Hey everyone! We're back with our latest mobile game, now available worldwide, and we can't wait to share it with you! Steampunk Panic is a deceptively simple fast-paced reaction speed game! The longer your game lasts, the faster the timer decreases and the more button types will appear, forcing you to make tough decisions, quickly! We got one-finger control (but I prefer to use two), online and offline modes, global leaderboard support (with validated scores to curb cheating!) and more! Trailer! More Info! Steampunk Panic Page Dev Log of Making the Game on Touch Arcade! Visit us! Eat the Moon Games Follow us! Twitter: @EatTheMoonGames Facebook: Eat the Moon Steampunk Panic Eat the Moon, LLC Challenge yourself and the world with the new fast paced reaction speed game for 2018! Great for short play sessions! P… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsChallenge yourself and the world with the new fast paced reaction speed game for 2018! Great for short play sessions! Play on the bus, while waiting in line, or anywhere else when you have a few minutes to spare! Easy to learn with addicting gameplay that will keep you coming back for more! Hone your skills and climb the global high score leaderboards! Can you reach the top? Game Features: - Free to play - One finger control - Online and offline modes - Lots of fun button types - Global leaderboard Information Seller:Eat the Moon, LLC Genre:Arcade, Puzzle Release:May 06, 2018 Updated:May 16, 2018 Version:1.1.1 Size:104.3 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #2 Asp, May 12, 2018 These types of games are, I think, the epitome of the crux of mobile design. Something which can be learned quickly and played during short intervals. There is enough to make it more absorbing than just tapping - watching for combos. multipliers etc - without it being unduly taxing. Loaded into an old device, it makes a great way to fill in time during those 30 second ad breaks elsewhere. Of course, its best to buy out of the ads here to be effective. Eat the Moon Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2017 136 0 16 Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC Washington, USA http://www.eatthemoongames.com #3 Eat the Moon, May 12, 2018 Thanks for those kind words! This game kinda spawned from a behavior I saw in other game (Realm Grinder) where I would wait for a building button to light up and then I would tap it. Depending on how much gold I had, I could tap the same button a few times before it darkened due to not having enough gold. It became a fun mini-game for myself to try and tap all of the building buttons as fast as I could an not tap a disabled button ... which is how this game came to be. Of course, just tapping green buttons and ignoring blackened buttons wouldn't have been enough to keep me entertained, so I wanted to add to the mechanics with multipliers. Which then brought about the game getting faster as your multiplier increased, which led to the reset button type (red one). More and more simple mechanics were added until I had something that forced me to react quickly to the ever changing board state to max out my possible score. ... I still internally kick myself when a button type appears that I want to hit, but I don't react to it quickly enough and just tap a green button. I can't wait for more people to play the game and add to the leaderboards, mainly because I want some people to reach a tough high score for me to compete against. My player ID is flagged as a developer, so it doesn't update my score to the leaderboard and I don't dominate all the new players. Everyone is just starting, but I've been playing this daily for a few months, so I have a huge advantage Grist Well-Known Member Nov 7, 2008 362 25 28 VP of Marketing Massachusetts #4 Grist, May 12, 2018 What leaderboard? To the developer: I don't see how to access the leaderboard. Please explain. Eat the Moon Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2017 136 0 16 Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC Washington, USA http://www.eatthemoongames.com #5 Eat the Moon, May 13, 2018 Sure thing! For this game, I opted to use an icon that represents the leaderboard. When you finish a round, or when you are on the game mode select screen, you will see a button with this icon. Here's an example: The leaderboard is only available if you are playing the game with an internet connection. Otherwise, the game select screen will only show the Easy mode and leaderboards will be disabled. I hope this helps! Grist Well-Known Member Nov 7, 2008 362 25 28 VP of Marketing Massachusetts #6 Grist, May 13, 2018 I haven't seen the "select mode" screen, despite playing with an internet connection. The only screen that pops up between rounds is "Tutorial". Eat the Moon Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2017 136 0 16 Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC Washington, USA http://www.eatthemoongames.com #7 Eat