glad you're enjoying it on the 5S . Extra effort and care had to go in to make sure it ran well on smaller screens. Even 4S is supported . Ill see if i can fit in some zoom out option after the next update as I'm swamped adding more and more cool stuff. I tried to have something for everyone: quick single player challenges, long survival marathons or lots of quick multiplayer matches. thanks again for your feedback
My impressions of this so far is that it is Door Kickers meets XCOM. I like Door Kickers but I also think it plays a bit fast. I love XCOM and I have nothing bad to say about it. This is a perfect balance. It's Whopper meets The Big Mac... Have Your Way and I'm Loving It!
I also noticed that it's hard to move units to spots that other units are on, since you'll end up selecting them. Is there a way around this? Or maybe you should add an option that the only way to select units is to use the panel on the right (with the guns), that way you can't accidentally select the wrong units and place them on the exact spots you want.
Not my cup of tea, very disappointed with it honestly as j was going in expecting a fast paced top down CQC shooter like Stick Arena. Of course any fan of tactical shooters this is a must buy, but alas I've other games to play.
It's pretty fast paced for a turned based game. Maybe you can try to give it a shot Nothing more exhilarating than a coordinated takedown! Peace!
Can't wait to try this out. I'm one of those that loves turn based games, but can't stand asynchronous. Real time with a move timer is where it's at! How much is the pro pack? I haven't downloaded yet, have to wait to get home... E
looking out for STATS RESET BUG Hey guys, I heard of a possible bug where some multiplayer stats are being reset. Specifically, your KILLS PER CLASS or # of WINS or LOSSES. Please let me know if you're stats are FINE or RESETTING if possible. thanks a lot for your feedback!
Omg! Dev's you were right I've just been playing the multiplayer and it is really cool and somehow a lot more tension than the single player. Still have bad losers who quit when your just about to win but at least I was awarded the win This is one game that just keeps getting better. Edit. About the stats online I just noticed I did kill some guys with my sniper and assault guys and my stats only say assault one kill sniper no kills. So my stats aren't working properly. But right now I'm not to bothered I'm having to much fun. Will be nice when they work properly tho.
I agree. I was never a big fan of asynchronous, and thats what bothered me the most about Frozen Synapse. But this game doesn't have it and i enjoy it that much more because of it.