The effect from Hayate Feint wasn't so huge in the video I watched About the 30 FPS, things like Retina Display are already a huge change. It isn't as easy as making those sprites bigger in PS and put @2x there, since that could also affect how collisions work. And then we have the "make everything more floaty". I'm quite sure that if Capcom makes SSFIV Volt they will work on a new engine.
Didn't we agree for Ryu's Solar Plexus? Also, Sagat's Ultra needs other fix: Akuma is in the corner, and Sagat is in front of him. Sagat uses Ultra, and Akuma teleports to the corner. Once teleport ends, Sagat's first uppercut of the Ultra will hit Akuma. That's ok, but then Sagat will use the third uppercut and it will whiff, making Akuma able to punish him. I don't think the hitbox fixes would be enough to reduce droping, since this is more like the last hit of the first uppercut doesn't send the opponent high enough. About Bison's hitbox in Psycho Crusher, in the Eventhubs page about the hitbox, the hitbox reaches the legs.
Just with an option to play vs people with/without controller or anyone, so it doesn't feel like a cheat. And now that I'm saying this, maybe something like that could be added for SP and Autoblock (if autoblock is going to stay).
AutoBlock should not stay, SP assist can stay and you should be able to play anyone just fine no matter what method of controller you choose.
Nice. Cross ups will be really useful for once. BTW, slightly off-topic, but did you know that Chun is the only char in SFxT mobile that actually has hit confirm combos with cr.LP? She can do cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.HK and cr.LP, Kintekishu, etc. there. And no matter how good touch controls are controllers cannot be beaten by them. That's why I think it wouldn't be fair to let people with controller and people without it play on ranked. Same with SP assist.
Can't believe I forgot that Akuma has one unused SP input when I suggested light DF. DP + K -> heavy Demon Flip. reverse DP + K -> light Demon Flip. down-forward + SP -> heavy Demon Flip. down-back + SP -> light Demon Flip. This greatly increases his offensive game, both at setups and pressure without having to spend meter just because the opponent is next to you. I know people hate Akuma, but we also have to remember that he's really low health and stamina. IMO with the changes for the rest of the chars Akuma will be forgotten. Add the more recovery on backjump Zanku to make people forget about damn zoning and he'll be fine. About st.HK I'd say +1 startup, but also less pushback on st.HP/Gohadouken. Otherwise he'll miss a lot of FADC combos, and that decreased pushback it's how it works in AE. And I was also thinking about giving Cammy close st.MP as back + P. It's like Dhalsim's back + P. Cool situational AA against cross ups and close jump ins. Also cr.HP hitbox should be fixed. Right now it hits behind Cammy, even while the move is for far jump ins and it's not like Guile's and such.
I was thinking about it and, since we might use AE's data this shouldn't be a problem. Thing is if we don't use AE's data for multihit moves (especially AA moves), in that case it would be helpful to set the damage for each hit, I guess.
I'd almost rather have it AC than have the bigger hitbox personally. If it whiffs to a completely different side than the opponent is on then it almost doesn't matter how big the hitbox is unless it hits behind him too. And yes it's the hop kick. I'm thinking of it as an escape tool as well as a way to put space between you and the opponent when you've closed in on them a bit. That's how I use it anyway as well as a way to close in. Either way, it'd be a nice tool, better than Knee Bazooka IMO and its a good setup for tick throws.
It's not just Flash Kick failing to autocorrect; a lot of moves do that too. Bison's Ultra doesn't autocorrect well, so we might need to improve general autocorrectness(?) across the board. Though I think his Flash Kick in Volt corrects a lot better than AE Looks like the votes go towards Knee Bazooka. I would prefer that too as my proposed suggestions have been for making the game more interactive and offense-oriented.
Abel: smaller hurtbox/bigger hitbox for cr.MK. It's his best normal AA, but in Volt it just sucks. No matter how cool your timing is, it will trade. By making this move better Abel not only gets a proper AA, but also a very powerful tool for mixups if canceled into Light Marseilles Roll. And Cody's j.HP instead of nj.HP for angled jumps. It's just a much better jump in.
I think just make the hurtbox decrease from the hitbox a bit, so that the hurtbox is a bit further from the hitbox I guess.
In AE anyway, I use F+MK to close in on people, especially after I've thrown a Boom. It actually works better than KB IMO because the hitbox is a bit farther in front and it still moves him forward. I don't use Bazooka much post Hyper Fighting because I feel like it puts him at risk too much so maybe there's something I'm missing in the later games where that's concerned. I can actually understand why Guile's FK doesn't autocorrect because unlike an SRK, it doesn't have any left or right inputs. Bison's Ultra DOES aC in some cases but it has to be done at the last minute. To be honest, I'd like to see ALL auto correcting of moves go away. If you commit to a move on the right side, I think it should stay on the right.
Knee Bazooka is used more because it retains charge. Been a busy weekend, will update a lot of things in the next few days when I get the time
I'm curious as to why you guys think Capcom would honestly bother putting effort towards making a free update for a game that's over two years old now. That's a serious question: what makes you think they'll even consider it?