Universal Strategic Craps - Explore your favorite strategies (by Mark Friedman)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by agilepap, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. agilepap

    agilepap Member

    Jul 8, 2022
    Play Craps, of course. But more importantly, tell Strategic Craps your favorite strategies. Then let it play those strategies under various table rules with roll sequences either defined by you or randomly generated. Also create sessions of multiple runs with stop limits you set.

    For each strategy play:
    • Review the roll-by-roll player and dealer actions
    • Chart your bankroll, action on the table, and expected loss
    • Examine various aspects of the roll sequence
    Hopefully getting close to release but I would greatly appreciate some testing feedback.
    Requires iOS 15 or later.

    TestFlight link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/YggVg9B4
    Website: https://agilepap.wixsite.com/strategiccraps
    Screenshot of Strategy Play.png Screenshot of Strategy.png Screenshot of a Session.png Screenshot of Chart Analysis.png Screenshot of a Sequence.png
  2. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    wow i am really lost, any tutorial ?

    Or its a compagnon app, not a game if i understand
  3. agilepap

    agilepap Member

    Jul 8, 2022
    You can play the game of craps but its main purpose is to evaluate and compare strategies. The app assumes you have some experience playing the game.

    No tutorial at this time. For instructions for the several activities, tap on the icon in the upper left and choose “About & Help”. Have you tried that? If you long-press the text to the left of the icon, instructions for the current activity will appear. I’m happy to answer any specific questions.

    AltsKev likes this.
  4. Asp

    Asp Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2017
    Definitely needs a tutorial or step by step instructions on how to use the app interface.
    I’ve entered a strategy, and presume there’s a way to make the game run automatically using that strategy with random dice rolls, but I can’t figure out how to start the sequence running.
  5. agilepap

    agilepap Member

    Jul 8, 2022
    Choose "Sequence" in the activity menu (upper left). Then choose "Computer Generated" in the function menu (lower right). Now you have a random sequence of 240 rolls.

    Choose the Play > Strategy Play > Sequence activity. In the function menu choose your strategy then choose the sequence you just made. Also choose "Set the bankroll" even if you don't change it. This is to work around a bug I just found.

    Now tap "Place Strategy Bets" in the lower area to step through your strategy. To quickly run the whole sequence choose the function "Run entire sequence". After the sequence runs, choose the function "Save this play for analysis". Now you can review the play in the Analysis activity.

    Hope this helps. BTW, if you long-press the name of an activity in the upper left, instructions for that activity will appear. Were you able to do this? Were the instructions helpful?
  6. Asp

    Asp Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2017
    Thanks for detailing that setup procedure @agilepap. I’d never have figured out how to get the sequence running from just using the app.
    I did use the long-press help function to assist entering my strategy details initially and those instructions were fine.
  7. agilepap

    agilepap Member

    Jul 8, 2022
    Great! I have added the following to the Instructions page of the website at https://agilepap.wixsite.com/strategiccraps :

    Strategic Craps is basically a set of activities you engage in to evaluate and compare strategies. These activities may be seen and entered by tapping the icon in the upper left corner of every screen.

    The first three activities let you set up the basic play components.

    • Table: Here, you may name and define the tables to be used in all aspects of play.
    • Sequence: In the Sequence activity you may name and generate a sequence of dice rolls to be used in several types of play.
    • Strategy: You may name and describe your strategies in the Strategy activity. Running a strategy starts and re-starts whenever the dice pass to a new shooter.

    Next in the menu are the Play activities. These are where the action happens.

    • Live Play: This is the typical craps game activity. You manually place your bets and roll the dice.
    • Sequence Play: This operates the same as the Live Play activity except the roll of the dice is controlled by a sequence you previously generated.
    • Strategy Play Live: This operates the same as the Live Play activity except bets are placed according to a strategy you previously defined.
    • Strategy Play Sequence: This is the activity you will use to start analysis of your strategy. The play is automatic, using a strategy and sequence you previously defined.

    Next are the Analysis activities. These are for examination of Plays you ran and saved in the activities described above.

    • Review: The Review activity allows you to step through a play of your strategy and see the bets on the table change. Roll-by-roll commentary of the player and dealer actions are presented.
    • Chart: Here, a chart of the play's bankroll, action on the table, and expected loss is presented.
    • Session: The Session activity allows you to run a series of plays with your strategy. You specify how many plays in the series. You set the starting bankroll for each play. And you set the limits that determine when each play stops. The plays are run back-to-back with randomly generated roll sequences. Each play stops when any one of the limits is reached, then the next play starts.

    Tap the Strategic Craps icon in the upper left corner to change activity. The name of the current activity is shown to the left of the icon. Long-press that activity name for further guidance.
  8. Asp

    Asp Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2017
    Adding the instruction page is a great help for initially learning the app rather than long-pressing on every function. Even so, running a sequence doesn’t seem intuitive for new players as I still need to refer to your previous set up example to get started, but no doubt it will become second nature in time.
    I’m not the best person to be testing as I hadn’t played Craps before yesterday. It was seeing this analysis software that got me interested in learning. Blackjack is my usual poison where I’ve spent many hours trying to swing the odds forever in my favour. I’ve started out well though, using a strategy from the web this morning which made a profit of $393 on the first run. Probably beginners luck.
  9. agilepap

    agilepap Member

    Jul 8, 2022
    I'm happy you are discovering Craps. It’s a fascinating game. And I very much appreciate your comments and critiques.
  10. agilepap

    agilepap Member

    Jul 8, 2022

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