Starting P90 (then P90X after that)...anybody else done these programs?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Midnight09, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. Midnight09

    Midnight09 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    Ever since I graduated college around five years ago, I've been slowly putting on the pounds. My wife and I have both tried about a dozen times to get onto diet or exercise plans to only fail without a week or two. Finally, about two weeks ago I stepped on the scale for the first time in a while to find myself the heaviest I've ever been and a BMI nearing "obese". I decided I'm time I get off my butt and fix this once and for all.

    A couple friends of mine recommended P90X so I've been researching it. I've been scared it's a bit above my level right now (I haven't worked out regularly since college) and found out about Power 90, the program that looked to precede P90X. After some more research I decided that I'm going to start with Power 90, then jump into P90X after I complete that. Hopefully after six months on these programs I see some real change.

    I'm curious if anyone else on here is currently or has ever tried these programs? If so, I have a few questions.

    -How did you like P90 and/or P90X?
    -Did it work for you?
    -What did you do after P90X? One concern I have is after finishing both, where will I go from there?
    -Did you follow the diet?
  2. kiranb28

    kiranb28 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2010

    I've heard good things about P90X but, better things about Body For Life. Research the latter on google, there are plenty of sites dedicated to it out there. You really can't go on B4L without buying or 'obtaining' the book though... eh hem... you really should go through the whole thing to understand how the program is set up.

    It's a great platform for almost anyone who wants to get in shape; i've been trying to get myself back on B4L for the past couple of months, in fact - but just haven't conjured up the determination yet :p

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