I recently got 4 Bejeweled codes! I'm looking for tetris, , madpad, and how to cook anything so please PM me!
FYI, Starbucks' Coldplay's code, and the How to code everything app code, both expired on January 24, 2012, so it is not possible to trade for them anymore.
It is supposed to be on Tuesday, but not every Starbuks does it right. On a separate note, has Dora bee released yet? I am anxious to get that for my son, but havent seen it yet. This morning, the Starbucks had the cookbook.
If you read back a few pages, or follow the thread regularly, then you'll see this link to a list of what's being offered pop up regularly. I suggest bookmarking it! A look at that list shows that no, the Dora app has not been officially released through Starbucks yet. Some stores are offering things out of turn, and those codes pop up from time to time elsewhere, but in general are few and far between. If the OP who talked about what's upcoming for the next four weeks is correct, then the Dora app should be released by all Starbucks next Tuesday.
I'll send a Bejeweled code to the next four people to request one here in thread. (no pm's please) Thanks.
I have some codes for: - FOUR THREE for the new cookbook (Quick & Easy Recipes 1-2-3), - and one for Scrabble (PM'd to sugimulm, below) I'm signing off for the evening, so here's a code for the song "Beggar in the Morning" by The Barr Brothers: N6LRF7H9KPMK And two for Bejeweled: M7EA6RPYLEX3 7HW3F3HXTXHY