An IAP is: I=In A=App P=Purchase In App Purchase Have you opened both games up? Maybe if you click download on them it will download them for free. But i would'nt do that till someone confirms this.
oh wow, this is horrible. every single fight ive been in. ALL my opponents intentionally disconnect. so far ive been in 20+ games. and i had 0 record on any game participation. win or lose
WOW! I haven't seen a post get 300 reply's in 24 hours in all my time on TA! It seems like everytime i refresh there is a new post! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right i'm reluctant to buy the original as all it is, is the same game minus the multiplayer. So i think i will skip the chance of getting the IAP's for free in the original as they really should be Free for this version of the game. Think they have some money gaining technique there! Get people to buy the original and the new one just to get free IAP's in the original which people would leave because they are playing the new one. Lols.
IAP = In App Purchase If you have both, then you will find that the IAP for SFIV (the SF II bg music, and alternate Ryu / Chun Li costumes) are now available to you gratis. : D
@MartiNZ: i initially had a problem with those motions, until i realised i had to stop treating the virtual stick as though it were a physical pad- i was 'rolling' my thumb around on it, as though there was a physical button to press in, and as a result, most of the time i wouldn't be able to do moves accurately, and i almost started to believe the people who were shouting that the controls were shitty and unresponsive. Later, i then started 'drawing' the move on the screen, rather than rolling my thumb, and everything fell into place. Well, that worked for me anyway, hope it might help you too. That said, it's still good that the shortcuts are there- like Ablueleaf said, although i'm pretty sure it's just 323P, not 32123P for dragon punches/ tiger uppercuts.
No, the controls really ARE quite terrible and unresponsive if you are a player of SFIV on, say, grueling. It's simply something you have to live with, though. Online matches involve latency that dramatically reduces what you can "get away with" - I don't try to bait jumps in hoping that I can uppercut them on the way down, because the latency simply won't LET me do it, so the best I can do is bait supers and ultras and nail them after the reset animation. Every last time I've tried to do anything involving a split-second move, it has NOT resolved (and I end up getting hit, even though I am inputting a priority move, which indicates latency issues). Living in Munich and playing folks in California doesn't help.
Man hands!!!!! in the middle of a heated online battle my man hands hit the button on the top of my phone...thus giving me a drop from ranked match. not happy. made me realize that as long as i have my 3DS on me, i have a better way to experience SF4. i do like the wondering traveler tho...
This. Dunno what Capcom was thinking when they made disconnects not give the other guy an automatic win.
Yup 323 my bad . And there's kara moves too ! Totally cool Akuma is a rather fancy character with strong moves, he has quite many moves available and an ultra combo that is rather cool
@Ablueleaf you are kicking my serial but! xD EDIT: Ok, seriously, I need to play more this game xD I SUCK!
Yah, I had ages without playing this tho and I never played the first one too much, never got my attention, but this is different Final score: Ablueleaf: 4 - Me: 0 He's a good opponent, SPAM HIM!
SFIV VOLT ONLINE VERSUS is LAGGY as HELL but at $0.99, i can't complaint much. HOPE they upgrade the server or let users choose players close to their region like the PS3 SFIV online, so that we won't lag so much when versus someone with internet connect near to us.
I wish there was a region filter, I seem to be getting paired up with matches which pause/lag for 2 to 3 seconds before resuming, and sometimes pressing the on screen button is ignored when playing online, guessing it's down to lag or something as in arcade mode I can do all I want when I want. Great game but I wish that more matches were lag free, last night was perfect but this morning I guess I was being paired up with non UK players.