st.HP, cr.LK, st.HK, Launcher, Iron Heel, Instant Air Raid Special, Chainsaw Kick, cr.HP xx Sky Rocket. Yeah, cool combo! About autoblock, just like you have to train your offense, you have to train your defense. Everyone here goes to the training mode for combos and such, but I'm sure no one goes to try to beat some setups and such, because AB makes everything way easier. So easy that you don't need to understand how cross ups and fake cross ups work or any other thing. Autoblock kills gameplay and makes it so that the player only has to play half of the game. SP is already enough to help people.
Only the headstomp fake has 0 recovery. If you do the headstomp itself and it doesn't connect, it has 16 frames of recovery. Add juggle after his devil's reverse and high knee press so I can list sfxt combos. Will I be cool too?............ Kappa
Unless they include Tag Cancel and Hwo or Paul, no. And what does kappa mean? It appears in almost every comment in EH.
About Zangief's Flying Body Attack, add less active frames, and the first active frame starts later. Right now he can even start the move right after jumping and hit you while you're in the ground.
It would seem to me because you can't throw after a crumple in SFxT. Of course you can't make it fair if one option is strictly better than the other. But you got to play around it. You can still create hard to block setups in Volt in spite of Autoblock. It just requires a bit more effort that people aren't willing to do. I don't think Autoblock and SP Assist is going to get removed/made worse. I've never had a problem with Autoblock and I've made my peace with SP assist. In fact, I rather enjoy a game where people have better execution rather than playing cripple fights. One of the best things about Volt is the low barrier to entry to playing the game. There aren't dozens of normals for each character, coupled with 4 versions of every special move and 39 different matchups to learn for each character. SP Assist keeps that barrier low and I think is pretty damn good at making this game accessible. Except Abel is bottom tier and needs more help than Akuma does. Akuma has plenty of mobility. You can do st.HP xx Hadouken, FADC, st.HP xx Hadouken. I don't know what you're talking about. But doing that is pretty pointless though I am leaning towards having it -1f on block or just less damage. Currently the move is just free for people to mash. Sakura, Honda, Balrog, Sagat, Ken, Chun, Zangief, Dhalsim, Vega, Bison, Fei, C.Viper and Abel all have one standing P. You aren't providing a very compelling argument. But the point is he doesn't have vry many good aa options. cr.MK is very specific and needs to be done early and at a certain range. cr.MK as is has great priority. Yes it is difficult to be used as an aa, but it isn't meant to be an aa move. Far st.HK is 6f startup and cr.LK is +4. Feel free to prove me wrong though. I have already suggested for it to have less active frames. It can't hit you on the way up unless you're standing and you're sagat/gief and holding forward for some reason.
Sakura - St.lp not that important, cr.lp can do st.lp job. I do agree st.lp would add to her pressure game, but close st.hp is just too good to take it out. Cr.HP, need a better vertical hitbox not horizontal, maybe just a little horizontal. Cr.Hp is supposed to be a godly AA and it sucks currently cause of the bad vertical hitbox. The pushback for st.hp in AE is so much less and thats why you can do stuff like, st.hp, l.tatsu, cr.hp. Lowering the pushback on st.hp would be good for sakura. Yun - I thought maybe lower versions (low or medium) of shoulder and/or zesshou would be better for him, but i might be mistaken. C.Viper st.lp is good only for the resets. For combos is insane cause you have 1 frame only to link into his or his She could have more use for a stand close mid punch or stand close hard punch.
Sakura That seems to be the contentious point though. DROQQA really likes the st.LP Yun His HP Shoulder has great projectile invinc which I like. Light Zesshou Hohou really only gets used after aa light Nishokyaku. C.Viper Which normal would you prefer? Why? I wanna see a good argument for it
St. close hp is the best starting normal for FFF combos. I would prefer st. close mid punch as you can link it to other normals like or cr.lp. It has a fast startup and good priority. Its better to combo into than st.lp or cr.lp, more frames to cancel and not so tight link.
You can... Actually once my opponent is low in health and I get ride of his second character, I always go for Demon God Fist lvl 1 dash cancel, Demon God Fist and throw just because it looks badass. Or Phoenix Smasher lvl 1 dash cancel, far st.HP, Hammer of the Gods with Paul for a neat ground bounce as last move. Autoblock is BS, just that. It makes the game a lot more casual than it should be, and makes most setups useless. SP assist is OK and I don't have any problem with it (although the cooldown may set the balance between SP ON and OFF) because it's only for making combos easier and get around lag without many problems, but autoblock just does everything for you. It should be deleted and buried so it never returns for any other game. The fact that he has a good mobility doesn't mean that he can't get a better one. He has really low health, making the game feel like SFxT where you get hit with two simple combos and you're almost done. His risky game (rushdown) should be rewarded (add Light Demon Flip), and his safe game (zoning) should be punished (more recovery on back Zanku, etc). That's the true definition of balance. 0:31 I think. Take a look at the pushback on each move. Everything has way less pushback, making (st.HP xx Hadouken, FADC) x2, st.HP xx SRK possible. IMO things like juggle and pushback/overall physics should be straight from AE. My argument for adding more normals for each character is that it's just stupid having joystick inputs without any normals. Every character here could easily get at least one more tool. One of the reasons of my love for SFxT is that every character has a very complete moveset, without even talking about boost combos and such, and here most characters are just lacking that. Take a look at Abel's cr.MK hitbox in EH. It definetely seems better than in Volt. cr.MK is both for AA and as a poke. Since Abel already has the annoying Step Kick as poke main tool, it should be fair to give cr.MK better priority as a AA than as a poke. I mainly watch matches from SFxT, and people using Abel love cr.MK (AA) xx Light Marseilles there, but IDK in AE. Pretty much every character has a crouch move that shrinks its hurtbox making it a great tool to get around some air and high moves. Yun's cr.LK is cool for that. In the case of Abel it pretty much has the same hurtbox as standing. Right now cr.MK is just used when st.HP canmt reach the opponent and you need a special move to chip the enemy out or something, but most of the time you'll use Step Kick as a ground tool to reach the range for Tornado Throw.
Sure, forgot about hdyoutube command. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Also for Guile, what about Reverse Spin Kick as f+K? Projectile and low invinc, crushes throws and has a neat +5 on hit (and I think +10 on CH). As b+K Knee Bazooka is fine, and even while Guile couldn't charge while using f+K, Reverse Spin Kick can be linked into normals, and maybe with some screen freeze charging would be easier.
1:13 desk talks about sfiv 3d edition cooldown on sp assist. Sfiv 3d edition for the 3ds actually has a 1 second cooldown for all SP assist moves. Manual inputs dont suffer from the cooldown rewarding sp off players.
Wow a petition for volt's update!!very cool! But you are wasting your time, Capcom will never update an old game like this! But great idea!
But that cooldown is different. It doesn't let you use the same move for one second, but that's to avoid infinites. In Volt we don't have any infinites and charged moves must be charged. The cooldown for preventing people from mashing SRK with SP on should be enough.
If we do that, Autoblock has to suffer too. Blocking is just holding a direction, I'm sure it can be reduced a bit.