As a florida native nothing was as bad as Hurricane Andrew (Though this has potential). This marks the first time since then that I have had to evacuate my house. Not too happy bout this whole thing, then again, when a giant ass cloud the size of florida and georgia combined, is heading your way, you had better get a move on. For humors sake: Eileen = Irene when i first heard this song. Misheard lyrics ftw?!
Hurricanes are serious business. However, I hate it that all the news channels and the weather channels are making predictions of doom and gloom. I think they go out of their way to try and frighten people. Give us facts please, not adjectives. It is also funny that these reporters are out in the weather telling people how horrible the storm is. I went through Ivan in Pensacola, and I can tell you, no one was outside in that - you couldn't stand up in it. The rain / surge is going to be the bigger problem. Tornadoes spawning will create small, but devastating areas of chaos. The winds will likely be problematic mostly because so many power lines in neighborhoods are above ground, and in the midst of trees - so power will be lost more due to downed power lines, than because of problems with the stations. Also, the storm is big, so it will move more slowly. I'm riding things out in DC, and so far no issues. Winds probably around 25 knots, but that is just a good sailing day. Supposed to be getting gustier later tonight. I too wish folks well, especially in coastal, river areas.
Your insignificant comment is just that. Anyway, most news stations are all about ratings although I would take the storm seriously as it approaches. After living in Fla most of my life I learned to pay attention to any huge storm on the move.