This is huge. Evil ryu#. Also I can see a lot of people picking up gouken. I think he would be a huge character in this game
Next week will be available for sure! But the background?? They are not animated and they seems like the old Volt, a low quality jpeg(! Resolution is the same of Volt, there's only the widescreen support! Imho the game will cost 7$!
Capcom remember. They have a weird 2 steps forward, 3 steps back not quite there thing going on in mobiles.
Even though they say they will support higher resolutions wtf is this garbage? Look at that video and tell me it looks OK. Jpeg background, no AA whatsoever, low resolution will look horrible especially on iPads. iPhone 6s and up can run this much better. I mean look at the fake fighting games on iOS they look really good (both animation and textures)
I am with you on the graphics but considering what we have as far as multiplayer fighting games this is the best one. I'm actually excited for this. As long as it plays like the volt or better it will do. I remember having some memorable matches with people playing volt. Lag free was also a very frequent occurrence. It worked surprisingly well
Maybe capcom could use the street fighterxtekken engine that is a true 3D engine instead of Volt Engine that is prerendered! The background are not animated from the video(!
Me too and going to buy this right after I read the comments on release day (Lag free multiplayer, resizeable buttons etc). But I bet we'll get what we see in that video. It's low resolution as well...
I've seen the video trailer again but I don't see any improvement compared to Volt, they add characters but graphic is a crap! Maybe because it will run on iPhone 5 too that is an old device and capcom must guarantee the maximum compatibility!
It was always going to be the same engine. People are also crying that MVCI is reusing old assets. I'm fine with the engine and Capcom was never going to rebuild the entire game. At this point we will have to see what the 'optimisation' entails
No release date. Most of us are assuming around 1st July, like when Volt was released. No Android release
For sure this or next week, capcom is going to implement the new six chars, 2 every month(male and female, if you notice the characters are 3 male and 3 female) during the summer like they did on Volt! And I hope for new costumes this times!