the Moon, May 13, 2018 Ah, yes. There are 4 tutorials that need to be completed before you can access the game. Have you completed the tutorial? Tutorial 1: Basic hitting of buttons. Hit 5 or so buttons, the tutorial moves to the next part Tutorial 2: Introduces the timer gauge. Hit 5 or so buttons, the tutorial moves on to the next part Tutorial 3: Introduces multiplier buttons. Hit 5 or so multiplier buttons, the tutorial moves on to the next part. Tutorial 4: Introduces the fever meter. Hit several buttons to fill up the fever bar. Once full, activate the fever mode with the switch that lights up on the top-right, next to the fever gauge. Once fever mode ends, the tutorial ends It takes about 2-3 minutes to complete all of the tutorials. However, if you stop playing in the middle of any of the tutorials and turn off the game, you'll need to redo the tutorial. The tutorial can take longer if you let the timer end, or in the case of Tutorial #4, if you don't activate the fever mode, you'll never get past the tutorial. Maybe that is the issue? Let me know! Grist Well-Known Member Nov 7, 2008 362 25 28 VP of Marketing Massachusetts #8 Grist, May 13, 2018 Too many tutorials! I strongly recommend that you rethink your approach to presenting multiple tutorials. The constant returns of the tutorial screen gave me the impression that your game had a serious bug that was preventing players from proceeding beyond the tutorial(s) stage. I would have deleted the game after trying it for a few minutes this morning if you and I hadn't had our discussion in this forum that informed me about the series of tutorial stages that precede the actual game. Eat the Moon Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2017 136 0 16 Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC Washington, USA http://www.eatthemoongames.com #9 Eat the Moon, May 13, 2018 You make a good point. I tried to make the tutorial as quick as possible, as I have seen some games lock you into a tutorial for 10-20+ minutes before you are able to really do anything. My hope was that by presenting the tutorials as parts (There is a section at the bottom of the tutorial screen that says (1 of 4), (2 of 4), etc.) that it would be enough to let the player know that there were 4 tutorials. Also when the tutorial was complete, it would state that the player was going to move onto the next tutorial. I also made each tutorial screen use different colors and layouts so that the tutorials would definitely look different, so it was clear these were separate tutorials. If the player made a mistake (tapped a black button during the tutorial, or let the timer run out), it would let the player know about that part of the game so that they can try again and do better. Even doing all of this, it appears to have not been clear that this tutorial is multi part and broken down into small chunks. Sorry about that The 4 tutorials teach important aspects of the game. During play tests without the tutorial, people were confused about or didn't even know about these important things, so the tutorials were created to teach the basics of the game that was needed. But it appears that I need to do better in this regard - - - Now, with that said, do you think it would be better if I showed the player all 4 tutorials, like a list, with a star next to each that was completed as part of the tutorial screen, so you have a better understanding of what is to come and what you are doing? That way you can see your progress and understand what's happening? I guess I could allow players the option to skip the tutorial again, but when I did that during the play test, people wouldn't tap the tutorial button on the main title screen (which you will see when you complete the tutorial) in order to learn what is going on and would not understand mechanics and get confused or frustrated. One thing that I will definitely do is save your progress on the tutorial. If you are on part 3 (learning about multipliers) and close the game and come back, it would be best to start up on part 3 and not part 1 again. sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. http://www.google.com #10 sebgo, May 13, 2018 Last edited: May 13, 2018 I can't wait... I can't wait to play the tutorials! �� Just kidding, I'll give it a go and, if I get past the tutorial, play it and return with some feedback and/or impressions! I had checked this game's dev log and it was great, so the name kinda rang a bell when I saw it in the iPhone's games (released) section. Will be back later! Imps: I'm liking it so far! I keep hitting the retry button in order to get a higher score! There's a problem in "Easy" mode: Everytime I get a multiplier higher than x99, the game freezes... No wonder I can't keep climbing the leaderboards! �� Already purchased the option to get rid of pesky ads, since after watching an ad about a laaaaame game that rips Clash of Clans' logo (Lords Mobile, in my case haha), I'd get the