Unfortunately we did not record it :-( (we're kind of new to livestreaming and ... we learn as we go, but we plan to record the next time when we'll do it ... and we plan to do some more live streams in the following weeks ... or months )
Hi there. So I downloaded your game and i really like it cuz there are not many space sims in which you can just free travel. But I have a suggestion can you add a separate joystick for roll and pitch? And also to rotate the map in 3d and not just up and down. Other than that its one of the best games I have ever played and keep up the good work. Thank you.
One more thing the items don't restock I think so fix that to (and i meant the map moves left and right not up and down my bad
I almost started the game to check the map ) then I saw the second message. Restocking yes, it is a known issue (believe or not is better than it was when it first launched )
Yes and maybe an option to change the layout by moving around the buttons to make it comfortable because of many burros on the screen and also I was doing a mission in which you have to escort the two ships 'valiant and knoss' and there is an ambush in on the way to dysons and I have died so much times that I have attempted that mission like 10 times in like 5 minutes because the fighters at the start of the ambush just straight up destroy me within seconds so please fix that or make the items restock. Anyway I am not going to delete the game because I like it way too much. So please check the things I mentioned.
So it turns out that the enemy fighters in the mission were not that strong but i was weak. I just took some time and grinded money and bought a ship with the turret slot (don't remember what it was called tho) , a turret, two hg heavy lasers I think and the shield and armor upgrades you can put in the equip slots and a repair droid and I just destroyed every mission after that but I haven't beaten the game yet so yeah but restocking is my main issue. And also I found a glitch I don't know if someone reported it but I found it today. When you are about to jump or dock on a station when the cutscene plays if you minimize the game if you are playing in cockpit mode and open it then you will still be in the cockpit mode and see the inside of the station where you dock but I think its a nice glitch because I enjoy it☺. Anway thank you developer for replying.
Oohhh i just finished the game today and the story was so cool I loved especially the last mission but not saying anything about it (spoilers) . I have seen many posts about having a capital ship of your own. If that's what is coming next I am sooo excited for it
Good for you! I am at the mission called “Corvette left behind” where I must protect a Core Corvette disabled near Lilla. I have a BL5 Dolphin equipped whit every maxed out accessories even a HG turret, but I can’t get over the second wave of enemy ships... can you give me some help? How many missions I am far from ending? Thank you!
I don't exactly remember how far from the ending you are but I finished the game with a BL5 dolphin. Also if you are still working with core then I think you are pretty far from the ending but I don't want to spoil anything. Do you have the repair droid? It helped me out quite a lot and what primary weapons do you have? And can you tell the name of the corvette? (Sorry for this many questions) Here is my ship after I completed I hope it will help. Thank you.
Also don't mind the hyper scanner in the picture. I equipped it after I completed. Instead of that I used an extra armor.
Wow thank you so much! I guess I must upgrade a lot of things... first of all lasers and I must buy ASAP a repair droid... The corvette’s name is Valiant. Thank so much, mate!
Hey Comas. Ive just gor back from killing GOF2 a few times and am wondering whether you've considered or perhaps started working on an update. I really think that with a few tweaks you could have a game that would improve on that game. I do hope that you haven't given up on this project. Im not good at coding but could suggest a few storylines if you're interested.
We're getting closer to the Steam launch ... and it was a huge visual upgrade. After that the plan is to have some additional content (on all platforms).