iPad STREET FIGHTER IV Volt - [Capcom]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. evanescent

    evanescent Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2013
    Good games yepwingtim! I was so salty when my Chun Li lost to your Cammy, she gains meter so quick coupled with her canon spike = go home Chun Li. :(
  2. DoctaMario

    DoctaMario Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    Weird cuz I just looked and you're not on mine. :p
  3. zomarz

    zomarz Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    Not a single one I think.
  4. HarlequinRogue

    HarlequinRogue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    So I was pretty stoked when I found this combo:
    ex srk, FADC, srk,srk,srk (character specific, corner. Can replace last srk with full ultra)

    Then I was pretty sad when some crappy japanese ken did that combo to me today...

    Anyway, if you do: FA 3 (wait), ex srk (2 hits), fadc, srk, srk you can followup with srk/ex srk/ultra on most characters with the extra juggle points
  5. Orderhere

    Orderhere Active Member

    Jan 28, 2015
    #41105 Orderhere, Mar 16, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
    How many rounds did you people get to in survival mode? I'm currently at 55 wins and at this point the AI is getting to the point of being impossible to beat. Basically they have an instantaneous reaction time to counter all your moves. For instance I'm currently using Bison, and the enemy is a quick character like Cammy, I'm forced to not attack at all and wait until she attacks, since most if not all her moves have a higher priority than mine. The moment I use ANY move the AI will instantly produce a counter. Release crouch? Instantly hit with spiral arrow. Knee press? Instant counter with cannon spike. Cr light kick? Instant counter with Cr heavy punch + spiral arrow. And if her rage bar is full, expect ANY attempt at using a move to be countered with an ultra. Is this the point where you're supposed to just give up or something? o_O
  6. zomarz

    zomarz Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    That sounds amazing, i'd love to see it if you can record it. I just got the mandatory ones down by cheating once at 30, and at level 32 I was taken down by a very reactive Cammy. Can you bait stuff with cr.lk from a distance? Or focus as soon as you stand to eat the spiral?
  7. Darth Ronfar

    Darth Ronfar Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Animal related
    So I was reading up on SF storylines and lore etc...

    I didn't realize Alpha took place before sf2 and sf3 after 4...

    I was looking up alot from sf3 and found the character Q pretty Intersting.... I'm thinking there's a good chance he's someone from a previous game... At first I was thinking it could be Bison(dictator) Based on the fact that I interpreted Q as being responsible for the murder sites he was at... But then after thinking about it more I think Q is not responsible but knows to some degree who is responsible (being Urien/Gill etc..) to the murders.. And my best guess is now Abel... I think there's a good chance Abel could already be part or fully robotic based on what how Bison refers to him in sf4...

    I think when he(Abel) says stuff like I'm sorry etc.. He's acting based on how he interprets people and he isn't quite sure how to respond when fighting humans....

    I think at some point maybe Bison or someone Try's to destroy Abel with psycho energy and this effects his Abitlity to understand humans so as Q he sometimes shows sign of Abel's understanding of Humans while at other times he's malfunctioned to a point where he loses that sense of human understanding and reacts in a more detached uncertainty towards the people he fights not caring if he hurts or injures someone etc..

    Also both charcters feature moves dealing with alot of grab and throwing techniques...

    Of course I could be totally wrong( and probly am) the biggest thing going against that theory is Q's build is more thin while Abel is a bit more Muscular.

    Still I find it Intersting...

    Anyways, if anyone wants to play sometime I'm ready...
  8. HarlequinRogue

    HarlequinRogue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    I was under the impression that Abel was Seth/Bison's test tube baby. I also think I read somewhere there was a link between Remy and Abel.

    But the biggest link people talk about is Urien's moves being very similar to seth's. I am sure there are YouTube videos showing the similarities.
  9. Orderhere

    Orderhere Active Member

    Jan 28, 2015
    #41109 Orderhere, Mar 19, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2015

    Here's screenshot, currently at 75 wins. This 76th fight with the clawed bitch is proving to be annoying as $&@. The AI's izuna drop can grab bison in the middle of a psycho crusher, wtf?