loading cog in the middle of a game. Now with no ads, I don't get that kind of issue except for the multiplier thing Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #11 Asp, May 13, 2018 Started out well but now there are some random lock-ups. At various times the screen goes blurry and the game freezes. Clearing it requires ipad rebooting. Only happens in on-line mode. Air 2 with iOS 11.3.1. Attached Files: 6D0A3EB4-4196-4BF8-9777-EDB94C768055.jpg File size: 98.5 KB Views: 2 Grist Well-Known Member Nov 7, 2008 362 25 28 VP of Marketing Massachusetts #12 Grist, May 13, 2018 Eat The Moon: I think the approach you mentioned, which is pasted below, is a very good idea: "Now, with that said, do you think it would be better if I showed the player all 4 tutorials, like a list, with a star next to each that was completed as part of the tutorial screen, so you have a better understanding of what is to come and what you are doing? That way you can see your progress and understand what's happening?" Eat the Moon Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2017 136 0 16 Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC Washington, USA http://www.eatthemoongames.com #13 Eat the Moon, May 13, 2018 Thanks for giving it another shot! I am readying version 1.1.1 with the updated tutorial tracking code, to remember your place in the tutorial if you leave and come back. Also making a change to the tutorial window to allow players to skip it if they want, as well as see the tutorial progress track to understand how much there is in the tutorials. I am also addressing a bug related to the blur effect that I use behind popup dialogs outside of the game. In some situations, it doesn't go away after the game ends, which is not ideal. All of these changes should be ready for submission to Apple on Monday morning, hopefully live Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday! Once I am certain that the game is stable for as many players as possible, I'll be looking forward to introducing some new buttons types for players to look out for Eat the Moon Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2017 136 0 16 Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC Washington, USA http://www.eatthemoongames.com #14 Eat the Moon, May 13, 2018 I'm sorry about that bug, I thought I found and fixed it for the 1.1 release, but I was mistaken. It's not ideal, but if this happens, you can kill the app and reopen it to restart the game. Basically, when I show a popup dialog in the game, I blur the background. Unfortunately, the blur sticks around sometimes (which also blocks input of anything behind it) when you close a dialog. I haven't been able to find a solid reproduction of the issue, but I have some new code in place to prevent this state from happening. I am readying version 1.1.1 which will address this bug, as well as add a small change to the tutorial flow as mentioned earlier in the thread. I hope to have it live on Monday, no later than Tuesday. It's high priority right now! Eat the Moon Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2017 136 0 16 Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC Washington, USA http://www.eatthemoongames.com #15 Eat the Moon, May 13, 2018 Thanks for your input! This is one of the things I'll be adding to version 1.1.1 for the tutorial. Hopefully it will be out on the App Store on Monday W8rd3 Well-Known Member Aug 21, 2017 123 49 28 Human paper weight In a human dwelling #16 W8rd3, May 13, 2018 Huh? Honestly it seems people are nitpicking the tutorials, I've encountered way more intrusive and annoying ones. It's just my opinion but I thought they were fine and it took me less then 5 mins to get thru them. You even put the button meanings in a little book option instead of forcing a training of them. Anyway I just wanted to put another point of view up here, and say you've done a great job dev! This seems to have the addiction level of an io game! sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. http://www.google.com #17 sebgo, May 13, 2018 Last edited: May 13, 2018 I get the blurry screen after getting a multiplier higher than x99 in easy mode. When I "lose" I get said screen. I'll try to upload a video. Also, I know the game kinda randomizes button appearance, but there was a time when the only available button was the red one and that kinda makes no sense when you're chasing a high score. In said cases, the only available button should be the green one, so that the game doesn't kill a super combo but it won't make it bigger, either. Imps: I'm liking it so far! I keep hitting the retry button in order to get a higher score! There's a problem in "Easy" mode: Everytime I get a multiplier higher than x99, the game freezes... No wonder I can't keep climbing the leaderboards! �� Already purchased the option to get rid of pesky ads, since after watching an ad about a laaaaame game that rips Clash of Clans' logo (Lords Mobile, in my case