Universal Storm Casters Ultra (by Get Set Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nickfury, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Hold on a second. The discounted Ultra cards aren't restorable?
  2. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    @MC - a prior Dev post (actually just 1 page ago)

    In the end, we decided everything would be reset, excluding direct one time purchases that were not earnable in-game like the Ultra Cards or 4th Card Slot and excluding gems (regardless of how they were earned), and the player would be given a free pack. Each prestige level the player gets a better pack, so Prestige 1 you get an Epic Pack, P2 gets a Legendary pack, P3 gets a Majestic Pack.

    So the Ultras are still ok, but you lose consumables. Freemium still sucks. Game is good though. The new model is to please the masses, not the gamers. I guess the masses pay the bills though so how can you blame them?
  3. Lohengriehn

    Lohengriehn Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2013
    Interesting thread :)
  4. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Oh, I know, but there's a post by a member that says the pop-up discounted Ultra cards are considered separate from the regular $2 ones and don't restore like the normal ones do.
  5. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    #265 sakara214ever, Oct 6, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
    How unique!!!!! They did it once
    They do it again.
    Welcome to our world! At the beginning of the thread some of us complained about the wrong attitude of the devs regarding the first paid game but no one listened.
  6. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    The core idea of prestiging is to start "fresh" and be able to play the game again from scratch. But if you can start with a bunch of packs etc. then it's not really "from scratch". At the same time, for people that bought warp stones to buy packs (especially toward the end of the game), it seems weird to have those packs "taken away", and some players would like to continue playing progressively.

    So here's what we're thinking. When you prestige, we'll offer two options:

    1. "From Scratch" prestige (the current mechanic). Everything gets reset, you keep any unspent warp stones and you get a free card pack to start with. This way you can truly play through from nothing and get a new experience
    2. "Progressive" prestige. You keep everything you have (cards and all) but you can start the story and game again in hard mode. This way you can play through all the prestige levels while continuing to build up your card collection (Level 5 Legendaries anyone?)

    This gets around the issue of allowing players that really want to start over "clean" vs. players that would like to play more cumulatively, and you would now have a choice for how you would like to play, and you can choose to keep your cards etc. if you like.
  7. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Yeah so which one is it? If I buy the sale ultra cards, will I lose them upon prestiging?
    Can this be confirmed one way or another??
  8. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    #268 nickfury, Oct 6, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
    No, you always keep Ultra cards, since they are a direct purchase.

    But if you do lose your Ultra cards somehow, use Restore Purchases from Settings>Help>Restore. The sale Ultra cards are treated as a separate "product" for technical reasons, so don't try and re-purchase a lost sale Ultra card by buying the full price version. Use restore purchases from the help menu.
  9. The Son of Anarchy

    The Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    #269 The Son of Anarchy, Oct 6, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
    Will the Ultra cards be restorable (in the instance of a deletion/reinstall) even when purchased at the special offer price? I think this is the question many people would like an answer for.

    Edit: Thankyou for the response, I see you edited your above post to include the answer to my question.
  10. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Perfect. That answers it and confirms they can be restored! Phew! :)
  11. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Excellent. I want to keep my cards and keep collecting more. :)
  12. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    Maybe a middle approach where you pick 10 cards from your hand to transfer over with you.
  13. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    This seems to me like it would solve the problem. And maybe just to make things crystal clear, when someone chooses the "from scratch" option, include an explicit warning that the cards deleted will include all non-ultra cards, even if you spent real money on them.
  14. beasstt

    beasstt Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Houston, TX
    In my opinion, there needs to be some bonus you get from doing prestige mode. It would be awesome if there was some kind of cool bonus you could only earn by prestigeing and each time you do it the bonus gets cooler. This would take the sting away from losing ALL your cards and money. Maybe give perks, like you start each dungeon with 2 hearts now or you always have ember with you. Or you can shoot 2 fire balls at a time or you can carry 2 bombs instead of one. I could go on but you get the idea. There needs to be some kind of bonus for prestigeing, because I see no incentive to buy card packs if I’ll just lose all of them when I go prestige.

    Awesome game tho! Loving it the second time around.
  15. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    #275 Zeillusion, Oct 6, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
    That would be lovely. It gives us an option to choose if we want our purchased cards taken away or not. I agree it might take away from the challenge but at least the player has choice. I won't ask for a refund I just didn't think of it at the time since I prestiged so quickly after buying cards.

    By the way, how many prestige levels are there?

    & yeah I'm really hoping for Sucess. You guys are great devs that care for the customer. I'd love to see an expansive card selection , new bosses and chapters.

    Hope you guys are doing better now that the game has been fixed and went free.
  16. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Really glad all these conspiracy posts regarding IAP have been laid to rest.
  17. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    #277 Zeillusion, Oct 6, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
    ^ agree, there's some good conversation being discussed here. All the trolls have weaved out.

    ( Just bought ember ! He's beast )

    If you'd like to do Eilluzion a favor devs. Create an ultra that has a 50% chance of turning you angelic or demonic. Angelic allows you to fire 25 light bolts that ricochet ( like the blaster ) & give you a 5% chance to heal a heart per kill and demonic lets you fire dark bolts that fear enemies away from your ( or something of the sort ) and you get a aura that does damage to enemies that get close ( runs out after 25 shots ). Add angelic / demonic wings to character with. Red or angelic aura tone.

    That'd be BEAST ultra.

    It could be called WSDYFO

    ( ah there's 3 prestige levels )

    Which side do you fall on? :p
  18. raravan

    raravan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2014
    still playing this everyday since my birthday.
  19. MikeGetSet

    MikeGetSet Member

    Right now, there are 3 prestige levels. We're going to be expanding that a slightly in the next update. The game won't get harder after the 3rd prestige (because the game just becomes kind of unplayable when things are harder than P3), but it will display the number of times you beat the game on the 3rd prestige for the people who want to keep playing at that point. Our rough estimate is about 30hrs of gameplay to reach Prestige 3 from a fresh install, depending on skill level.

    One of our level designers CLAIMS he can beat normal mode (before Prestige) in an hour, but I have my doubts. Maybe we'll add a time trail mode, haha.
  20. nickfury

    nickfury Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2010
    Founder and Creative Director at Get Set Games
    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks for the suggestions - our take is that those perks are covered by cards, and the idea behind prestige is to play the game again, but harder, but this time around you'll get different cards, making the game different each time. Adding cool bonuses for prestiging is still possible though, but maybe in other ways?

    Thanks for the suggestion! This could be two separate cards, but the the idea of an RNG 50/50 chance on pickup is cool though - I see where you're going with that.

    Happy Birthday! :)

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