    Here's how I rank the difficulty of AI in mobile version with 1 being most difficult, based on match 40+ since at that point AI is deadly accurate in performing counters to every move
    1. Cammy (expect near 100% countering for all your moves, best to just wait for her to attack. Also most of her moves are extremely quick and has insanely high priority. For instance her standing punch can somehow counter my EX psycho crusher, lol? Also near zero delay between blocked spiral arrows and cannon spikes... I'm pretty sure these are punishable if blocked but for some reason when AI uses them, they're not... Lol cheap AI perks?)
    2. Akuma (though it still uses red fireball at 74 wins... a silly move to use, but nonetheless still very very difficult)
    3. Makoto
    4. Boxer
    5. Abel
    6. Claw (definitely one of the most annoying $&@s)
    7. DJ
    8. Ryu
    9. Viper
    10. Honda
    11. Sagat
    12. Dictator
    13. Ken
    14. Chun Li
    15. Fei Long
    16. Dhalsim
    17. Cody
    18. Yun
    19. Blanka
    20. Guile
    21. Sakura
    22. Zangief

    Don't even bother attempting to throw (unless command grab) the AI at this point, they'll always block it. Also as expected the AI will chain together the most damaging combos 100% of the time (sometimes without even charging it) on the fly, so getting hit at all usually means 1/4-1/3 of your life gone. I'm fairly certain the AI enjoys less break between moves as well as they seem to be able to spam moves continuously without giving me an opening to counter at all.

    Irrelevant to tier of the character controlled by a player. Zangief is easiest because AI is just not great at using this class even at very high difficulty.
  10. HarlequinRogue

    HarlequinRogue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    Not many people play survival. I just did it for the icons.

    Are you doing it legit or by cheating?

    Also, how do you go in grueling? I know psxsquall has beaten grueling without cheating with about 19/22 of the cast
  11. zomarz

    zomarz Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    So, if I understand correctly, your impression is that after round 40 the enemy AI does not increase in ability anymore (nonetheless being super hard)? Could it be that the difficulty saturates before, say at 30?

    In my experience, up to about level 30 with Blanka it was sufficient to turtle using cr.hp, and occasionally block jump-ins. After that at 32, Cammy was able to punish every cr.hp on reaction. Of course the stuff that you told us in the first post was way crazier. Nice project!
  12. yepwingtim

    yepwingtim Member

    Feb 28, 2015
    good games man!
  13. yepwingtim

    yepwingtim Member

    Feb 28, 2015
  14. TenOnez

    TenOnez Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2011
    Good games! My iPod died during the last match we had though. Sorry about that.
  15. evanescent

    evanescent Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2013
    Do you guys get lots of character diversity? I always get Ryu, Ken, Sagat, Akuma, and some times Abel. I wish I could see more Sakura or Fei Long. :)
  16. HarlequinRogue

    HarlequinRogue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    Quite a bit of fei on jap servers. No many sagats
  17. evanescent

    evanescent Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2013
    How is your connection with players in the Japan server? Would you say they're better than global/American/whatever it's called server?
  18. HarlequinRogue

    HarlequinRogue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    I'm in China atm so the net is better than Australia, but I need to use VPN to play.

    Both from here are pretty good
  19. CaptYadierPR

    CaptYadierPR Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    Network Marketing
    Puerto Rico
    #41119 CaptYadierPR, Mar 23, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
    Its a good connection for me using LTE and im from Puerto Rico

    About the character Diversity, i get alot of blankas and bisons, some hondas, of course ryu, akuma, sagat and ken are pretty common, i get few cammys and giefs and the rest of the chars are rare.
  20. CaptYadierPR

    CaptYadierPR Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    Network Marketing
    Puerto Rico
    Sorry Duys, gotta jet, GF called me and gotta go get her some food, GGs though

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