So far I like it, but I would love more information, for example, what stats each of the units have... How much more likely is a tank to kill something than infantry? What does air support do? What are the odds of bombing being successful? Etc. Aside from the tutorial, I would like a more detailed set of rules. That second tutorial mission (where you have to take over Scandinavia) is proving very difficult, but I feel like there's something I'm not aware of that might help. I would also like to replay that first mission to get a better result but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that. Also, a big pet peeve of mine is when you turn off sound in an app but then it comes back on the next time you open the app. Please fix that. Otherwise, it's great!
I did download it, I just didn't have time to play. Still haven't much, I have twins who are 16 today, so times been a tad short. Is that ok with you, don't you have a pixely town dangling a carrot you have to attend to anyway? On a side note, how do you troll in a empty thread? Seems to me your the one joining a thread to not talk about the game in the thread, what would you call something like that hrmmmm..? Anyway, did try the tutorial, seems legit. Had a couple of issues where it seemed like I clicked on a unit or turn button and it either didn't register or didn't provide enough sense of a feedback to let me know. Pretty minor. I do dig the art seems like its nice enough, not much you can do with a map. I'll post back when I get some actual time to play.
Very good game in my opinion. As others have said the game does not appear to attempt to impress with sound or flashy animations. It is pretty similar to PC games of this type, which is turn based games, based on on understanding of maps and focus on strategy. If you look for something flashier and animated this isn't going to be to your liking. I've played two missions and generally I enjoy the mechanics, but don't know how smart the AI is in future missions. There is an interesting supply system. Ability to move forces region to region, and support ability which adjacent forces can do if they are adjacent to the enemy. It is like modified and expanded risk. There are very nice pencil drawn drawings of military men of the side you are controlling. They have dialogue between missions which seems to be well written, even though it doesn't really have to so with how good or bad the game is. Background music is too loud and I found it distracting. Thankfully I can turn it off. I definitely would give this 4/5 stars.
I am loving your game. Whoever has drawn the black and white pictures of people talking is a great artist.
i've only played a little bit and i like it but what stands out to me, more than anything else, are the sound effects. it sounds like they are reproduced from an old 33 rpm vinyl record. it doesn't sound like a war, it sounds like, pardon me, scratchy static. i'm not trying to be critical of your effort and i'm appreciative, like the others, that you are here listening to us but at least for me the low grade sound effects really spoil the game. So, please consider "fixing" those sounds of war. not the sounds themselves, but the quality of those sounds. thanks!
You can restart a mission if you're getting clobbered and want to start over but I agree, I'd like to go back and try some missions again. Wonder if in the premium game you can do this.
Great Game With A Few Minor Problems Thank you Herocraft for making a very enjoyable game! My only comments have to do with the quality of the sound effects and unit stats. I think the sound effects should be of a higher fidelity and I would just like to have more info on all of my units and what their capabilities are. Besides those two things, great job!
Herocraft: good job guys. Great game! A few suggestions though. I would like the ability to go back and replay levels to try for a higher score. I can do this but not after i move onto the next level. A description of the battle mechanics would be nice as well. Most of the time i see my 5 infintry destroyingthe enemey's 5 infintry and all five of mine survive? I would think that a 5 on five battle would have somewhat of a chance to loose or i should at least lose a few infintry units. Seems to be all or nothing though. I like the graphics and playing style. Feels like playing a tabletop wargame, which i really like. Thanks for listening
In app purchases? Hi, Can anybody comment on the in-app purchases in the premium version of this game (over and above unlocking the premium version itself, obviously)? I am happy to pay full price to unlock the premium version, but not if I am then going to have to spend more money to buy resource points and research points just to make the game playable. I don't have a problem with the "option" of iap, but wanted to know if they are necessary for progression or if the game is playable without them. Thanks - I am keen to buy this as son as someone can answer this question for me. AA
Herocraft: Side note. I love Majesty!!! Just wanted to say that. I am still waiting to try your new one at some point perhaps i'll pick it up in a few weeks.
Well since there arent any explanations of how/why battles work or stats of any units, ive beaten exactly only one level on each campaign with no in-app purchases. Theres probably 1-5% chance ill be able to compelete ANY new levels without one, but since i paid 6.99 to basically unlock 3 levels im stopping there. The game is really fun and i enjoy that its hard, but since theres literally no information or theories as to what units do and why they do it, id hold off on buying full version until an update EDIT: the game is "playable" unlocked but without in-app purchases you will just lose over and over - again im not "knocking" difficulty, theres just no way to see what is happening and no reason behind why things happen.
In App in a 6,99 game? Forget it ... I love strategy games but I will never 'support' a system like this!
On the othetside of the coin, i have not purchased any extra in-app and I am doing just fine. I have restarted levels so i could make another run at acheiving old with the secondary gols but have not found anything to overly difficult yet.
The extra iap is not required, it is there if you want to enhance your units a little faster than the normal game progression.
"but without in-app purchases you will just lose over and over" "The extra iap is not required" ok, so who the hell do we believe?
I am just sayin that I have not purchased any and I have not come up to a level yet I have not been able to win. I cant speak for anyone else. But that has been my experience.
I'm a little sceptical.... I was looking forward to this game and really, really wanted to like it, but I tend to agree that without any information on the relative strength of units, or the difference between attacking and defending strength, it is hard to plan your strategy or tactics. It ends up being a guessing game rather than a strategy game... The presence of iap in a $7 game is also a concern... For such a relatively premium price, i would expect a full game... Looks like i'll have to wait for panzer corps... Please convince me otherwise; like I said, I realy want to like this game, but as it stands I am not convinced it is worth $7