Don't forget the community voted sales. Pick between two groups of 4 games that go on sale roughly the same time as the Flash sales. Every 3 votes also gets you one of the Steam Summer Sales cards. Haven't gotten anything yet, but there's a few on my list that I'll pick up even if they don't drop to a deeper sale.
I think it's more likely that I'm easily pleased and over-excited but I'm more than happy to share what I've seen so far. Games I'd recommend and reduction: They Breathe (69%), LYNE (75%), One Way Heroics (75%), Urban Trial Freestyle (90%), Winter Voices (75%), Exceed Gun Bullet Children (50%), Talisman Prologue (78%), Pandemonium (75%), Super House of the Dead Ninjas (75%), Sword of the Stars: The Pit (75%), Any Bit Trip (80%), Pineapple Smash Crew (80%), Noitu Love 2 (60%), Depths of Fear: Knossos (66%), Danmaku Unlimited (50%), Rogue's Tale (50%), The Last Express (60%), Tales from Space (60%), Summoner (50%), Wasteland 1 (50%), Qbeh-1 (66%), Gigantic Army (50%), Richard & Alice (50%), Sudeki (50%), Post Master (75%), Cherry Tree High Comedy Club (50%), Cook Serve Delicious (60%), Rogue Shooter (60%), WazHack (60%), Dyad (75%), Agarest (70%), Gone Home (75%), Cloudbuilt (75%), Games with cards that make a profit (at least at the start of the sale): Defy Gravity, They Breathe, LYNE, One Way Heroics, Cherry Tree High Comedy Club, Urban Trial Freestyle, Exceed - Bullet Children, Mr Bree, BorderZone, Ballad of Solar, Farm Frenzy 4, The Promised Land, Bit Trip Flux, Frederic, Shiny the Firefly, Abalone. I realise that not all of these are the lowest they've ever been necessarily but they're noteworthy at least. It's a matter of taste, I'm an RPG and Shmup nut but with the traders on Steam, I've been picking the games up for 10-25% off the sale price so it's been amazing for me.
I can see why you're waiting on those, my wishlist is pretty similar. But I definitely recommend grabbing One Way Heroics, wonderful roguelike
This may not be good place but I have a Solar Flux code for Steam! Does anybody wanna trade for iOS game?
Thank you, some epic picks in there. I think bundle deals have spoiled me too much - I've got One Way Heroics from a bundle and have elevated it in my queue based on recommenations here.
I'm waiting for a daily/flash sale on Metal Gear Rising and Strider, apart from some other games. More sales on ~30 min, crossing fingers
Nothing much for me yet but these are deals: - Ghost Master at $0.74 is a steal; it's a surprisingly compelling open puzzle game with fun atmosohere. - Divine Divinity is $0.99 (also Beyond Divinity); I've been playing DD... it's a solid open world action RPG. - Cthulhu Saves The World / Breath of Death VI are $0.59 together. - Original War - time travel RTS for $0.89. - Alpha Prime and Marlow Briggs & The Mask of Death are both $0.99.
I've only picked up three games so far, but I have a feeling that I'll end up with a lot more by the time this is over.
Same here - got waaay too much on GOG and nothing so far on Steam, speaking of killing - it was nice knowing you people before my wife discovers the tab.
Got so far: Skyrim: LE $13.49 State of Decay +1DLC $6.49 Download Skyrim, download... Thanks for the heads up, right now Steam's got Macgamestore beat... I'm just hoping for some insane 75%+ discount.
Does anybody need a Solar Flux code for steam? Since I fried my PC with cold drink last week I won't be needing it for a while!
I voted three times. It said I was awarded the card but I look in my inventory and it's not there? Any ideas?
So far, I've got Half-Life 2 and Papers Please...I could get Terraria, but I'm trying to stay away from games I've already got on iOS (even though the PC version has more stuff content-wise)
The cards aren't sorted very well in inventory, I had to look around a bit until I saw mine. The community voting cards seem to be different than the "Summer Adventure" cards amassed from purchases (my first one was a Dead Isle zombie guy). Also, Steam is really weird in micromanaging your sales sometimes setting that you must be a certain "level" to attain the cards you supposedly earned; you can find out what level you are and how to gain level in your profile... but it's really tedious in my opinion.