I think you misunderstand me. I love the game to bits and I'm pretty sure I'm one of the most dedicated players of this, but I feel the appeal is wearing off fast for most other players
MAN I wish they fixed the RQ penalty... Now you can only leave an RQ call out once on ppls pages before they block you. So no RQ penalty and no accountability. WTF.. Capcom I think sees RQ as a valid game feature. And to add to the silliness, the RQ replay save bug is now dead But enjoying the $5 refresh on the game. I just love the ppl still stuck on using shotos and expecting everyone else learning new characters to give them a new experience. Then they RQ a lose cause Poison or Ibuki "is cheap"...
There is a trailer that was out just before CE came out. It shows a character selection screen with dots grayed out. The gray outs faintly show the fighters listed.
I am happy with my $5 purchase but the game is infuriating at times and it pushes people away. For every 10 matches I play, about 3 are RQs with almost no penalty. Out of those same 10, 2-3 games drop due to connection during the match. And I usually have to start a match 3-4 times before I get a connection with someone. So I spend too much of my time just trying to find a match or being annoyed because I didn't get to complete my match. It's so frustrating when I have 15 minutes to get in a couple matches and I can't complete a single one. But when I'm actually playing the game, I still love it.
I forget where the button is and it doesn't appear for me anymore since I'm on a team. Is it over to the left?
I'm having the exact same experience. Frustrating. Yet I play often. If I were new to the game, I would've quite playing by now.
Agreed! Load times, drops, flagrant and unnecessary RQs. Ugh... A curse of the blood of 1,000 deaths be upon the shifty RQers! Also hope for some improvements from Capcom in future updates.
I get the impression RQing and Farming points is seen by Capcom as a Selling Feature... No need to learn from a loss or accept it, just RQ it's free w no penalty.. Not even an icon... No need to compete for points in tourneys, learn how to FARM points just like Shadoloo Lounge (which has 10x the Tourney Points of the 2nd place Arena team, and they both have about 40 members).... I think interest in this game will wane back to pre CE levels if only new characters each update. And not many folks really learning new characters.
Too many RQs, massive lag problems, so far ive seen Ken , Ryu ,akuma,ibuki, or zangief and not much else being played. ALL aspects of multiplayer need to be fixed pretty badly. Hope they do it soon!
On top of that I've seen sagat, guile, poison, Honda. It's painfully obvious we needed more balance changes to promote other characters
Just beaten an Ibuki with 2400bp and then RQ! The same with other player too! But there is no penalty for this people? I cannot find the button partecipate for the TouchArcade team!