haha), I'd get the loading cog in the middle of a game. Now with no ads, I don't get that kind of issue except for the multiplier thingp Eat the Moon Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2017 136 0 16 Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC Washington, USA http://www.eatthemoongames.com #18 Eat the Moon, May 13, 2018 Interesting. I thought I capped the max multiplier at 99, but apparently that is not the case and it's still affecting you. I'll drop that fix into the next update (version 1.1.1). Thanks for that extra info! I can probably allow for a larger multiplier and can drop the "x" in the numbering down there, but just remember that multipliers will increase the speed of the game. Right now, each mode mode has a max speed, but higher multipliers are meant to push past that limit. That might not be happening, as sticking at 99 should be incredibly hard. Totally agree with you! I had this happen to me a couple times and it definitely felt bad, but it happened rarely enough that I kept forgetting to add it to my list of things to fix. I will balance the game to adjust for that situation. I'll make it either convert to a green button and appear next time, or ensure that a green button spawns with it, so you get a choice. Yay! I'm looking at the leaderboards and watching some details appear on the server side and it makes me happy that the game isn't too hard. People are still struggling with long games and big scores, but once the reaction speed kicks in and someone gets in the zone, it's pretty cool. I was worried that people wouldn't be able to last for a minute, but I have been finally proven wrong. All modes were made slightly easier in the 1.1 update, and when I introduce some new buttons and mechanics in the future, a re-balance will have to happen ... possibly upping some of the difficulty. Huh. That's a new one! I'll look into the cause of that, as you shouldn't get the loading cog during an active game, even if you watch an ad. The cog only appears when there is communication happening between the game and the server, which is triggered from a UI button, not the game screen itself. Also if you switch languages ... but I might remove that cog screen as the switch is instant and the cog appears for one frame and seems strange. The only thing I can think of is some ad watch callback code not completing before you start the game or when you use the ad to continue, causing the server to be contacted to retry validation again after the game started. I'll get that investigated tonight for my 1.1.1 update! Eat the Moon Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2017 136 0 16 Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC Washington, USA http://www.eatthemoongames.com #19 Eat the Moon, May 13, 2018 Side note, for those who have disabled ads with the IAP, what do you think about being able to set the color of your name on the leaderboard? Up until now, I never seen a game let you do that and thought it was a cool and special way to show your support as well as get something cosmetic in return. Oh, and of course no ads is a great thing sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. http://www.google.com #20 sebgo, May 13, 2018 Last edited: May 13, 2018 I find it cool. I really liked being able to choose black. �� About IAP... is it possible to make Hard and Expert difficulties available in offline mode for paying customers? I usually have pretty bad or no connectivity at all, so having them available offline would really be a proper addition. You probably have it that way in order for free players to watch some ads, but what about people who paid to get rid of ads? I didn't know they were avilable in online mode only because I launched the game while I was connected to the internet but then I lost connection and I was like "oh, well, I'll practice Expert now until I can connect..." and then... (╯‵□′)╯~ ~~┻━┻ About the loading cog in the middle of a game, that's probably what you said about watching an ad for a continue. My connection sucks so it was probably still in the middle of a server communication thingie so that's likely what happened. About multipliers, yeah, sticking at x99 makes sense but instead of sticking there, it turns into a "x10" (that's what can be seen) and the buttons and score freeze. I was kinda forced to drop my multiplier to x1 in order to keep playing, and that's how I got my current highscore in Easy difficulty (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
These types of games are, I think, the epitome of the crux of mobile design. Something which can be learned quickly and played during short intervals. There is enough to make it more absorbing than just tapping - watching for combos. multipliers etc - without it being unduly taxing. Loaded into an old device, it makes a great way to fill in time during those 30 second ad breaks elsewhere. Of course, its best to buy out of the ads here to be effective.
