I picked up some data of BP gain/loss when winning/losing matches, and I think it works more or less like in chess (though they might be using a slightly different distribution). I hope you appreciate the stuff below because I lost points in ranked like a moron yesterday Never play volt holding a pen... So here is how it works: say there are players A and B with respective ratings RA and RB (the respective BPs). Given the ratings, the system estimates the probability that player A wins as: EA=1/(1+10^((RB-RA)/W)) and W is a parameter that controls the probability. The probability is constructed such that if two players are separated by a point difference W, then the higher rated player has chances of winning 9/10 times. A similar formula exists for player B by exchanging. I estimated that capcom chose W=2250 for volt. The points that are gained by player A after winning a match are computed like this: RA(new) = RA(old) + K * (1-EA) So you are given K points, but only for how much you diverged from your probability of winning. If you lose: RA(new) = RA(old) - K * EA So you lose the points proportionally to how much you should have won. Based on a few recorded matches I did find the numbers: K=128 W=2250 that means that, if the game was played without RQs and for enough time by enough players, a player with 2250 more points than you has the probability of beating you 9/10 times. Of course this is just statistic, so the variance could allow me to beat tenonez 10 times in a row just by chance... So, one example. Say player A has 1713 points, while player B has 685. Player A is thus expected to win the match with probability 0.74. If player A wins he/she gets 33 BPs, while he loses 94 BPs after a defeat. All points have to be rounded to the nearest, and there must be both minimum and a maximum of points that are won/lost. We already decided that 128 is the maximum BP that can be obtained/lost in a match, but this is already in the formulas above. I suppose the minimum is 1 BP. Did you guys with a lot of points ever got 1 BP by beating a guy with zero points? Obviously, I'd be happy if you could put this stuff to a test yourself.
This is 2015, why are you still playing this game? Also: Why is this kind of people still around? Maybe it's my fault because I was doing forbidden and manually impossible moves like EX grabs with Zangief...
On another note, good games zomarz. Now I just know that I suck with everyone else but Guile and I'm flattering myself with that statement haha.
@zomarz that was some good investigation work right there. Too bad almost no one cares about the BP, and those who care just hack it lol
Hey, what's up.. Y'all... Can anyone explain how I have like over 1000 TP? I thought that was a Tournamet thing? I dunno maybe it mean Team points? I've tried using Blanka and Dhalsim... Blanka is just frickin cheap... At the lvl I play at you can pretty much rack up the damage by holding back then forward etc... Rapidly press a button to electrocute etc... Dhalsim I actually had a bit more trouble getting use to and feel like while he's def. unique etc.. He's just not quite the kind of character I would play .. :/ ( but yah I feel like he actually takes skill though atleast) At my level of play I guess I feel like the characters - Sagat Cammy Blanka Are just top tier of cheapness followed by... Bison (Dic.) Boxer Keep awayAkuma Spammy fsmash Ken I dunno I gues that's it except Guile is pretty lethal with people that can play him Uhh... Zangeif only as a personal hate playing against this character Honda..though I would say he's pretty fair... I guess id list the rest of the characters in the fair region.. I dunno I guess With SF 5 coming I'm wondering if it will get the same treatment on IOS Devices etc..? From what I've seen from the Trailers it looks kinda I dunno dif. i guess... I guess what I like he most is the how maybe every character uses the the "EX" meter differently? So maybe every character uses is differently.. Like some char use it like the focus attack while some use it maybe to parry or I guess something that covers alot of the Grooves in Capcom vs Snk or something.?? I dunno I mean like I know some characters can use the special bar uniquely like Yun's custum type thing and Makoto's power boost etc... Maybe every character will use it diff.. Like Chun-li could do like multible attacks while Ryu's did something else?(I don't really know :/) I guess I'm also most interest in the characters and when it takes place( I'm think between 4 and 3?) I guess it will have a good bit of the chars form 4 and I'm hoping like most of the 3rd strike cast and then a few new chars and I guess maybe a few old veterans etc.. Anyways I was trying to think how to make Yun better in Volt... I was thinking maybe his Revenge could be the custom? (But that would probly be maybe too unfair? ... Or he could have a seperate bar that fills up with his super that doesn't get used from other specials (supers) I dunno like either it could work like something that you could stop at a certain point and still have whatev bars u still have or something or it could stop when your hit? ) I dunno, I mean they're probly not updating Volt agian :/ so I guess wait till maybe SF 5 on mobile hopefully ? Alright, I'm done... If anyone ever want to play jus lemme know.. Later
Then he must be a good starting character . There was this old tool assisted video of Error1 starting with annotation: "as a Blanka player I recently became aware of the existence of combos..."
I don't have those devices so I can't answer your question, but I can tell you that the game isn't Universal and, in case it works with the iPhone 6, it will have black bars. Also: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
iOS8 Does it work on an iPad4 with iOS 8? Not sure I can wrap my head around playing this on anything besides a console or in the arcade, but it is obviously a hit in these forums.
People thinking they cant play this game on a touchscreen just follow the common believe and not try the game out. It is just a false asumption to think so, the controls are very responsive. Not sure about ipad 4, below ill post an old video of Xion playing on his ipad and he plays assist off. Shouts out to Xion
I was looking for the mirror match, that's why I was picking Guile for a bunch of games. Of course, the moment I did a random pick you chose him
Yeah I prefer my thumbs. I know 3chord-dork (kevin) likes to use his index figures. So it's just a case of use whatever you want
I purchased StreetFighter IV because I saw it was updated more recently than volt. My question is should I also get volt ? Are there any advantages that aren't in IV? Money isn't really the issue. I just want to know if I should? Thanks, Billy Ps- I actually seem to do ok with the on screen controls. I am surprised. The last time I played StreetFighter was in the arcade lol. I tried guile and I had a very hard time with him.
Volt has more characters, Online Multiplayer (Ranked and Friendly Matches)!!!!!, and it has a global Forum called the Battle Network were you can upload/download replays, other players can see your profile, you can chat and make teams. There are 22 characters in volt