) (good range) -Crouch Low Kick (db+k) (special cancel) (fast normal) -Jump Mid Punch (jump P) (juggle) (can hit twice) (fuzzy guard) -Jump Medium Kick (jump K) (crossover) -Neutral Jump Hard Kick (hit both sides, excelent Air to Air) -Jump Hard Punch (jump then down+punch) (hard knockdown) -Forward Throw Special -Hard Senpusha (QCB+k) (QCB+SP for ex) (b+sp and db+sp) -Mid Fuhajin (QCF+p) (f+sp) (rapidly press p for hold if using sp assist) (default release if no hold) -Low Fuhajin (QCF+k) (df+sp) (rapidly press k for hold if using sp assist)(default release if no hold) (Holding SP after mid or low Fuhajin should let you hold 1 fireball) -Ex Fuhajin (QCF+SP) (Rapidly hold direction for strenght of Fuhajin) (any up direction for hard) (forward and default medium) (any down direction for low) -Katsushi and Ex Katsushi Direction sensitive (d+sp) (reverse dp+p) (Default is Jump for Ex and low for normal katsushi) (reverse dp+sp for ex) -Medium or Hard Shikusen? (jump + Sp) (jump + qcb+k) (jump + qcb+sp for ex) -Low Super (needs fixing so hits in corner too) -Ultra 2
Rose Normal - p: cl.hp (no other good standing punch) d+p: cr.mp df+p: cr.hp j.p: j.hp k: cl.mk db+k: cr.lk (make it machine gunnable like bison's, but can't cancel to specials like in ae) d+k: slide df+k: cr.hk j.k: j.mk Special - Soul Spark (light): hcf+p/f+sp/hcf+sp Soul Spiral (light): qcf+k/sp/qcf+sp Soul Throw (medium): dp+p/df+sp/dp+sp Soul Reflect (light): qcb+p/b+sp/qcb+sp Soul Reflect (medium): qcf+p/db+sp Throw - Forward throw Super - qcfx2+p Ultra - Not sure about this one... Autoblock will make the U2 mixup pointless. So U1 with qcfx2+sp motion?
Rose Normals -Close Fierce Punch (p and b+p) (good AA) (special Cancel) -Crouch Jab (db+p and d+p) (special cancel) -Crouch Medium Punch (df+p) (special cancel) (fast normal) -Close Medium Kick (k and b+k) (meaty setups) (evades low hits) -Either Far Stand Hard Kick OR Soul Piede (unique) (f+k) (poke, awsome range) -Crouch Low Kick (db+k) (rapid fire) (not special cancel) -Slide (d+k) -Sweep (df+k) -Jump Hard Punch -Jump Medium kick -Forward Throw Specials -Medium Soul Throw (df+sp and f+sp)(dp+p)(dp+sp for ex) -Low Soul Spark (sp)(qcf+p)(qcf+sp for ex) -Medium Soul Spiral (d+sp)(qcb+k)(qcb+sp for ex) (armor break)(its safer than low and hard spiral) -Medium Soul Reflect (db+sp)(qcb+p) (reflect fireball) (armor break) -Hard Soul Reflect (b+sp)(reverse dp+p) (reflect fireball 45 degrees) (armor break) (juggle) -Ex Soul Reflect (reverse dp+sp)(I think it can reflect ex fireballs) -Hard Super (travels faster) -Ultra 2 (can be comboed in corner and mid screen with meter)
Chun-li change forward kick + kick (without the upkicks) needs faster recovery in AE she can do forward kick + kick and link ex kicks right after without fadc
It might randomly throw off some timing for some FADC ultra combos though. Like, in AE, if you mash Shoryuken, FADC, Ultra with Ryu you might miss, but you'll never miss it in Volt (assuming you hit the shoryuken on a grounded opponent)
Random ideas: Make Cody's Criminal Upper safer on block, either better recovery or more pushback Akuma to have 1 frame recovery when landing from demon flip
I was thinking , what about a f+k move? Soul Piede or Far standing HK? Why Light Soul Spiral? From what I read, it sounds like Medium is better Other than that, that seems about right...