Thanks for those kind words! This game kinda spawned from a behavior I saw in other game (Realm Grinder) where I would wait for a building button to light up and then I would tap it. Depending on how much gold I had, I could tap the same button a few times before it darkened due to not having enough gold. It became a fun mini-game for myself to try and tap all of the building buttons as fast as I could an not tap a disabled button ... which is how this game came to be. Of course, just tapping green buttons and ignoring blackened buttons wouldn't have been enough to keep me entertained, so I wanted to add to the mechanics with multipliers. Which then brought about the game getting faster as your multiplier increased, which led to the reset button type (red one). More and more simple mechanics were added until I had something that forced me to react quickly to the ever changing board state to max out my possible score. ... I still internally kick myself when a button type appears that I want to hit, but I don't react to it quickly enough and just tap a green button. I can't wait for more people to play the game and add to the leaderboards, mainly because I want some people to reach a tough high score for me to compete against. My player ID is flagged as a developer, so it doesn't update my score to the leaderboard and I don't dominate all the new players. Everyone is just starting, but I've been playing this daily for a few months, so I have a huge advantage
Sure thing! For this game, I opted to use an icon that represents the leaderboard. When you finish a round, or when you are on the game mode select screen, you will see a button with this icon. Here's an example: The leaderboard is only available if you are playing the game with an internet connection. Otherwise, the game select screen will only show the Easy mode and leaderboards will be disabled. I hope this helps!
I haven't seen the "select mode" screen, despite playing with an internet connection. The only screen that pops up between rounds is "Tutorial".
Ah, yes. There are 4 tutorials that need to be completed before you can access the game. Have you completed the tutorial? Tutorial 1: Basic hitting of buttons. Hit 5 or so buttons, the tutorial moves to the next part Tutorial 2: Introduces the timer gauge. Hit 5 or so buttons, the tutorial moves on to the next part Tutorial 3: Introduces multiplier buttons. Hit 5 or so multiplier buttons, the tutorial moves on to the next part. Tutorial 4: Introduces the fever meter. Hit several buttons to fill up the fever bar. Once full, activate the fever mode with the switch that lights up on the top-right, next to the fever gauge. Once fever mode ends, the tutorial ends It takes about 2-3 minutes to complete all of the tutorials. However, if you stop playing in the middle of any of the tutorials and turn off the game, you'll need to redo the tutorial. The tutorial can take longer if you let the timer end, or in the case of Tutorial #4, if you don't activate the fever mode, you'll never get past the tutorial. Maybe that is the issue? Let me know!
Too many tutorials! I strongly recommend that you rethink your approach to presenting multiple tutorials. The constant returns of the tutorial screen gave me the impression that your game had a serious bug that was preventing players from proceeding beyond the tutorial(s) stage. I would have deleted the game after trying it for a few minutes this morning if you and I hadn't had our discussion in this forum that informed me about the series of tutorial stages that precede the actual game.
