Not really, but here's a news story about how Apple actually now holds more money than the US government (BBC News): Not too surprising, when you consider: That's interesting BBC, but how is Apple doing in comparison? woah.
Hey, that's really cool. I think I saw the saw the same article on Yahoo yesterday. Not sure why they called it news though.
Yeah like I was kind of struck by it when I saw it on the news, but I mean Apple is doing amazingly all the time while the US has been in a financial "situation" for over a decade now...
I've been saying this from the beginning... Apple=Skynet. It was only a matter of time. I'm currently taking auditions for John Connor.
Apple has definitely not been doing well all the time. It's only in recent years that they picked themselves up. Apple was on the verge of disappearing. Plus, the US has been in this situation for a LOT longer than a decade. But yeah, I guess it was interesting article.
Lol yes my friend, "all the time" is a figure of speech. I mean all the time these days not "all of time since the beginning of time" (Apple didnt have such a big market share at the dawn of the universe).
Makes you wonder what they're planning on doing with all that money. World domination doesn't seem far off, does it?
Doesn't seem far off at all... everyone's saying China will take over the world but who you really have to look out for is Apple and Google.