Personally I prefer Rogue Legacy to Spelunky (I think Spelunky's more difficult because RL pushes advancement by automatically inheriting things from a prior run). Rogue Legacy is more combat oriented, so I enjoyed that hack/slash style. I've only even played Risk of Rain single player and didn't think multiplayer is much of a focus. Comparing the three Risk of Rain feels like it has more cavernous open levels (provided you can survive long enough, RoR slaughters you quicker imo) with spawning enemies and plentiful buffs (Spelunky's levels are elaborate but also feel a tad "mini," more condensed). Also, Risk of Rain feels like it has the most compelling unlockables (hidden characters, etc) - plus space blaster combat. Spelunky probably have the most diverse environment, Risk of Rain is also pretty brutally difficult. Between the three they are the most polished metroidvania platformers on PC so it'd be hard to go wrong. Consider though that all three games are on Humbe Bundle and other sites that offer DRM-free editions (in addition to Steam key) so you might want to do price comparisons.
Dammit, why didn't I procrastinate and get this for a buck-and-a-quarter less..? Also, Steam: Fallout New Vegas complete, only 60% off? Really? (Of course this, plus my daughter bugging me about it caused me to get BBT, which really is a blast, please get it if you are considering. Castle Crashers is great too!)
They seem to be up now, though oddly one of the voting choices is 75% off The Lego Movie game... which is already currently 75% off as a Daily Deal. :/
Why did people choose the Open World one? Just Cause 2 goes on sale A LOT and the only other game in that pack with a big sale is Risen 2. Jeez >.<
Same goes for a lot of the Community Choice's votes. People keep voting for stuff that may be popular, but has been on sale hundreds of times.
Tell me about it...I'd absolutely love for Kentucky Route Zero to get a deeper discount but guaranteed it will lose as it's up against bigger names and Point and Clicks aren't so popular. I like the idea of Community voting but it would be nice if all the games that didn't make it were put on sale on the last day. I was so hoping to get Luftrausers in yesterday's selection and also recommend Broforce to anyone who'd listen.
Awesome, thank you! Just picked up Omerta for free; it was pretty enjoyable on console so it's a nice addition, cheers!
Borderlands 1 is surprisingly fun; I'm sure Borderlands 2 is even better (as it has active multiplayer/co-op) but wanted to play in order. In the next 30 minutes it'd speculated Still Life II will be the flash freebie on GOG. GOG has Luftrausers on sale for 50% as part of it's flash deals (which repeat frequently), if you're going to keep an eye out for the GOG freebies today you'll likely find Luftrausers at 50% during some point.
You were right, just picked up Still Life 2, cheers! Will torment my wife with it as she's terrified of that series lol. Looks like my wallet's about to be drained thanks to Kentucky Route Zero, The Blackwell Bundle, Nidhogg and Space Hulk...pretty chuffed
Has Memoria been on sale any cheaper than 66% yet? It's on for cheaper, but my funds are tied up with Steam...
For the two people that don't have it Kingdom Rush is $2.49 now. (so is Magika) Castle Crashers is $1.49 And FTL is still $3.99
Waking Mars is just for $2 on GOG. I'm sure people here already know about the game and probably already played it on iOS, but just in case. Beautiful game.
I tend to use since you can import your Wishlist, it shows coupons and bundles, and there are a lot of detailed sorting and history options.
PC Gamer will be giving away Steam copies of SpaceChem later today...