You make a good point. I tried to make the tutorial as quick as possible, as I have seen some games lock you into a tutorial for 10-20+ minutes before you are able to really do anything. My hope was that by presenting the tutorials as parts (There is a section at the bottom of the tutorial screen that says (1 of 4), (2 of 4), etc.) that it would be enough to let the player know that there were 4 tutorials. Also when the tutorial was complete, it would state that the player was going to move onto the next tutorial. I also made each tutorial screen use different colors and layouts so that the tutorials would definitely look different, so it was clear these were separate tutorials. If the player made a mistake (tapped a black button during the tutorial, or let the timer run out), it would let the player know about that part of the game so that they can try again and do better. Even doing all of this, it appears to have not been clear that this tutorial is multi part and broken down into small chunks. Sorry about that The 4 tutorials teach important aspects of the game. During play tests without the tutorial, people were confused about or didn't even know about these important things, so the tutorials were created to teach the basics of the game that was needed. But it appears that I need to do better in this regard - - - Now, with that said, do you think it would be better if I showed the player all 4 tutorials, like a list, with a star next to each that was completed as part of the tutorial screen, so you have a better understanding of what is to come and what you are doing? That way you can see your progress and understand what's happening? I guess I could allow players the option to skip the tutorial again, but when I did that during the play test, people wouldn't tap the tutorial button on the main title screen (which you will see when you complete the tutorial) in order to learn what is going on and would not understand mechanics and get confused or frustrated. One thing that I will definitely do is save your progress on the tutorial. If you are on part 3 (learning about multipliers) and close the game and come back, it would be best to start up on part 3 and not part 1 again.
I can't wait... I can't wait to play the tutorials! �� Just kidding, I'll give it a go and, if I get past the tutorial, play it and return with some feedback and/or impressions! I had checked this game's dev log and it was great, so the name kinda rang a bell when I saw it in the iPhone's games (released) section. Will be back later! Imps: I'm liking it so far! I keep hitting the retry button in order to get a higher score! There's a problem in "Easy" mode: Everytime I get a multiplier higher than x99, the game freezes... No wonder I can't keep climbing the leaderboards! �� Already purchased the option to get rid of pesky ads, since after watching an ad about a laaaaame game that rips Clash of Clans' logo (Lords Mobile, in my case haha), I'd get the loading cog in the middle of a game. Now with no ads, I don't get that kind of issue except for the multiplier thing
Started out well but now there are some random lock-ups. At various times the screen goes blurry and the game freezes. Clearing it requires ipad rebooting. Only happens in on-line mode. Air 2 with iOS 11.3.1.
Eat The Moon: I think the approach you mentioned, which is pasted below, is a very good idea: "Now, with that said, do you think it would be better if I showed the player all 4 tutorials, like a list, with a star next to each that was completed as part of the tutorial screen, so you have a better understanding of what is to come and what you are doing? That way you can see your progress and understand what's happening?"
Thanks for giving it another shot! I am readying version 1.1.1 with the updated tutorial tracking code, to remember your place in the tutorial if you leave and come back. Also making a change to the tutorial window to allow players to skip it if they want, as well as see the tutorial progress track to understand how much there is in the tutorials. I am also addressing a bug related to the blur effect that I use behind popup dialogs outside of the game. In some situations, it doesn't go away after the game ends, which is not ideal. All of these changes should be ready for submission to Apple on Monday morning, hopefully live Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday! Once I am certain that the game is stable for as many players as possible, I'll be looking forward to introducing some new buttons types for players to look out for
I'm sorry about that bug, I thought I found and fixed it for the 1.1 release, but I was mistaken. It's not ideal, but if this happens, you can kill the app and reopen it to restart the game. Basically, when I show a popup dialog in the game, I blur the background. Unfortunately, the blur sticks around sometimes (which also blocks input of anything behind it) when you close a dialog. I haven't been able to find a solid reproduction of the issue, but I have some new code in place to prevent this state from happening. I am readying version 1.1.1 which will address this bug, as well as add a small change to the tutorial flow as mentioned earlier in the thread. I hope to have it live on Monday, no later than Tuesday. It's high priority right now!
Thanks for your input! This is one of the things I'll be adding to version 1.1.1 for the tutorial. Hopefully it will be out on the App Store on Monday
Huh? Honestly it seems people are nitpicking the tutorials, I've encountered way more intrusive and annoying ones. It's just my opinion but I thought they were fine and it took me less then 5 mins to get thru them. You even put the button meanings in a little book option instead of forcing a training of them. Anyway I just wanted to put another point of view up here, and say you've done a great job dev! This seems to have the addiction level of an io game!
