Universal Street Fighter IV Champion Edition (by CAPCOM)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Gwarmaxx, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. Zemar

    Zemar Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Are there any consequences with the "SP MOVE ASSIST" set to "ON" in ranked matches? Or do you only get matched with players who also enabled that setting?

    Personally I think that setting is rediculous and is some sort of cheating.

    Why would they make such a setting?
  2. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Cheating? Really?
  3. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    I'll assume you dont have much experience with street fighter yet...

    This setting actually puts you at a disadvantage if youre agaisnt someone with skill that has it off.

    It limits your potential range of actions, in a fighting game like SF its a penalty not a cheat.
  4. Zemar

    Zemar Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Well if you don't get matched with equal settings, it would be something like that in my opinion.

    Do you know for sure if players gets matched with the same settings ?
  5. Zemar

    Zemar Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Thanks for the reply. Last time I played SF "for real" was "Super Street Fighter II" on the Mega Drive.

    I don't have a lot of experience like you wrote. :)
  6. Zemar

    Zemar Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Can you please explain what actions that gets limited with SP MOVE ASSIST on ? Can't see any diffenrences in the Command List.
  7. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    I will have to retract my last statement, im sorry.

    I thought it wouldnt allow you to make the "ex" versions of your moves, but they work if you put the correct input.

    So myeah I guess if you dont have a controller SP move assist is an advantage to make inputs easier.

    With the virtual joystick sometimes screwing up my dragon punches I might start using it ###
  8. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Honestly as someone who grew up playing Street Fighter it's actually harder to try and rewire my brain to use any of the SP assist stuff. That said, it does simplify the game and make it a little more newbie friendly, kind of like training wheels I guess. But I wouldn't really call it cheating as I still think a highly skilled player would beat down anyone using it.
  9. HarlequinRogue

    HarlequinRogue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    It has advantages and disadvantages. Some disadvantages include trying to do a move like DeeJay's ex machine gun upper may make another special like Jackknife maximum come out.
  10. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    After fiddling around with it I agree.

    To be simple about my experience : its very convenient with Shoto characters (which also happen to be the characters newbies should be getting confortable with first) such as Ryu, Ken, Akuma.

    Very annoying to use with Charge type characters (I tried my main : Chun Li and Blanka, ive find it very useless on both)

    Then it looks like it depends on your experience/input precision/style of play with certain characters.

    Its simply a convenient option at this point. I do think ill only use it when i play Ken for easy hadokens (I dont miss my quarter input often but once is always already too many times.)
  11. HarlequinRogue

    HarlequinRogue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    There are some niche combos that work only with SP assist. None of them are BNBs though
  12. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    #212 Jibba, Jul 19, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
    I played with no SP Assist a lot in Volt and know I was constantly matched against players with it on. But I never got upset by it. SP Assist is a main part of SF on iOS. Without it, there would be vastly less casual players. It's just part of the game.
  13. Faemanx

    Faemanx Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    i live in australia use an NBN connection on the highest speed and ive had more disconections then i care to count. really REALLY frustrating. im wondering if other people are having a similar issue. and i use a iphone 7 btw. any feedback would be great.
  14. HellzHavocz

    HellzHavocz Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2011
    Are these really the upcoming characters?
  15. Milotorou

    Milotorou Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2015
    I actually really hope so, sounds like a very solid roster
  16. HarlequinRogue

    HarlequinRogue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012
  17. CaptYadierPR

    CaptYadierPR Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    Network Marketing
    Puerto Rico
    I also didnt like this system, but i was pointing out the good things about it. I remember it also showed players names when starting a match, cool little detail. Letting the person that didnt disconnect finish the match seems like a cool feature to show off the replays after.
  18. Jibba

    Jibba Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Not sure if you still hang around here, but great games, docta!
  19. HarlequinRogue

    HarlequinRogue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2012

    Cammy/Ibuki glitch
  20. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA

    I've been a Street Fighter fan ever since the original SFII in arcades almost 3 decades ago. I'd walk to the liquor store near my best friend's house every single day and play until I had to go home. The super nice guy who ran the store would even order extra rolls of quarters from the bank specifically for us, who were the only people in the area so obsessed with the game. Of course we were just pumping money right back into his own machine, but it was a nice gesture all the same.

    Anyway, that's led me to being a lifelong fan. I've played and owned just about every game in the series, obsessed over the crazy storylines and characters, and just get excited for anything Street Fighter-related and fighting games in general.

    THAT SAID I never became especially skilled at the game. I mean, I can hold my own against friends and stuff, and was never scared to take on whoever in the arcades win or lose, but I'm not one of those ultra-technical players who knows everything about frame data and hit boxes and all that jazz. Not that I wouldn't LOVE to know all that stuff but I'm also just fine with enjoying the series at my own level.

    All this back story is just to say that I know a few of you here are pretty hardcore with the mobile Street Fighter games, knowing lots of technical stuff about it. We (the TA website) are currently being shit on by a Youtuber named Totalbiscuit who has gone on to attack our editor Eli on twitter which has escalated to include his 700k followers piling on him as well. Whether you know who he is or not, Totalbiscuit has a ton of influence in the world of gaming, and he basically said TA is no longer a trustworthy source for mobile gaming due to my SFIV:CE review. He also told me I should find another job despite working at TA for over 7 years and being heavily involved in all aspects of mobile gaming for even longer than that. Yeah, he's a real peach. This is an excerpt from the podcast where he badmouths us:


    So I'm wondering, since I know there are people in this thread far more knowledgable than me about the finite details of mobile Street Fighter, is he right? Is the game as unplayable as he says? Should I have told people not to buy it becauseĀ… I guess other people had a bad experience with it? Is he out of his f%#king mind holding up the 3DS version as some sort of shining beacon of how to do the game right? (I already know the answer to that one).

    CE plays just fine for me, and aside from it being an updated game from 2010 and still feeling about that old, it's still fun as all hell. I would never say it's unplayable, far far from it. I'll flub moves every now and then with the virtual buttons but it's not that common, nor is it that big of a deal. Just as the original SFIV and Volt after it were, CE is super playable and fun, and in my eyes that outweighed its negatives, none of which were even technical problems unless you count "old graphics" as a technical problem.

    I've heard a handful of people say they've had major performance problems, even saying the frame rate is down to 15fps and below. I have not experienced that in the least. So I'm also curious if maybe CE has issues with certain devices, and some people really are having enough problems the game is unplayable for them? If that's the case though, this guy should probably stop talking in such absolutes about the game being objectively bad based on the youtube videos he's seen.

    Sorry for the rant and slight off topic, but this situation has me very seriously stepping away from TA and pursuing a different career. I work far too many hours and make far too little money to have to deal with stuff like this on an almost daily basis. But if the experts around here all agree I totally borked the review and somehow have no knowledge of Street Fighter and these apparent major performance problems, then that will pretty much make up my mind to bounce. And, well, it's not like there's a line out the door of people waiting to take my spot, so I dunno what me leaving would mean for the future of TA as a whole. We're already on rocky ground as is.

    Anyway, thanks for listening, at the very least it feels nice to vent :)

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