I get the blurry screen after getting a multiplier higher than x99 in easy mode. When I "lose" I get said screen. I'll try to upload a video. Also, I know the game kinda randomizes button appearance, but there was a time when the only available button was the red one and that kinda makes no sense when you're chasing a high score. In said cases, the only available button should be the green one, so that the game doesn't kill a super combo but it won't make it bigger, either. Imps: I'm liking it so far! I keep hitting the retry button in order to get a higher score! There's a problem in "Easy" mode: Everytime I get a multiplier higher than x99, the game freezes... No wonder I can't keep climbing the leaderboards! �� Already purchased the option to get rid of pesky ads, since after watching an ad about a laaaaame game that rips Clash of Clans' logo (Lords Mobile, in my case haha), I'd get the loading cog in the middle of a game. Now with no ads, I don't get that kind of issue except for the multiplier thingp
Interesting. I thought I capped the max multiplier at 99, but apparently that is not the case and it's still affecting you. I'll drop that fix into the next update (version 1.1.1). Thanks for that extra info! I can probably allow for a larger multiplier and can drop the "x" in the numbering down there, but just remember that multipliers will increase the speed of the game. Right now, each mode mode has a max speed, but higher multipliers are meant to push past that limit. That might not be happening, as sticking at 99 should be incredibly hard. Totally agree with you! I had this happen to me a couple times and it definitely felt bad, but it happened rarely enough that I kept forgetting to add it to my list of things to fix. I will balance the game to adjust for that situation. I'll make it either convert to a green button and appear next time, or ensure that a green button spawns with it, so you get a choice. Yay! I'm looking at the leaderboards and watching some details appear on the server side and it makes me happy that the game isn't too hard. People are still struggling with long games and big scores, but once the reaction speed kicks in and someone gets in the zone, it's pretty cool. I was worried that people wouldn't be able to last for a minute, but I have been finally proven wrong. All modes were made slightly easier in the 1.1 update, and when I introduce some new buttons and mechanics in the future, a re-balance will have to happen ... possibly upping some of the difficulty. Huh. That's a new one! I'll look into the cause of that, as you shouldn't get the loading cog during an active game, even if you watch an ad. The cog only appears when there is communication happening between the game and the server, which is triggered from a UI button, not the game screen itself. Also if you switch languages ... but I might remove that cog screen as the switch is instant and the cog appears for one frame and seems strange. The only thing I can think of is some ad watch callback code not completing before you start the game or when you use the ad to continue, causing the server to be contacted to retry validation again after the game started. I'll get that investigated tonight for my 1.1.1 update!
Side note, for those who have disabled ads with the IAP, what do you think about being able to set the color of your name on the leaderboard? Up until now, I never seen a game let you do that and thought it was a cool and special way to show your support as well as get something cosmetic in return. Oh, and of course no ads is a great thing
I find it cool. I really liked being able to choose black. �� About IAP... is it possible to make Hard and Expert difficulties available in offline mode for paying customers? I usually have pretty bad or no connectivity at all, so having them available offline would really be a proper addition. You probably have it that way in order for free players to watch some ads, but what about people who paid to get rid of ads? I didn't know they were avilable in online mode only because I launched the game while I was connected to the internet but then I lost connection and I was like "oh, well, I'll practice Expert now until I can connect..." and then... (╯‵□′)╯~ ~~┻━┻ About the loading cog in the middle of a game, that's probably what you said about watching an ad for a continue. My connection sucks so it was probably still in the middle of a server communication thingie so that's likely what happened. About multipliers, yeah, sticking at x99 makes sense but instead of sticking there, it turns into a "x10" (that's what can be seen) and the buttons and score freeze. I was kinda forced to drop my multiplier to x1 in order to keep playing, and that's how I got my current highscore in Easy difficulty